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Beta read by Shigiya and Paragon of Awesomeness.

Next update is Fake Familiar Reborn.

Chapter feels short for me despite it nearly being 9k words... Most likely gonna add another part after.

Edit 1: Added the other part of the story. Added about 2k-3k words





Perhaps it had always just been a matter of time before this would happen. 

Emiya found himself contemplating the inevitability of this moment. It all began when Lala first made mention of having siblings, namely two younger sisters who were still engrossed in their royal studies back on their home planet, Deviluke. Initially, he hadn't considered them to be involved in this ridiculous princess marriage candidate business. After all, with her sisters being the younger siblings, he had thought them unlikely to be roped into such a mess compared to the eldest and heir. Plus, knowing Lala's deep affection for them, he reasoned that if they were embroiled in a situation akin to hers, she would have spirited them away from the planet long ago and landed in his bathroom right along with them.

Yet, it became evident that he had underestimated the extent of their involvement. Not only were both of Lala's younger sisters possibly entangled in the same kind of affairs that brought her here, but they had also managed to escape their home planet, just like their older sister. Now, they all sat together casually in his dining room, indulging in his food with an air of nonchalance from one and curiosity from the other. What irked him the most though was not the sisters’ behavior; rather it had had to do with Mikan and Rito acting far too worried, seemingly fixated on him, as though he were on the brink of death. For the past ten minutes, they had been incessantly fretting over him for the smallest sign of injury.

Despite his annoyance, he couldn’t blame them. With his recent encounter with the terrorist group and the ruler of the Galaxy, it would explain their concern. Yet, Emiya felt it was time to redirect their attention to something more important. "Would you two cut it out with the constant worrying and fussing? I’ve already told you that I am perfectly fine, otherwise one of you would’ve noticed something was wrong by now."


"How are you so composed, Shirou!?" Mikan exclaimed incredulously, her voice tinged with concern as she rummaged through a first aid kit, prepared to tend to wounds that she would not find. "I thought you were going out for a walk, then Lala comes back and tells me you've not only flown straight up to intercept an alien spaceship but actually tried to face them all by yourself!? Where in that stubborn head of yours did you think that it was a good idea!? Just call Zastin to take care of this, it’s his job…”

Oh right, that… honestly that part completely slipped past his mind. The whole affair with Gid's sudden appearance and him nearly murdering Rin, had overshadowed anything prior. “To be fair, Mikan. They were trying to kidnap Mikado and were already in the process of leaving the planet, and Zastin isn't exactly the most reliable or competent person. It would be a hassle if I lost contact with the only alien doctor in Sainan just because the Royal Captain couldn’t get his act together in time.” 

She just gave him a stink eye, which just lost most of its impact given her cute little face, “If the news is right, kidnappers like them aren't known for showing mercy to their adversaries. Come on, sit down so I can patch up your wounds. You have a stupid habit of downplaying your injuries by saying that they’re ‘not that bad.’” 

As they conversed, Emiya became increasingly reluctant to dismiss their concern and allow them to attend to him as they pleased. He acknowledged that he had a tendency to underestimate or downplay his injuries, a remnant of his past experiences in battles and his former role as a Servant facing formidable foes, some of whom considered themselves akin to gods. Although he had adapted to his human body, he had yet to reach his full potential, leaving ample room for growth, and tended to fall back to bad habits at times when circumstances felt a little… familiar.

"Alright, moving on from that topic," he redirected the conversation, focusing on the reason why they were all gathered in the living room in the first place as he looked at Lala’s sisters. “While I'm willing to look past you barging into my house brazenly for now, I'd still prefer a proper explanation for all of this and hopefully a proper introduction. While your sister may have spoken about you two before, I don't recall her mentioning any names.” He didn't want to expend unnecessary effort or time deciphering their motives. Keeping his gaze focused on the two girls, he awaited their response. 

The twin-tailed girl spoke first, her tone clear and composed. "It's only natural for us to introduce ourselves, especially as guests," she began. "I am Nana Asta Deviluke, the second princess of Deviluke."

The second girl, who had a bob haircut, spoke next, her voice softer and more gentle. "And I am Momo Belia Deviluke, the third princess and thus the youngest~! It's a pleasure to meet you, Shirou~!”

"Call me Emiya," he stated firmly, his tone carrying a hint of dryness as he preferred to be called by that name. However, for those close to him, he let them call him Shirou. "Lala, I hope this isn't another instance of your father attempting to dump another marriage with his daughters on me which will inevitably result in even more  random alien princes coming after me. Even if they are your family," he continued, "I won't be offering any assistance in such matters. I already have enough to deal with."

"How rude! Shouldn’t you be more welcoming to guests, who happen to be royalty at that?” scoffed Nana in response to his words. However, Emiya merely rolled his eyes, unfazed by her reaction, and gave a dry retort. 

“Courtesy is offered to those who warrant it. And despite your privileged status, that does not mean I will overlook how the two of you not only snuck into my house, but also raided my fridge as if you owned the place. If you wanted to be treated as guests, perhaps you should have made an effort to be invited into my home rather than invade it. Just because you're princesses doesn't mean I'll overlook you breaking into my house and stealing our food." His words cleaved through anything Nana had planned to say, leaving her momentarily quiet and ashamed at his summarization of their actions. However, her sister's reaction was quite different — Momo's smile grew but Archer didn't pay it any mind. “You already know my name, amongst other things from the looks of it, but I’ll at least introduce my siblings. This is my brother, Rito, and my sister Mikan.” 

Mikan, having taken a seat beside him, folded her arms as she observed them both with a discerning gaze. "I'd like to make something clear," she interjected, her tone firm but strangely endearing. "If you two are here to seek refuge from your father or any alien suitors he's arranged, and if you plan on using my brother as a shield, let me warn you," she declared, her hand landing on the table with a sharp slap. Despite her stern words, her demeanor remained rather adorable, especially in Emiya's eyes, but he kept that to himself. "If that’s the only reason you’re here, I'll be the one escorting you out of this house… Is that clear?" she concluded, her gaze unwavering. 


"Yes ma'am," both sisters chimed in unison, both a bit intimidated by the cute little child. This left Emiya surprised by his sister's firm words and attitude. 

He glanced at Rito, silently hoping for some explanation, but the brown-haired boy's raised eyebrow at his brother's stare indicated that he was not perplexed or shocked by the behavior of their little sister at all. "What are you staring at me for?" Rito remarked dryly, shrugging his shoulders from any involvement in what his older brother tried to convey. "This is your doing. Your influence is written all over her. Don't expect me to have all the answers for what you did."

Now even Rito was behaving strangely, causing Emiya to grow concerned about the state of his family's mental health. He briefly entertained the idea of trying to cheer them up, but quickly dismissed it. He knew he wasn't capable of such a thing and it would be completely out of character for him if he tried.

"Wait, why are we being scolded as if we've done something wrong!?" Nana protested, before her cheeks flushed slightly as Emiya raised an eyebrow at her words and pointed at the empty tupperware once again. "We informed Onee-sama about our visit a couple of days ago. Didn't you tell them anything?" she continued, directing her question at Lala. All eyes turned to the eldest princess, who fumbled with her D-Dial in alarm. Tapping a few things on the screen before her eyes widened.

"Hehehe… uh, I sort of left my phone on silent," Lala admitted sheepishly, her awkward laughter filling the room. "You see, Shirou will often wake up when I try to sneak into his bed at night if I make the slightest sound. I didn't want him to stir when I was looking for some cuddle time. My bad!" 

“Oh my, already that far in the relationship before marriage. How daring!” The youngest sister commented with joyful surprise in her eyes while Nana’s blush spread to the rest of her face, turning it completely crimson. 

“It's not what you're thinking,” Emiya interjected, stopping this before it turned into a major misunderstanding. “We haven't crossed any line, she’s just annoyingly persistent about sleeping in my bed. Even though her room is twice as big as the living room and has a queen-size bed.” 

Lala pouted, “But I feel lonely when I sleep all by myself! Plus I get a better quality of sleep when I sleep with you, Shirou.” 

“Get a body pillow.” 

“No, it won't have the same warmth and feel!” 

Their back and forth prompted a chuckle from Momo and a resigned sigh from Nana. "You're still operating at your own pace, aren't you?" the younger twin remarked.

"We really wanted to know more about the Earthling who's gotten so close to our big sister!" Nana exclaimed, prompting Momo to chime in, 

"We initially planned to secretly observe him for a day or two to figure out what type of person he is, but I already managed to learn a lot thanks to Celine! We also wanted to thank some of Onee-sama's friends for taking care of her for so long. We thought it would be a good idea to set up a small surprise to announce our arrival. Since you are like a hero who saved our sister from those terrible enemies, we planned to stage a small play where Onee-sama gets 'kidnapped' by an evil demon lord, played by Zastin in disguise. Then you, the hero, along with your party of mages, healers, priestesses, and monks, would come to her rescue. And just when you two are about to kiss and profess your love, we will appear as a surprise!”

Despite their explanation, Emiya remained skeptical, recalling his recent conversation with Gid. "Keep my daughters safe…" he quoted the man, realizing belatedly that man had been referring to all of his children, not just the eldest. His anger towards the emperor's attempts to manipulate him into fulfilling some nonsensical role or duty had clouded his judgment during that conversation, causing him to overlook this crucial detail. "I am going to skewer that man's heart with Gae Bolg the next time I see him," he vowed under his breath, feeling a surge of resentment towards this person grow tremendously, especially when he could all too easily imagine the Emperor grinning victoriously at having effectively made him the caretaker for all three of his troublesome daughters.

As he mentally planned various forms of retribution against Gid, the girls continued to speak. 

Looking at the younger twin princesses, Emiya felt a vein throb in his temple followed by a growing headache as he contemplated the possibility that these two newcomers could be even more challenging to deal with than Lala. Never in his wildest dreams had the former Counter Guardian imagined he would long for the relative tranquility of his days with Lala over the prospect of managing two additional royal troublemakers. Even though they hadn't done anything bad yet aside from breaking in and eating his food without permission, which in itself he now understood to be the result of a misunderstanding from a lack of communication. Still, he just had a gut feeling whenever looking at them.

"We even had an entire virtual space prepared for this occasion, using Onee-sama's tools she left behind at home. We spent weeks creating a miniature world in a pocket dimension where all of this could have been possible. Alas…" Momo trailed off with a sigh, her disappointment palpable. 

"Alas this glutton over here decided to raid the fridge as soon as we arrived just because she was feeling a bit peckish and inadvertently became the personification of gluttony itsel—Hurgh!" Nana's words were cut short as Momo suddenly appeared behind her, wrapping her arm around her sister's neck in a chokehold position. A sinister smile played on her lips as she leveled a chilling gaze at Nana.

"Care to say that again, dear sister?" Momo's voice was low and dangerous. "I didn't know you were a fan of spreading lies and hurtful slander. You're only making Shirou here and his family misunderstand the type of person I am. And don't even try to deny that you indulged just as much as I did!” These two suddenly started fighting one another, grabbing and pulling each other's faces, and Emiya noticed Momo's hand trying to grab ahold of Nana's tail. 

The chaos in the air crackled with each passing moment, threatening to ignite into a full-blown confrontation. Emiya observed the brewing storm with a mixture of apprehension and annoyance. He would have been impressed by their tenacity if the situation weren't so delicate. Gid used his tail as a weapon, but these two seemed intent on exploiting the other’s as a sensitive weak point. Life was never easy, especially not with his luck.

Thankfully, before he could intervene, Lala stepped in, her voice a beacon of calm amid the storm. "Ah, no fighting, you two! Now, come on, say sorry to Shirou for eating the food he made without permission!" she interjected, her gaze darting towards Emiya as soon as she finished, silently pleading for approval. But Emiya remained stoic, his expression unreadable.

Once the immediate conflict was defused, Emiya addressed the underlying issue with unwavering resolve. "Alright, you two. Now that introductions are out of the way, I'd like to know when you'll be leaving the planet," he stated firmly, his words landing heavily on the ears of the sisters.

Nana's protest rang out, her indignation palpable. "Wait, you're planning to throw us out and have us live on the streets!?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief and outrage. 

Emiya's response was swift and unyielding. "It's not my fault you two didn't prepare proper accommodations for your coming here and failed to verify that you’d even be welcome here. But it's not like you'll be sleeping on the streets. I'm sure Zastin would be more than happy to book you both a hotel to stay in." The twin-tailed girl averted his eyes when he said that, a subtle narrowing of her eyes suggested skepticism. These two… they were hiding something from him. And while he wasn't sure if they lied on some matters during this conversation, it certainly wasn't the full story.

Pushing back his chair, Emiya rose to his feet, his mind already made up on the matter as he made his way to the backyard. "You are free to stay here until dinner, at most I can allow you to stay the night and during the day up until lunch. But after that, you two will have to either find another place to stay or return home to Deviluke."

Nana's indignation flared once more. "How can you be so rude to us? We're your fiancée's siblings, shouldn't you treat us with more respect?" she demanded, her tone laced with frustration. Emiya waved away her protests with a dismissive gesture.

"I'm not truly her fiancé. That title was more or less forced on me by your father in exchange for him not blowing up the planet. All I’m really doing is fending off the numerous alien princes who also qualify as fiancé candidates,” he clarified, his voice firm and unwavering.




The clang of metal meeting metal echoed through the dimly lit workshop, where a solitary forge illuminated the scene with its fiery glow. Emiya stood before the furnace, his focus unwavering as he observed the transformation of an ingot held securely by tongs. The silver-gray metal shifted hues through a multitude of different colors, including a faint red, orange, then blue, and finally a radiant yellow glow. With practiced precision, he stoked the flames and withdrew the glowing ingot, placing it carefully on the waiting anvil.

With a hammer in hand, he began the meticulous process of shaping the metal, each strike sending showers of sparks dancing through the air. For the next hour, the rhythmic symphony of hammer striking steel filled the workshop, until he returned the now much thinner and longer ingot to the forge, the metal having taken the rough shape of a sword. “One more reheat out to do it,” As it heated once more, he turned his attention to his workbench, where a carved wooden handle lay beside a sheet of paper covered in previously discarded designs. 

He never used Structural Analysis during his time working his forge, wishing to go through the process without any aid from his Magecraft. He didn't have any particular reason for it, merely acting on rules he’d imposed on himself to make the end result feel more earned in a sense. However, he had to put some effort into not just using it out of pure instinct. 

After careful consideration, he settled on a simple yet elegant design — a handle reminiscent of a Roman gladius, crafted for efficiency rather than extravagance and with little to no handguard. A weapon made for thrusting when standing behind a shield rather than slashing. With the blade’s design finalized, he returned to the furnace, repeating the process with unwavering focus until the block of steel had been transformed into a beautifully crafted blade after another hour passed.

With a few more processes to temper, polish, and sharpen the blade, he found himself staring at a well balanced gladius without a warp or flaw to marr its surface, Emiya meticulously inspected the length of the blade, ensuring it was perfectly leveled with a perfectly straight edge. Minutes passed as he surveyed his handiwork, “It’s okay, I guess.” He said, at the very least, appreciating its beauty and then eventually added the sword to a growing number of weapons he had crafted over time in the background. Despite the care he had taken in forging each one, he regarded them all with a sense of wanting, a sentiment that lingered even as he chuckled softly to himself.

Unlike with his cooking, the man felt little pride in these creations and focused on the overall craftsmanship — further testing out his newest weapon with some simple swings through the air. Perhaps he had gotten far too used to using Noble Phantasms for… he honestly couldn’t even guess how long; as a Counter Guardian, time had no real meaning. But as he beheld the results of his efforts, even as he knew that it was a masterwork for the current age and given the means he’d used to forge it, he couldn’t help but find it wanting. Nonetheless, he wasn't willing to go to any extreme lengths in order to forge some kind of perfect weapon, that was never his goal nor would it ever be. This was just a simple pastime for him. A way to occupy his spare time other than cooking, cleaning, or exercise.

"A Faker unsatisfied with his own work? Heh, might even make the Gilgamesh laugh." he mused before throwing the gladius into a wooden box filled with more of his creations, his previous remark borrowing the nickname often used by a certain golden king. Each weapon, from a chipped, crude arrowhead of his earliest attempts to the finely crafted gladius before him, held little value in his eyes. They were but idle pursuits, born of curiosity and a need to occupy his time, rather than instruments of purpose or power. It most likely will never see the light of day as a display item, even though his siblings held differing opinions. 

Beautiful as they were to their eyes, he still had a long way to go compared to even the least impressive Mystic Code in his Reality Marble.

Over the years, the forge had become a sanctuary of sorts, a refuge from the mundanity of everyday life. It had started as a simple experiment, inspired by Rito's enthusiasm and a desire to try something he saw on TV involving a craftsman making a katana from an anime he liked. So just to humor him, and made a crude forge for them to use until the boy would eventually lose interest. Yet, as the days passed, he continued, forging had evolved into more than just a hobby—it had become a means of escape, a way to lose himself in the rhythmic clang of hammer on steel.

"Hah…" Emiya sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow with a towel as the heat of the forge enveloped him. Despite his frustrations and doubts, there was a certain satisfaction to be found in the act of creation, a fleeting respite from the uncertainties of the world beyond.

"Wow, this looks so amazing!" 


The familiar voice of one of Lala's sisters broke the silence, prompting Emiya to turn and see Momo standing next to the wall of weapons, holding one of the newer daggers he had forged. Her eyes sparkled with fascination as she examined the blade. "They mentioned that you had a hobby of forging things, but I thought they were referring to you making small trinkets out of metal, like decorations and artistic pieces, not suited blades and weapons of all things. I thought humans were advanced enough to no longer rely on such things."

A huff left his lips, "Coming from the princess of an empire where their greatest champion is known to wield a giant sword while wearing armor made of bones," Emiya retorted sarcastically. 

To his surprise, instead of receiving an annoyed reaction or a mean glare, Momo giggled as she played with the dagger and other items scattered around. "It does seem ignorant of me to say that," she admitted, her tone calm and measured. "But to be fair, Zastin's sword and armor were only made possible through the combination of many different rare materials found in certain regions of space and fused together through highly advanced technology with the bone armor coming from a formidable creature where not even the standard human weapon could pierce its hide. You can't exactly compare that with a weapon made from simple materials like iron or even steel."

Momo's demeanor was markedly different from Lala's, lacking the boundless energy or the suspiciously familiar tone he had heard from Nana. She seemed more composed, her movements deliberate as she settled onto the table next to him, humming softly as she swung her legs back and forth.

"I'm sure if you let Onee-sama help you with forging and incorporate some of her own inventions into your creations, you could make truly amazing weapons," Momo suggested casually.

A chill ran up his spine at the thought of Lala tinkering with Noble Phantasms or even a regular sword for that matter! 

“She knows how to forge?” Emiya resisted the urge to facepalm at his question as soon as it left his lips. Of course, Lala knew how to forge; that woman’s unpredictable nature should have made it obvious. Momo's smile remained unchanged, and she continued, 

"Onee-sama has always been skilled with the forge. I remember Mama telling me a story when Lala was just five years old; she snuck into the workshop under the palace to use the forge and fix a device she had accidentally broken. Though I must admit, I never imagined she would use her skills to craft weapons like these. But I'm certain she could create amazing armor if given the chance."

"She's still very energetic and tends to attract a lot of unnecessary trouble with her inventions. However, I'd venture to say she has somewhat calmed down in these last few days, so she should appear more composed in your eyes," he added, offering his assessment of Lala's behavior.

Momo nodded thoughtfully, her expression serene as she absorbed Emiya's words. "I wouldn't say that. Rather, to my eyes, it's quite the opposite… Onee-sama seems even more jubilant and energetic here, from what I'm observing."

Emiya raised an eyebrow at Momo's unexpected insight, intrigued by her perspective. "Is that so?" he inquired, prompting Momo to elaborate."It shouldn't be any different from how she behaved back on her home planet," Emiya acknowledged, his tone contemplative as he recalled his recent conversation with Zastin and the snippets of Lala's life he had gleaned.

"From the beginning, our sister has been very different from any other child on the planet," Momo began, her tone contemplative. "Born as the eldest princess, she faced barriers that separated her from others, but she also displayed remarkable intelligence from an early age."

Emiya listened intently as Momo continued to paint a picture of Lala's upbringing. "It was evident that she possessed a gift for learning, absorbing every lesson effortlessly and retaining all bits of information with little effort," Momo explained. "By the age of five, she had already invented her first device."

Emiya nodded in understanding, recognizing the significance of Lala's intelligence in shaping her personality. "Our parents recognized her gift and provided her with mentors and tutors in all departments of science," Momo continued. "Though she genuinely enjoyed learning, it became clear that she surpassed her teachers and reached a league of her own in terms of intelligence."

Emiya marveled at the image Momo painted of Lala's intellectual prowess. "To those not familiar with her, she was like another breed of monster, terrifying in her way," Momo remarked. "It's no wonder she didn't have many friends outside of us and our mother."

Emiya acknowledged the challenges Lala faced due to her unique abilities and status. "She spent most of her days in her lab, indulging in her passion," Momo added. "Though that changed somewhat after our father sought to arrange a marriage for her as a diplomatic move."

Emiya couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Lala, recognizing the complexities of her situation. "As strange as it may sound, I can see her spending most of her day in the lab," Emiya admitted. "But I will admit, my perception of her lifestyle is certainly different from what you've described."

Momo nodded in agreement, offering further insights into Lala's behavior. "It's probably hard to believe, but I can say with certainty that she is much happier here." she revealed. "It's evident in her face and voice when she talks about you, your family, and the friends she's made in school."

Emiya found himself intrigued by Momo's observations, realizing that there was more to Lala's demeanor than he had initially realized. "Even our dad seems to have gained some interest in you," Momo added. "Though it's strange how he didn't harm you, considering his usual approach."

Emiya noted the discrepancy between Gid's actions and his reputation, pondering the implications of their encounter. "You seem oddly happy for someone who was asked to leave the house after a day," Emiya remarked, curious about Momo's response.

Momo smiled warmly, her demeanor serene as she addressed Emiya's observation. "I am not angry at you," she reassured him. "Nana might be, on the other hand, but she'll come around eventually."

Emiya nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging Momo's understanding and optimism. As their conversation unfolded, he found himself gaining a deeper appreciation for the complexities of Lala's character and the dynamics of her family. However, one lingering concern nagged at him.

"For all the knowledge she has, Lala is certainly lacking in wisdom and experience. But I can't fault her for that; she's still young and inexperienced in the ways of the world, or should I say, the universe," Emiya mused aloud, voicing his thoughts on Lala's development. "But I have faith that she'll learn eventually. Despite the minor setbacks, there has been progress to some extent. However, if by some misfortune she reverts back to her previous self, then you're more than welcome to take her back," he added, his tone serious yet tinged with a hint of humor.

Momo stayed and didn't say anything, though he could feel her gaze upon him for an uncomfortable amount of time. Going back to his station to tidy up, he noticed how she wasn't planning on leaving his place anytime soon. Continuing to go through his collection without a care in the world, she really was hard to read compared to her sisters. 

Emiya shook his head, sighing and taking off the blacksmith apron. "If you came here to change my opinion then it'll just be a waste of time — you'll have to try harder. There's no point in approaching me to gain a favor. I stand by my words; it's not that I have any grudges against your sisters, but I can't afford any more trouble at my house and to my family. I've dealt with some less-than-likable people recently, and they seem to keep appearing more frequently."

She nodded in understanding. "I know you're a very caring man and are merely worried about your family's safety," she reassured him. "But I want to assure you that neither Nana nor I have any plans to bring more trouble to your doorstep. We were truly curious to learn more about Onee-sama's life here on Earth. We are not enveloped in any secret plans of our father or mother to have us engaged or anything like that. Besides, any and all potential enemies will always aim for the eldest princess rather than us, we aren't that important in their eyes.“ 

“A child of the galaxy's emperor is still a valuable asset to anyone. Regardless of whether you are the eldest or not, may there be fools out there who have their eyes only on Lala, but that does not mean there aren't those after you.” 

Momo chuckled softly in response to Emiya's words, but her amusement was tinged with a sense of conviction. "Perhaps, but from what I've learned, that seems very unlikely. But we are more than capable of handling ourselves against smaller threats, though something tells me we won't even have the opportunity to showcase our capabilities with you around," she remarked, her tone confident.

Emiya couldn't help but feel a twinge of suspicion and a mild irking feeling about the way this girl spoke about him. It dawned on him that while the sisters had only spent a short time observing him and Lala, Momo seemed to act like she had a deeper understanding of his character. 

"You speak of me and my personality as if you know me," Emiya remarked, his curiosity piqued. "I'm not sure where you got the idea that I would be too soft-hearted with how I behave with Lala, but if the need arose… I would advise against making assumptions about me."

Momo walked towards the door, “You mind if I keep this?” She asked instead of continuing the conversation, showing an old deformed arrowhead he made as his first forge. 

“What for?” 

“Think of it as a souvenir.” 

He shrugged, letting her keep it as she left the shed without saying anything further. 

This sister, though she was the youngest, Emiya felt he was speaking to someone older than Lala… till the end, she never showed much expression wise like her sister. That smile remained constantly present throughout the conversation and he still didn't know why she came over here. 




As the sky turned orange with the sunset in sight, Emiya found himself smiling when looking at the clean shed after tidying up everything. His shoulders felt lighter, a similar feeling he got whenever cooking a feast with some stress off of his shoulders. 

Oh wait, the sisters were still hanging in—

“—Shirou!” Mikan's hurried voice reached his ears, surprising Emiya as he turned to look at the little girl hurrying over with a worried face. A bad sensation filled his stomach as he'd only seen that kind of face on his sister a handful of times in the past. “Q-Q-Quick! Something is happening to Celine!” 

Not a single second was wasted as he rushed outside, coming to face the light rays from the evening Sun basking everything in an orange glow. Where in the middle of the scenery the once healthy and playful flower was huffing with its vines wiping away traces of sweat on its petals. The vines in particular having turned thinner and darker in color, the main flower not even having enough strength to fully stand.

“Celine?” Shaken by the sudden sight, Emiya hurried over to the flower's side where Rito had been stroking its petals with panic showing on his face. 

“N-Nii-san, I don't know what happened with C-Celine! I-It happened all of a sudden that… that…” patting his brother's back to give way, he crouched near the flower head with focus on his face trying to figure out what was going on. 

‘It looks like the flower is wilting? But I remember Lala saying that the Plantas were a species with a long lifespan. Not being as short-lived as the flowers on earth and similar to trees, capable of outliving a human under the right circumstances, and how the environment on Earth was very similar to its natural habitat. Then it should be something else. But what?’ He wracked his brain for a possible answer, yet nothing came as his knowledge of alien biology was severely limited. 

“Damn it, where is Lala?” If there was one person capable of helping him, then it was the alien princess who got him the plant in the first place. Mikado's face came to mind, but two questions posed themselves within his mind. Would she honestly be familiar with the anatomy of a plant given how much it differed from the humanoid creature she helped? And, it wasn't even that long since he saved her, the woman deserved some time to rest with everything she'd been through. 

“Lala went for a walk around town with her sisters, and showed them around,” Rito answered, looking at his brother for a solution. Having been just as worried about the plant as anyone else in the family. “W-What should we do?” 

Now with both of his siblings looking for an answer he did not, leaving Emiya contemplating taking a more drastic decision. Hundreds of different weapons ranging from spears, swords, and daggers flashed within his mind, searching for any possible Noble Phantasm or Mystic Code capable of helping him. Another part of him felt that in the worst-case scenario, he would bring Mikado over here and find a way to compensate her for the trouble another day. “Celine?” He called out the plant again, its huffs getting more haggard as the petals now visibly started to lose their color at a dangerous rate. 

Yet the vines moved, slowly but surely wrapping themselves around his hand with barely any strength within them. A similar gesture the plant used when… “You're hungry?” 

As soon as he said that, the vines tapped his hand as confirmation. “Mikan, Take out everything that we have from the fridge. Celine is hungry from the looks of it. “

“Eh,” a peculiar expression crossed the young girl's face. "But… um, we haven't gone grocery shopping yet, so there isn't much food or ingredients left in the fridge, or some of the food that you saved for Celine." 

Emiya nearly cursed, recalling how all of it had been consumed by those siblings. Having made them in case of an emergency or if Celine felt a bit peckish and wanted to have something else than water. Now, with very little remaining, he had to come up with a solution. "Don't worry, I'll handle it somehow. Just bring me whatever is left."

Perhaps the plant was hungry and required more energy? Was it suffering from some sort of illness that caused it to expend a ton of its reserves? It couldn't be the heat; the weather had been consistent for a couple of days, and Celine actually enjoyed the sun. So many questions yet no one to answer them, far too frustrating for his liking.

"All right!" Mikan exclaimed before darting inside the house, opening the fridge, and retrieving every single morsel of food and ingredients available before laying them out on the table. "Rito! I need you to prepare a couple of batches of rice!"

"Already on it, Nii-san!" the brown-haired boy replied, grabbing a bag of rice and loading it into the rice cooker. All three siblings moved at top speed around the kitchen, ensuring they cooked as much food as possible. However, given the limited supply remaining, Emiya chose to enhance each and every ingredient to its fullest extent. From the tiniest grain of rice to every piece of meat, regardless of how redundant and wasteful it was. He used his abilities in a way he had never done before, pushing the nutritional value of each component to its absolute limit in order to compensate for the lack of supply. Yet, out of the corner of his eye, he knew he had to hurry. The plant's tendrils were growing weaker, some areas turning completely dark and wilted, while its head seemed less energetic than before, taking slower breaths than last time.

"Wasn't Celine's species able to survive on just water and sunlight at minimum? Don't tell me Lala messed up and accidentally brought the wrong species, and we've been mistaken this entire time?" Emiya pondered silently, a myriad of questions swirling in his mind with no way to answer them without Lala present to provide clarification. Nevertheless, he persisted, continuing to cook until he had presented half a dozen plates filled with every ingredient and morsel of food remaining in the house. The plant struggled to lift its head, its gaze fixated on the spread before it, saliva dripping from its mouth as it eagerly leaped into the plates, devouring every delicious morsel with gusto.

"It's working!" His youngest sibling exclaimed with jubilance, jumping with excitement as it appeared the plant had regained some of its previous vigor. But then, a realization struck within her mind. "Wait, something's wrong. Look!" Momo pointed out, her expression shifting to one of concern as she gestured toward the base of the plant. Their hearts sank as they witnessed the horror unfolding: the color of the base darkened until it was nearly pitch black, the weathering accelerating at an alarming rate.

"They’re getting worse!" Mikan observed worriedly, her voice tinged with worry, prompting Rito to panic further as Emiya's expression turned somber.

"It can't be… it's the food!" The realization hit Emiya like a ton of bricks, the only explanation that seemed logical in the midst of their crisis. The sudden worsening of the withering coinciding with the plant's consumption of the food was a clear indicator. "Wait, Celine! You shouldn't eat that!" Despite his efforts to remove the remaining plates, the plant became even more voracious, sweeping all the food with a vine and stuffing it into its mouth without hesitation. Emiya could only watch in disbelief as the plant devoured everything, despite the obvious negative effects on its body.

"Don't tell me Lala got us a suicidal plant!" Emiya muttered, torn between scolding the creature and concern for its well-being. But his worry for Celine outweighed any other emotion at the moment. As he watched, the plant's head weakened, leaves falling off one by one until only the center remained, slowly transforming into a dried husk. The mouth closed up, disappearing within seconds until it resembled a pod of some sort.

"Celine…" Mikan was rendered speechless, while Rito fell to his knees, both siblings unable to comprehend the tragedy unfolding before them. Emiya remained frozen next to the plant's head, shock evident in his widened eyes. She had suffered because of his cooking all this time? The withering was a result of his food!

For the first time in a long while, a sensation that the man hoped to never experience again, a pang of regret and anger surfaced with vengeance. Directed solely at himself for what he believed to be the main reason for Celine's condition. "Why did you keep eating when it was obviously harmful to you…? You could have just told me or tried to convey the message. I… I wouldn't have minded going to another planet to retrieve what you considered healthy food." He whispered quietly to the pods, his face solemn as Rito in the background fought off tears.

Not blaming Lala or anyone else but himself, Emiya clenched his fists hard with the realization that he basically brought about the demise of Celine. The universe itself playing a cruel joke upon him, with the belief he was taking great care with his cooking turned out to be basically feeding it poison. 

It angered him far more than he thought. 

“Hm?” For a brief moment… maybe his mind was playing tricks on him as his emotions reached an all-time high, a state of which he hadn't experienced since his dealings with Emiya Shirou — Emiya sensed the vines around his arms tighten. The sensation spread from his hand to his mind, confirming that he wasn't just imagining it.

"Celine…?" His voice trailed off as he looked at the withered vine wrapped which on the outside showed no signs of life, on the brink of breaking apart with the slightest breeze. "You're still alive?" He asked, receiving no response in return. 


The others around him noticed the strange scene, especially Mikan, who observed Celine refusing to let go of his arm. Strangely enough, a faint sensation was detected on his skin, reminiscent of what the plan had used not long ago.

"Do you want to continue eating?" He asked, perplexed by the situation. He had nothing to feed the plant in his refrigerator, and even if he did, Emiya didn't understand how Celine could have possibly consumed it, given her current condition and with the mouth having turned into a closed pod. But the feeble vine sent the same signal again, prompting Emiya to take random guesses at first to understand what was going on.

"Shirou!?" Lala's voice cut through the courtyard as she returned from her outing with her sisters. Their little joyful atmosphere instantly vanished when they stumbled upon the scene. "What happened to Celine?" She inquired, her sisters gathering around the withered plant. He was relieved that she was back to help him solve this mystery, as the more time passed the more drastic actions he was willing to take.

"I'm not sure what happened, but Mikan alerted me when I was inside the forge about something happening with Celine," Emiya explained, gesturing to the plant's decayed petals and leaves. "Before that, we even tried to give it more food, but its condition worsened. It was because of that, my food… that's why it's dying…" He trailed off, once again facing his mistake and the urge to punch his past self more than usual. Lala herself mentioned how Celine was from another planet mainly occupied by a diverse ecosystem of solely plants and alien wild animals. On Earth he obviously fed her with ingredients that did not belong in that planet’s ecosystem and were possibly harmful to its body.

"Because of your food? That makes no sense, Sunflowers from Plantas are known to be omnivores capable of even eating inedible material in dire situation, the food on this planet shouldn't be of any danger.” Momo said, confused and baffled at the sight before her as she further observed the plant with suspicion. “Let me talk to her," her words earned a weird stare from Emiya, who was filled with questions. However, Momo spoke before he could ask them.

"I have the ability to understand and talk to plant-like life in general like Celine over here. Didn't I tell you? She's the one who told me a lot about you and your family. Nana over here can understand animals as well.” The pink-haired princess sat down next to him and pressed her hand against the flower head. "What's wrong? Tell me…" Closing her eyes, she concentrated, the passing seconds feeling like hours to Emiya. Yet, he didn't rush her or add to the stress, hoping that these sisters would be helpful in finding a possible solution. 

The reality of his situation was not missed by the Counter Guardian. ‘Never would I imagine that I'd one day grow so concerned over a plant of all things… I don't know whether it's a good outcome or not.’

Finally, Momo opened her mouth. "I'm going to repeat what she's saying,” getting ready, everyone listened carefully. “I'm… fine… just a little tired and need more…" She hesitated, hesitation crossing her face as she looked back at the plant before listening again as if confirming whether or not what she heard was accurate or not. "…energy… green… green energy?" Confusion filled Momo's face as she relayed the flower's faint voice. "Celine? Answer me, Celine. What is this energy you're speaking of?" She asked repeatedly, her expression worsening with each attempt.

“…” A weird facial expression appeared on the redhead's face in the background.

"Not good. I thought it was just leaf weathering at first due to the symptoms," Momo continued. "Normally, such a disease takes effect gradually over multiple days. But this morning, she didn't show any symptoms other than slight discoloration, which is common for plants. I don't know what's going on with her or what this green energy is, but what I do know is that if we don't do anything, Celine will wither away for good."

As she continued to speak worriedly, Emiya's attention was fully focused on the vine around his wrist. No matter how he looked at it, Celine was most likely referring to his Magical Energy.

But he had never used his tracing in front of Celine before… Wait. "Reinforcement,” he said quietly, eyes widening at finally understanding what the plant was referring to. That was the only explanation he could come up with. Somehow, his usage of reinforcement upon the ingredients led to this outcome, and for some reason, she was asking for more. Emiya found himself at an impasse, struggling to understand how this was even possible. 

‘But it doesn't make sense! Why would Reinforcement I used on ingredients cause any harmful effects like this? It's not how it works!’

Despite not seeing himself as a Magus who conducted extensive research in Magecraft I'm general, he was still very certain on the effects of Reinforcement. The spell didn't have such a poisoning effect on food that it would harm living beings in such a way. His spell only served to make the food more nutritious, nothing else. It didn't taint nor cause any cases of poisoning as far as he knew. But then again, this creature was from another planet in another world. He wasn't a researcher on alien biology from another world, so perhaps these creatures had a different sort of reaction to Magical Energy?

Feeling desperate and lacking time to somehow lift the plant and bring it to Mikado without making hasty movements or actions that could worsen the scenario, he didn't even think he had enough time to do so even if he wanted to. Left with no other choice, Emiya decided to go with it as a last resort measure. Even though he struggled to understand how it worked and felt uncertain of whether he would further harm Celine — he sighed and put his trust in Celine's words.

A steady stream of his Magical Energy traveled from his body to the vine, who was wrapped around him. He didn't use too much, in fear of damaging the creature, but steadily enough that the plant, coiled around his arm, started to tighten as more physical changes began to occur with it.

The pod expanded, turning into a bulbous sphere of sorts that resembled the shape of an egg in a certain angle. Half the size of his sister the pod behaved strangely as a vein-like pattern grew on its outer shell. Most of its stems, vines, and petals had long gone and withered away, and his siblings were worried at the sight. But Emiya, on the other hand, kept going, with Momo by his side observing the changes with a mix of fascination and worry.

"Curious," she mused, her expression tinged with concern as he observed Celine's condition. "This doesn't resemble any typical behavior I'm familiar with, nor does it seem like a disease. While most plants would simply wither away under such circumstances, there's something peculiar about the sphere on her head." Dismissing the thought momentarily, he focused on the task at hand; if it helped Celine recover, the specifics were less relevant. "Wait, what did she mean by green energy?" Momo inquired, but Emiya, fully engrossed in his task, disregarded her question.

Should his siblings or Lala's sisters discover his ability to wield Magecraft, so be it. It was hardly a tightly guarded secret anymore, given that even Gid of all people was aware of it, not to mention the mercenaries who had witnessed it — even though they were all killed at the end. Steadily and resolutely, he continued his efforts, uninterrupted, for another half hour. By then, the sphere on Celine's head had doubled in size, prompting Emiya to draw a deep breath. It had been some time since he had employed his Magic Circuits for such an extended period without interruption. Nevertheless, he remained optimistic as he observed the changes.

"Do Sunflowers like Celine enter a state of hibernation in response to certain climates, or do they undergo a transformation into another organism?" he inquired of Momo, who pondered his question before shaking her head. "It varies. I can't provide a definitive answer, but it certainly isn't anything like this. I… I actually have no idea what's going on with her right now, there is no record of such a thing as far as I remember." Before he could pursue the matter further, his ears perked up, and with a fleeting burst of movement, he detected a sound emanating from the egg. Turning to Momo, he approached the egg and gently tapped its surface.

Cracks formed on the shell, jolting everyone at the sight.

The fissures spread until the entire structure fractured. Weakened sufficiently to break on its own, the change left Emiya bewildered and cautious of the unfolding events. Suddenly, with a resounding boom, fragments scattered in every direction as a radiant white light burst forth from the egg. The sight that greeted him prompted a double-take, casting doubt upon his own eyes.

"Mau! Maaauuuuu!!!”

The little figure blurred before he let out a loud oof as something hit his stomach, looking down to discover a human child? One with blue eyes and light green hair with a red accent at the tips and a flower on top showing light red petals. The latter detail dismissing the ‘human’ part.

“Mau!” The little girl cried out again with a joyful smile on her face as she clutched his shirt, looking as if trying to hug him. 

But regardless, Emiya could only utter a single word.




As they made their way to Sainan High School, Emiya couldn't help but voice his relief at the end of a taxing weekend. "Hah, this last week felt endless. I'm hoping today will be a bit easier so I can catch a break."

Rito, walking beside him along with Lala chimed in with a light chuckle. "You have a unique way of looking at things, Nii-san. Calling school a vacation is certainly a new perspective. But after the stress of the weekend, maybe being around others will help lighten your mood." Emiya nodded in agreement. "What about Celine? With the three of us heading to school and Mikan to hers, who's going to take care of her? We can't just leave her alone at home."

Lala interjected before the redhead even had the opportunity to address it. "She's not alone, Rito. Momo and Nana are there to keep an eye on her. Momo's researching what happened to her, so she's in good hands and Nana is super responsible! More so than me!"

Emiya couldn't shake off his worries about leaving the house in the hands of the mischievous twin sisters. His initial plan of having them leave the house altogether had been scrapped. "I agree with Rito. Leaving Celine alone isn't an option. Let's just hope they don't wreak havoc or start inventing things while we're gone."

Lala defended her sisters, albeit with a playful jab. "Oh, come on, you're being too paranoid. My sisters are responsible, unlike me!"

Emiya couldn't resist answering her. "Well, that's not saying much, is it? The bar is quite low if we were to compare anyone with you in that regards, I just hope they don't turn the house upside down with their inventions."

Lala mock pouted, protesting his comment. "Now you're just being mean! You blew up more stuff and people than I did since my arrival!”

"…Can't argue against that," Emiya conceded, glancing at his brother as they walked. He temporarily set aside his concerns about Celine and the sisters, noticing the familiar expression on Rito's face – one of longing, uncertainty, and admiration. It was clear who had caught Rito's attention: Haruna Sairenji, walking on the other side of the street. "Looks like you'll be admiring her from afar until your last year in school, huh? Or if you do try to approach her, we both know how that'll end up – your hands beneath her skirt in a matter of seconds," Emiya teased, earning a startled reaction from his brother, who had been too focused on the blue-haired girl.

"Don't say that!" Rito protested weakly, but he couldn't muster any further argument before sighing. "It's just hard. Last time I tried to approach her was during the festival, and you know how that ended up, remember?"

Emiya nodded in recollection. "Yes, you ended up getting swarmed by a crowd of people and Haruna was left all by herself and then you accidentally ended up falling on Saki.” They had a fun conversation to say the least, he got to learn to some degree what the girl thought of his brother. Relieved that there was no hate or any negative feelings about his clumsy behavior with always falling on girls. She truly was the best match for his brother, and certainly one who if she tried could keep Rito's accidental perverted tendency under check with her gorilla-like punches. Not that he would ever tell her, fearing that she would try to strike him as well. 

"Then try again. Why are you still hesitant after coming this far?" Emiya urged, puzzled by his brother's reluctance. "You practically went on a semi-date with her during the festival. That should have given you a confidence boost to at least talk to her comfortably. What's holding you back?" Emiya wondered aloud, reflecting on his own school days… which unfortunately were memories he no longer recalled.

‘Emiya Shirou didn't have these kinds of problems in school, but then again… not the best person to use for comparison,’ he mused, his memories of his classmates and friends clouded by the passage of time. But one thing was certain: Rito seemed to have more trouble than anyone else when it came to interacting with the opposite gender.

"It's not that simple, Nii-san. It's easy for you to say and even do it, but I'm just not like you. I freeze up whenever I get close to her, no matter how many times we've interacted in the past. It feels like my brain stops working whenever I see her, and I start to panic," Rito admitted with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Because that's called love. And it's natural for someone in love to eventually push aside their fears and uncertainties and take a leap of faith. Nothing will change if you don't take the first step. I doubt Haruna will be making the first move anytime soon, and the last thing I want is for her to think you're not interested and start looking for someone else. You don't want that, do you?" Emiya asked, his tone serious as he sought to drive home the importance of Rito's actions.

Rito nodded, his expression showing a mix of apprehension and determination. "Just start small. Go greet her and try to get comfortable," Emiya encouraged, offering his brother a supportive smile.

As he listened to his own words, the former Counter Guardian couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. He remembered giving a similar pep talk to Rito a couple of days before when Lala first appeared on Earth. And he realized that perhaps if his brother would just try to speak to Haruna instead of always attempting to confess his feelings at any given opportunity and failing miserably, things wouldn't end up as bad.

Emiya couldn't help but be amused as he observed his brother's awkward approach towards Haruna, his movements stiff and his greeting squeaky. Rito seemed to be sweating profusely even before he reached her. As Rito uttered his greeting, Haruna's response was unusual. Her eyes seemed unusually dark, and she appeared tired and lost in her thoughts, she seemed to be looking at him. Unsure, he waved at her, greeting the girl which she hesitantly returned before averting her gaze that looked… sorrowful? Huh? It took a tap from Rito to snap her back to the present.

"Is it just me, or does Haruna-chi look very tired?" Lala remarked, voicing the observation that Emiya had already made.

"Perhaps," Emiya mused. "I think she must have stayed up all night studying for a test or something. Her sister mentioned that she tends to study late during exams." Now that he thought about it, a long time had passed since he spoke to Akiho. One of the rare cases of people who had no weird personalities and behaved normally. Someone who could be considered as the complete opposite of Haruna, far more extroverted and popular amongst the boys. 

Just then, before he could continue the conversation, the sound of a screeching tire interrupted their conversation. They turned to see a familiar black limo behind them, from which a yellow blur rushed out.

"Emiya-kun!" Saki exclaimed, drawing attention from passersby with her exuberant behavior. "Are you all right!? You're not hurt, are you?" She began checking him for injuries in a manner similar to when he returned home with his siblings, but Emiya stepped back, bringing an end to her examination.

"You're making quite the scene," he replied innocently. "I assure you that I am completely fine. What are you even so worried about?" He shot a discrete signal to Lala, silently urging her to remain quiet and not reveal any sensitive information.

Rin's expression was one of complete focus as she glared back at him from the background. "What do you mean, why am I worried about you? I saw you flying down from the skies with an angel holding you, while a spaceship full of aliens was attacking you!"

Again, he shot a glare at Rin at the back, silently cursing himself for not being capable of using mind-altering magecraft. Not that he could even if he tried to, a waste of time due to his overspecialized origin. "It was just a film shoot," he insisted, hoping to alleviate Saki's concerns. "I assure you that I was in no danger, despite what you may be imagining. Aliens chasing me while I'm being rescued by an angel? It sounds too far-fetched to be real."

However, his explanation only seemed to intensify Saki's glare, along with Rin's. It seemed his attempt to downplay the situation had backfired.

"I know what I saw," the blonde persisted. "And there is no way that could have been something straight out of a studio. I've been involved in many film projects, and none of them mentioned anything about such a shoot. And I trust Rin!"

Emiya resisted the urge to sigh, realizing he needed to find a way to diffuse the situation quickly. Then, an idea struck him. "I remember promising you that I would visit your house after our deal last time," he said, hoping to distract Rin and buy himself some time.

“This has nothing to do with the dea—”

“—so you don't want it after all,” Emiya said with a feigned disappointed tone, turning as if to walk away. "And here I was looking forward to it, even prepared to stop by your house today. But since you don't want to do it…”

“Wait!” The blonde heiress panicked, her hands weaving in agitation as Emiya pretended to leave. “Are you being serious? This isn't some kind of joke, is it?” she asked, her voice tinged with trepidation.

“I am not in the habit of going back on my word. I promise that after school ends, I'll pay you a visit. We can explore your house and have a nice chat over tea. Sounds good?” Emiya's reassurance seemed to ignite a spark of excitement in her eyes, her smirk widening.

“Hohohohoho! I'm delighted to see your enthusiasm for visiting the Tenjoin Estate. Not many people get such a privilege, but you clearly recognize it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Make sure to be there, Emiya, or else I'll have to force you next time,” she declared, strutting back to her car followed by Aya. 

Yet he couldn't relax just yet, as Rin remained rooted to her spot, her narrowed eyes fixed on him. “Yuuki Emiya Shirou, you may have used your words to divert my mistress's attention, but don't think that will work on me. I know what I saw that day, and after school, you will answer my questions, whether you like it or not,” she declared, her grip tightening on her wooden book before she reluctantly turned and returned to the car.

In the end, his attempt to defuse the situation hadn't gone as planned, and it seemed this day wouldn't be as peaceful as he had hoped. He berated himself for voicing his wish in the first place— the world always found a way to complicate matters somehow.

"Yay! It's been so long since I've been to a tea party with friends! The ones Mama used to organize were so boring. I hope with Saki, it will be different and just as fun as the cosplay cafe!"

Emiya remained silent, refusing to engage with her excitement as he continued walking towards the school. Handling one troublemaker was already a challenge; having two in the same vicinity invited nothing but chaos.




(A few hours later.)

“Oh my God, I love you so much!” Sitting atop the school roof, the former Counter Guardian watched in amusement as Risa devoured the bento box he had made for her. She ate every last morsel within seconds, a sight that triggered flashbacks of a certain King of Knights with a formidable appetite. Thankfully, Risa didn't consume nearly as much as that person, or else he would have needed to bring dozens of bento boxes. “Marry me, Emiya!” she said without hesitation, rubbing her stomach as she sighed with contentment.

“Heh. Sorry, but I’m going to have to turn down the generous offer. Though you are very beautiful, I prefer my bachelor life over being tied down with marriage at the moment.. Plus, marrying you would empty my family's bank account with how much food you eat,” he replied with a smirk, a small blush creeping onto the girl's face at his on-point remarks, getting hit by the teasing he threw right back at her.

“Are you physically incapable of blushing or getting flustered by a woman's teasing? I'm seriously questioning whether you have a really good poker face, or you swing for the other team. What kind of hormonal high school boy reacts so nonchalantly to a proposal from a drop dead sexy girl like me?”

“A normal one,” he answered without missing a beat. “Though I'd advise you not to use it as a joke with anyone else here. They might take it a bit too seriously and actually organize a wedding event within the day.”

"Heh, is someone jealous?"

He rolled his eyes, "You wish. I'd be more than happy to hand you a red envelope if that were to happen."

"Pft! Spoilsport.” Seeing that she was just wasting her time trying to find a crack in this man's armor, Risa relented before taking a more comfortable position with her head resting on Emiya's thighs, the latter raising an eyebrow at her action. “Just need to lie down a bit, no way I'm resting my head on concrete. Also, Yui wanted to meet you. Apparently, the Anti-Emiya Alliance has been growing in size recently. People in school even started to call them a major faction now. It's no longer considered a small club like those fangirls who fought over you. I guess they are preparing for war or to sabotage your attempts at creating a harem," she said with a grin.

Massaging his temples, the redhead was reminded of this little group of fools who were under a major misconception and hated him for the most pitiful reason. "Good, I am more than happy about it and invite them to go forth with this plan. Though it won't likely work since I'm not creating a harem in the first place! They are just jealous that Lala keeps hanging out around me. If they weren't so desperate and creepy, then she wouldn't mind making some friends with other male students in school, I bet."

Rolling her eyes in response, she continued, "It's not just Lala. Have you seen the people you hang out with all the time? Other than Lala, there's me, Mikado-sensei, Haruna, Saki, and finally Rin! All of them, hot sexy babes with big boobs, free for you to fondle as much as you want. Who wouldn't be jealous about this?"

"Just shut up and wipe your mouth. Classes are about to start soon, and I would like to take a nap of my own as well," he said while massaging his temples, dropping a piece of tissue on the girl's face. “Also drink some water, you haven't touched it the entire day, it's not good for you.” 

“Tch, what are you? My mom?” Despite her words, she followed through with his advice.



Both students turned their gaze around to find the door hinges break and fly off into the distance as a large golden fist made of hair punched through it. Risa spat out the water she drank at the display, while Emiya had his jaw open as Yami walked onto the roof wearing what appeared to be the girls' uniform, suspiciously too short for her. But that was just part of the reason why he was taken aback, as the assassin held a person captive with her hair.

"Emiya Shirou, I was patrolling the school for any alien threats and came upon this assassin who was trying to sneak up on you for a surprise attack," she said, pointing at the girl held above. Golden hair locked her hands and legs from moving, with more hair around her mouth making it impossible for her to speak. The girl in question was someone Emiya had never seen, with white hair tinged with black. She seemed oddly familiar, but he couldn't recall any memories about this person.

"What the hell!?" Risa thankfully had an appropriate reaction to the scene, holding her shaky fingers at Yami as she whispered to him. "Oh my God, this looks so cool! Did you see that fist she made with her hair? I didn't know aliens had such freaking awesome powers! Is she your sidekick?"

"No…” Never mind, she was just being weird as usual.

"Do you want me to execute her?" As soon as Yami said that, the green-haired girl's face turned even paler as she struggled even more and managed to remove the hair covering her mouth before shouting, 

"Wait, wait, wait! I am not an assassin! I'm Run, Ren’s sister! I just wanted to talk to you!"

Eh? Emiya didn't know Ren had a sister… Now that he looked at her more closely, the resemblance was certainly there.


Before he could even say anything, an explosion occurred at the building adjacent to their current location as a large cloud of pink-colored smoke escaped from the window. His ears picked up Rito's panicked shout, "Wah, Sairenji! Are you okay!?"

"Eh? Sairenji disappeared!"

"What happened?"

"I don't know! I was helping Lala with some of her stuff and accidentally dropped the bag!"

Chaos erupted everywhere over there while Emiya felt a vein throb on his forehead.



"Put her down now." Without hesitation, she dropped the girl. Emiya walked past her with Yami walking right behind him, giving a last warning glare at Run. "A single day… that's all I ask." He sincerely hoped Lala didn't leave any particularly dangerous device in her bag…



As he left, both girls remained in their spot for an awkward amount of time, Risa looking over the box and picking up the last remaining piece of mochi before handing it to Run.

"Want some?”



Emiya having his "i'm surrounded by idiots" moment and Haruna with the Vietnam flashbacks of Emiya not wanting to go back to the throne yet. What a chapter. Let's Go!

paladar blade

Like the new addition to the ch. Can't wait for the next one.

Isaac Lucero

Great chapter my guy! Can't wait for the next one. 😁


When/If Emiya gets turned into a girl he is probably going to be a curvy version of Gudako.