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Beta read by Shigiya and Fluff Slayer.

Next update is Nanoha followed by a special snafu chapter.




-Feoh, Alicia’s Chamber-

"Onee-sama, are you there?" 

Following the meeting in the throne room, Prim Fiorire found herself standing nervously outside an opulent door within the grand castle. Her knuckles tapped against the wooden surface in a rhythm that mirrored her anxious state. "Can I come and talk to you for a bit?" she called out, her voice a mix of shyness and hope, each word hanging in the air with a hint of uncertainty.

Her brows furrowed as she waited, her worry etching itself onto her features. The silence hung in the air for a moment, pregnant with uncertainty until she finally managed to stammer out her question. "Are you... Are you mad at m—" Prim finally managed to stammer out, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. Her voice quivered slightly, revealing the depth of her concern. But before she could finish her sentence, the door swung open, revealing a breathtaking sight. 

There stood Alicia Arcturus, her beauty almost otherworldly with her sun-kissed blonde hair cascading in loose waves around her shoulders. Her cerulean eyes, like twin sapphires, held a glimmer of surprise as they met Prim's gaze. Clad in casual, airy attire without her usual armor on, these clothes seemed to dance with the gentle breeze, revealing more than it concealed, accentuating each of her curves with her nipples visible through the fabric, making the younger cousin's heart beat more erratically. 

Despite having known Alicia for more than a decade, seeing her without her armor and hair styled differently left Prim baffled. It was remarkable how a change in appearance could make someone seem so vastly different. 

A whiff of an intoxicating floral fragrance enveloped Prim, igniting her senses and causing her pulse to quicken. She swallowed hard, her nerves now a mix of anticipation and fluster. Gathering her composure, Prim managed a soft smile and took a step forward, her voice steady despite the flutter in her chest. "Alicia Onee-sama. I... I just wanted to talk."

Alicia leaned against the door frame, her expression a curious blend of exhaustion and anger, though not targeted at Prim in particular, but seemingly aimed at another individual. "Sorry I couldn't answer the door before, I was taking a shower." 

"N-nothing to apologize about,” With a deep breath, Prim stepped into the room, the door closing behind her with a soft click. An undeniable sense of awkwardness hung in the air. As she looked into Alicia's piercing blue eyes, she started speaking without hesitation. "You are mad at Archer-san." A statement more than anything else, one that showed the certainty of her claim when it came to Alicia's evident dislike for that man.

The blonde sighed, too tired to even shout out loud. "I do, very much so." 

"..." Prim walked over to the bed, gazing at the pieces of clothing and armor that lay in a haphazard pile before her. Without giving it much thought, she leaned forward and fell onto the soft mattress, her mind going blank from the potent scent lingering on the sheets. Her hand instinctively reached out and clutched the closest fabric as she struggled to stay in control of her desires and actions. On the other hand, in the eyes of Alicia, the woman just saw the action of her younger cousin as merely a childish one, a view that made her chuckle. 

"Now now, don't go jumping on my bed and ruining the cover just because you're angry. I thought you stopped doing this three years ago, Prim." 

Without turning to face Alicia, the pink-haired Princess Knight let out a sigh she hadn't realized she was holding, her shoulders trembling briefly before relaxing. "When I was going to the small river where we used to play, I wanted to play around for a bit and get my feet wet. Regrettably, I didn't take into account the strong current and ended up getting swept away by the water before plummeting down the waterfall."

Alicia's body froze, the image alone of the scenario eliciting a cold sensation across her body. 

"I don't remember much of what happened after that, it was all a blur, just darkness and fog… I was scared. Trying to scream for Onee-sama proved to be a waste of time as no one could hear my voice. My body felt paralyzed as I drifted farther along the unforgiving stream, I really thought it was a matter of time before I’d either fall prey to some hungry demon or drown."

"Don't say that!" The blonde exclaimed, her voice almost bordering on a desperate shout, unwilling to imagine such a thing. "Y-You would have lived, I would have found you with the Goddess guiding my steps and keeping you alive." She reached out and gently placed a hand on Prim's arm, offering a warm and reassuring touch. 

"I want to believe that, Onee-sama, I really do… but even I know when to face reality." Her arms reached around Alicia's waist, holding onto them tightly with her face pressed against her chest. "But I didn't die. After losing hope, the next thing I knew was waking up on dry land next to a campfire. That's where I met Archer-san for the first time, sitting under a tree. He cared for me, fed me, and brought me back to see you again. If it wasn’t for him being there on that day… I wouldn't have been here today."

From the very beginning, Prim had realized she couldn't stand the thought of disappointing either Archer or Alicia. Both people have taken an important place in her heart.

"Did he… did he touch you in any way?" Alicia asked with trepidation, afraid that the man could have influenced Prim with his schemes or the use of dark magic. 

Prim giggled, "Of course not, he is a gentleman." Though she wouldn't have minded if he had tried to go further. Unfortunately, those kinds of scenarios only occurred within her dreams and her naughty books that she had kept secret from Alicia. In some cases, she was the one in control, letting her desire free as she delved further into this new sensation, further heating up her core whenever she remembered his strong touch caressing her skin.

On the other hand, no matter how much Alicia tried, she couldn't shake her deep-seated resentment towards Archer. He had saved Prim, but to what purpose? His timing and presence seemed too convenient for her liking. This coupled with the fact that he had not only gotten close to Maia but to Luu-Luu as well added to her suspicions… as if he was intentionally working to gain the trust of each Princess Knight, one by one. 

"He could have pushed me down and had his way with me. He had every opportunity presented to him on a silver platter, yet he never took it." Prim whispered, making her consign tilt her head in confusion. For a moment there, she briefly saw a hint of disappointment.

No, that couldn't be, her lack of sleep was likely causing her to imagine such absurd things. 

"If he did, then I would have decapitated him the moment he appeared," Alicia said with conviction. "Not even Celestine-sama nor Claudia could have stopped me from getting revenge for you, that I swear." 

"But he didn't, so can't you two get along?" 

A weird expression flashed across Alicia's face as she looked at the girl. "Prim, even if he never touched you or crossed paths with you, he’s still responsible for the death of our closest ally. The Kuroinu were our most competent sword and shield, protecting not only the seven kingdoms against the likes of Olga but the neighboring lands as well. Archer’s actions not only crippled our forces but brought our greatest enemy right into our home. Even now, I can sense Olga scheming some plot behind our backs to destroy our homes and corrupt the people to stand against us."

Oh right, the Kuroinu… Prim had honestly forgotten about them at this point — having them become a mere memory of the past. She did feel sorrow at first when hearing the news of their demise, perhaps not as much as Claudia, Maia, or Alicia who were more familiar with Vault and his subordinates. Though now, her mind was preoccupied with an entirely different matter altogether. 

"But we can't be certain it was his intention, Olga could have forced him to do so." Prim countered, her mind racing as she desperately sought to find an argument to absolve him, until a stray thought crossed at the last second. "And… for all we know, perhaps Vault did not work for us with pure intentions." 

"How could you even suggest that, Prim!" Her cousin exclaimed, aghast and struck with disbelief at those words. "Vault had served the kingdoms for decades, always confronting Olga and her demons without fear while the rest of the peasants only cared for themselves, running away when others needed them!" 

"I know, Onee-sama, and I'm not denying his past deeds. But people change, you know? Vault's group grew big enough to rival our seven kingdoms, with their loyalty shifting to him alone instead of Celestine-sama. I knew the wealth he possessed as I dealt with the trade routes of Feoh and Ur. With every deal, the Kuroinu took a substantial cut for themselves, sometimes even half of the profits, while our share was further divided to finance the church and the many expenses throughout the realm. We barely had enough left to spend on our army alone and never once did Vault try to help out!" 


"Celestine-sama's kingdom doesn't even tax its people, Kaguya gets donations which are sent towards her shrine and Claudia-sama left all the financial burdens to be handled by the Levantine family's coffers — the same family who regularly funded Vault as well. What's stopping him from wanting more-" 

"Enough!" Prim flinched at the sharpness of Alicia's tone. "Listen, it's not good to speak ill of the dead, especially when they were once our ally. I'm sure there must have been mistakes along the way, it happens. Beardsley himself told me that he has done his best to mitigate such things from occurring in Feoh, and he supported Vault as well. How can we trust the words of this newcomer when he had full-heartedly confessed to killing Vault without even attempting to defend himself?"

As Alicia continued on, Prim could see that it was hopeless. Left with no other choice, she decided to employ more drastic measures. 

"He already has Maia under his control,”Alicia lamented. “That girl was the most loyal to Vault yet look at her now. She is defending his murderer like a lovesick buffoon. I still can’t fathom how she became a Princess Knight. I'm starting to believe that Celestine-sama chose her out of pity more than anything else. Her presence and status just seem out of place when you consider the fact that she was brought up on the streets."

Prim froze, her eyes twitching at the mention of Maia's name, her expression turning into an ugly grimace, though Alicia remained oblivious to it. 

"Maia… huh, I heard she got approached by the Pantielle heir a few days ago… maybe something is going on between them." She whispered into Alicia's ears. "Onee-sama, I have a favor to ask, and it’s one request that if you decline… I can no longer see you as my sister."

"What!?" Alicia was about to get up until Prim grabbed her face with surprising strength and brought it close to hers. The eyes that stared into hers felt different, their usual liveliness replaced by an unsettling blankness. "Prim?" 

"Onee-sama, I love you, I really do but you are making this hard for me. So that is why I want you to give me time and show you that you're wrong about Archer-san!" 

"H-How…What are you…" 

 Why, just why was she willing to go to such lengths for an unknown individual who has, by his actions, revealed himself as their enemy. Just what kind of magic had that man exerted over her to vehemently defend his action and perceive those allied with the kingdoms of Eostia as enemies?

"Do you believe in me, yes or no?" 

For the first time in her life, Alicia was uncertain how to answer. Doubt and confusion clouded her thoughts, making it a struggle to speak, it was all his fault… he corrupted Prim through some unknown means. 

Alicia knew she couldn't hurt him in the castle. The memory of the Goddess's formidable and intimidating presence, with her terrifying eyes that had brought dread to all who witnessed them, was still fresh in her mind and held her in check. 'I'll have him confess his own faults, by his own admission, and showcase his true nature to everyone.' 

"Fine, I'll trust you." She reluctantly agreed, uncomfortable with the mere idea of conversing with the man rather than just throwing him into the dungeon. But for everyone's sake, she was willing to make this little sacrifice and speak with the Devil himself. 


(Throne Room)

"Argh," In the opulent expanse of the Throne Room, an abrupt surge of electricity surged through Archer's form, a reaction elicited by Celestine's enigmatic action. The sensation mirrored the impact of a lightning bolt, a sudden and searing shock that reverberated within him. Accompanying this was a splitting headache that unearthed fragments of memories from his past, an unwelcome slideshow that played before his eyes. The radiant glow that accompanied the event seemed to penetrate his skin, invading him like an insidious parasite that overpowered his defenses with ease.

Although the electrical surge itself wasn't inherently harmful, its abruptness forced Archer to instinctively recoil, a testament to the intensity of the experience. Small beads of sweat materialized along his temples and slowly trailed their way down to his chin, evidence of the disquiet that had seized him. "What… what was that?" His voice trembled slightly as he spoke, his fingers automatically gravitating to the spot on his wrist where Celestine's grip had been, half-expecting to find some lingering curse or adverse aftermath of her divine powers. The notion of employing Rule Breaker even crossed his mind as a precautionary measure. He had previously utilized the Noble Phantasm on himself upon detecting Celestine's presence, an attempt to sever any potential connection between them, but unfortunately, his efforts had proven futile as he could still feel the connection.

Shifting his gaze to the ethereal figure of the blonde goddess, Archer couldn't help but notice how much paler she had become compared to her previous vibrant countenance. Her eyes now appeared more sunken and tired than the energetic ones from just a moment ago. She knelt before him, vulnerable and desolate, a scene that struck Archer unexpectedly. It was an image that stirred a complex blend of emotions within him; he found himself struggling with the mere idea of how someone he had never met on a personal level could be so deeply affected by the history of his past. Especially a so-called Goddess Reborn of all beings.

Rin had seen his past through their Master/Servant connection yet even she did not react nearly this bad. Sure, he admitted that his past was not those of faint-hearted individuals, it was a tale with no ending and conclusion of eternal slavery with no hope of freedom. But that still did not explain why Celestine got this invested in him! 

"I… failed?" She whispered, tears trailing her cheeks in an endless waterfall of despair. "I couldn't even save you from the beginning…" 

"Your determination to save someone like me is admirable, especially after witnessing the foolishness of my younger self and his desire to become a hero and save everyone." It was somewhat refreshing speaking with someone without the need for pretenses, Archer had to admit. "Should I say I feel flattered that someone felt this much pity for my past actions? I don't know, I stopped caring a long time ago, honestly." 

"It's that evil being's fault," Celestine said with vitriol in her voice. "If you weren't chosen, then at least I could have…" 

Archer once again sighed at another misunderstanding on her end. "Right, this will take some time. Listen to me, as much as I like to put all the blame on Alaya for everything — that couldn't be far from the truth. It's not an easy concept to grasp, but I'll do my best to explain. Alaya is a force, a fundamental aspect of the world. It's born from humanity's collective unconscious, a manifestation of all our hopes, fears, and desires. Alaya exists to protect the stability of humanity's existence. It's a sort of defense mechanism against threats that could wipe out humanity. It's the reason why heroes like me are summoned as Counter Guardians, tasked with eliminating those existential threats. It is not an evil entity like you are imagining it, and it did not choose me or force me in any way." 


He continued, "Alaya merely came to make a deal which I foolishly accepted in exchange for saving a few lives. Nothing more, nothing less." In the end, the fault lies with him and no one else. 

The bowman approached her, feeling a rare sense of pity at her sorry state. This was a first-time occurrence for him, so he had to tread carefully when dealing with this matter. "Y-You died? But I felt your heart, your soul, and everything." Her trembling hands grabbed the edge of his clothes, trying to muster enough strength to stand on her feet but it proved to be a greater challenge than she expected. 

"This is a temporary body, and once my mission here is complete and everything is settled, then I'll most likely return back to Ayala. I know you probably still have trouble understanding all of this, so I will refrain from burdening you with needless details that hold little significance in the grand scheme of things. As a goddess, think of me as a… champion of sorts of another god who seeks the betterment of humanity. And I'm here to fulfill my duties, I'm not doing this as an act of heroism — merely my job as the Counter Guardian EMIYA." 

Celestine's hand clenched around the fabric of his clothes, each word that came out of his mouth sounded so nonchalant and distant that she had trouble finding any traces of the sweet boy from before. Not a single aspect of his tenderness, his loving smile, and those warm eyes that soothed her soul remained. She wanted to ask why, but her questions had already been answered when she saw the vision of endless killing. 

"H-How long have been… just how long have you been suffering, Shirou?" 

He wanted to tell her to stop calling him Shirou, but her mental state was not exactly stable, to say the least. So for now, he will let that matter slide until she is in a better state. 

"I don't know," he answered honestly with a shrug. "The concept of time does not apply to us, there is no beginning nor an end as you may imagine it. It's been so long that I barely remember my own past, so who knows… it could be multiple centuries, millenniums, or beyond that — it's hard to say. While we Counter Guardians do get the boon of keeping our memories no matter the scenario, everything just gets mixed up together so that you can no longer make sense of it. As a being who has lived for centuries, I think you may have an inkling of an idea of what I'm talking about." 

"You must hate them." All of this happened for his love for humanity, he pushed himself to no end and sacrificed everything only to get betrayed at every turn. For all his deeds, it would have granted him the status of a Saint here in Eostia, but instead, he got rewarded with an execution and a life of never-ending killing. "Humankind has done something so atrocious…" 

She heard him chuckle, raising her eyes to find the man shaking his head. 

"Me? Hate? I never did nor will I ever hate humanity. I forgave them from the very beginning and if you've seen my death, then it should be obvious." 

No, Celestine no longer carried concerns that he would develop a hatred for humanity, as she currently struggled with the loss of that radiant light she had previously foresen. That once illuminating halo had now been forever tainted, and even if he were to harbor hatred towards them, it would not have shaken her resolve in the very least. 

"I'm sorry… I-I'm sorry, Shirou. I couldn't save you. I'm sorry, I was too late. I'm sorry…" Celestine apologized repeatedly, her voice breaking with sorrow, much to the dismay of Archer who was uncertain on how to respond to her words. One thing he knew was that broaching the subject of the Beast’s presence in Eostia would do no good to the Goddess Reborn, at least not yet. Sure it was a matter of urgency, but if the only person who could help him track down the shard was currently incapable then he needed to make sure she gets better.

"I don't understand you. What's the use of being so distraught over a dead man?" He spoke, gently draping a projected towel over her head. "Come on, there is no need to apologize when none of this was ever your fault, you're just wasting your breath. Wipe your tears." 

"...Is there really no way?" 

"None, never was and never will be. That's just how the world operates and you need to learn to accept it. Not everyone can have a happy ending, and on top of that, try putting the same amount of care in your own people for starters. Unlike me, they are still alive and seek only to live another day." 

'Why should I?' Celestine nearly spat those words, her feelings of disappointment and disgust towards humanity welling up within her. However, she restrained herself, shocked by the unexpected darkness of thoughts. 

"Shirou, do you truly regret being a hero and saving people?" She asked. "I remember the young boy whose eyes were full of passion and hope when he promised his father that one day he'll accomplish his dream of becoming a hero."

Her body shook at the memory of that particular event. "I-I don't know why but at that time, I sensed a dreadful feeling at your father's words. A dark omen that promised a life filled with suffering… I… I wanted to believe that being a hero was not the wrong path. But now I understand, being a hero is…" She didn't finish her sentence but Archer understood what she was going for. 

Seriously, just what had this woman NOT seen of his past? 

"So you also saw that part huh? Well it was the moment that molded the entity known as Shirou Emiya, compelling him to endlessly pursue the shattered dreams of a broken man." If this was him before the Grail War, then Archer would have affirmed her opinion on how being a hero was a mistake. Unfortunately, that was no longer the truth, his opinion had evolved from his last interaction with the red-headed fool. "Recently, you could say that my opinions have changed regarding this matter. Trying to become a hero isn't exactly wrong… just that the journey ahead will be arduous and rife with unending challenges — but a true hero should be able to achieve a miracle to overcome them and not lose their way." 

He sat next to the goddess, looking at the orange sky outside. Celestine unconsciously leaned herself against him by instinct, having done so many times before with the younger version of Shirou. She noted how he didn't try to push her away or even ask her to stop, staying silent for the following seconds and letting her find comfort in his presence. 

Was it out of pity? She could not tell nor care for that matter. 

"Are you hoping to achieve a miracle?" She asked. 

"Not really, I told you, there is no way out of this." The face of an angry twin-tailed girl came to mind, a prodigy of a Magus who had her moments of silliness every so often which she tried to hide away. Always so high and mighty in front of everyone, almost cruel to some, but empathetic and caring by nature. He owed her a lot for all the pain and deception he made her go through, even saying a couple of apologies wouldn’t suffice. 

The memory of their last conversation replayed in his mind once more, as it had many times during his stay in this world. It served as a wellspring of motivation, driving him forward with a renewed sense of purpose, one different from his discarded dreams and attempts to create a paradox to erase his existence, despite knowing it wasn't possible for it to even work. 

"I guess… I'm doing all of this as a promise I made to someone." 

"Someone special?" Celestine pictured Maia's face, remembering her description of Shirou and their moments together caused her heart to ache with jealousy. 'Is she that important to him?'

"Very special." He admitted without a second thought, deepening the discomfort within the goddess. She longed to occupy that special place in his heart as well.

Celestine still had trouble accepting the truth of Shirou's death and parts of her continued to reject that idea stubbornly. This explanation about an entity like Alaya filled her with rage more than anything else, if it represented the collective unconscious of humanity… then why had it allowed her beloved Shirou to suffer for so long?

"Because humans are selfish creatures, abominations that don't care about any other species or even themselves. They are parasites that will leech off of anything in order to survive and disgusting entities that bring nothing but misery and destruction wherever they go. How can you be their protector, Celestine!?" 

Those were the very words Olga had angrily shouted at her centuries ago in response to her continued protection of the people under her care. 

'Had she been right all this time?' Celestine pondered. In the past, she had struggled to understand her friend’s stance, sympathetic with her desire to keep her people safe but not when it would result in the killing of tens of thousands of innocents for the actions of a few. 






"I won't accept this." She said, gritting her teeth in anger. "I won't accept this! I can't!" 

She yearned to defy this entity, to compel it to release Shirou, and grant him his wish. Her eyelids drooped halfway as her energy started to dwindle and run dry, the previous use of her divination powers having taken a toll both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, she persisted, gazing deeply at the man next to her. 

"No… there has… there has to be a way even if I have to kil—" She continued to insist, refusing to let go as it would be no different than giving up on him. Her words were cut off by Archer's hands on her head. 

"You are tired and are talking nonsense, I can tell you probably used too much of your energy with whatever happened. Still, perhaps I should be grateful that there is someone who actually cared about me to such an extent in this world… doesn't stop me from thinking you're weird for doing that." His words and actions struck a chord within her heart, his image momentarily getting replaced with that of a young boy with golden brown eyes. "For now, I'm here, that's all you need to focus on instead of worrying about stuff that already happened and can't be changed. I came to Feoh to stay for a while, as I need your help for a particularly important matter. I'll let you know tomorrow after everyone has settled down a bit." 

He couldn't rush the matter of the Beast shard, especially when chaos amongst the ranks and people would work in its favor. Better to take all the necessary precautions and exercise patience instead of rushing it with these people. Maybe Olga could help him as well, she already demonstrated her capabilities as a great mage during the battle against the Lycans and could prove to be an invaluable ally in dealing with any unforeseen obstacles the shard might present if it gained far more power than he was prepared for. 

"Hold me," she asked, not letting go of him as he tried to get up. "Please." 

Archer fell silent for a moment before sighing, "Just this once. I don’t want your guard dogs chasing me down because you decided to take a nap on the floor." To Celestine's confusion, as she asked for a few more moments basking in his warmth, she let out a yelp as the Counter Guardian picked her up from the ground in a bridal carry and started walking towards the exit. 

'If only such moments could last forever…' the goddess imagined such a scenario in her dreams. 

"Where is your room?" 

That question made her cheeks flush a bright red, a foggy but luscious image was getting conjured up within her mind. Her breathing briefly intensified and she tightened her hold on him, bringing her face close to his. But she was swiftly brought back to reality when her vision started to wane. Exhaustion had finally caught up to the unwilling goddess. "Last room… right hallway… golden doors." She whispered, her mental fatigue becoming evident.

She wanted to tell him to let her dismiss any potential Knights patrolling the halls to avoid any confrontations from seeing her in this state. But Celestine was shocked when Archer strolled through the hallway calmly, passing by some of the girls without any of them noticing him. Her senses tingled when she noticed a particularly beautiful dagger within his grasp the entire time. It was as if they had become invisible to the world around them, and not long after, they arrived at their destination. 

He gently pushed open the doors and headed inside the messy room. Celestine grew embarrassed as she dreaded the thought of his impression worsening from the state of her room. However, he gently placed her on top of the bed without saying a word about the place. 

"Oh, is that me?" Archer said after finding a paper with his face drawn on it. Rather the face of his younger self. "Didn't expect you to be an artist. It looks good." 

Celestine weakly smiled, her gaze always on him as her mind started to reach its limit. She didn't want to burden him with further explanations, longing to keep him by her side for a while longer and hold him just like she dreamt of doing for so long. 

'He's here, with me and no one else. I won't give up on him, no matter what.' 

Nothing was going to stop her from saving him, the goddess willed herself to stain her hands if necessary.

"Shirou… I promise you… that I'll save you somehow. I'll become your hero… and I'll create a miracle… stay with me… for…eve…r…" were her last words before she succumbed to her exhaustion and fell asleep. Archer gazed at her for a while longer, then walked around the room, picking up numerous flyers with his face drawn at different points of his life. It confirmed to him just how intrusively this Goddess Reborn had peered into his private life. 

"My hero huh? Bold of her to declare that to a Counter Guardian. Achieve a miracle… hm, how pointless." He scoffed at first, dismissing those words as mere nonsense borne of her exhaustion. "She'll regain her senses tomorrow and we can have a proper conversation then." 

At least it would keep her active for now. 

Archer looked down at Celestine as she slept, her body shifting occasionally, with various parts of her body on full display with how little those pieces of cloth covered. Her words continued to echo in his mind. He shook his head, a wry smile forming on his lips as he leaned against the wall. He couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of annoyance and amusement at the goddess's determination. 

With a sigh, he stayed by her side for a little while longer, despite his initial reluctance. Picking up one of the flyers featuring his younger self's face and studied it for a moment before letting out a chuckle. "I should go check on those two. I don’t want some idiot getting the bright idea of trying to kill them."

Everyone was out for Olga's neck, and having Celestine act as her shield just did not feel enough for him. 

He sighed again, pushing away from the wall and walking to the window. The evening light filtered through, casting a soft glow over the room. He looked back at Celestine, her peaceful form illuminated by the gentle light. "I hope your divination magic will help because I don't have much of an option."

With a silent grunt, Archer walked out of Celestine's room, his steps carrying him through the castle's dimly lit corridors. The soft glow of lanterns cast elongated shadows on the walls, and the hushed whispers of castle staff echoed in the distance. He couldn't help but be drawn to the architecture of the castle itself. Ancient stone walls held secrets and stories, and the grandeur of the place contrasted sharply with the turmoil that often unfolded within its confines.

As he reached the main entrance, he stepped out into the night air. The cool breeze ruffled his hair, and he took a moment to glance up at the castle's towering spires. Dismissing Carnwennan, he was about to search for Olga and Chloe when the faint sound of a commotion caught his attention. As he stepped further outside, his keen senses picked up on an irritated voice. "Oh for fucks sake can you stop moving around!? I'm not going to eat you or anything, I'm trying to fucking feed you, you little shit!" Following the sound, he turned a corner and found a scene that made him smirk. 

There stood Maia, the fiery redhead and curvaceous woman, struggling to maintain a grip on the struggling little girl, Radomira. The Tiefling girl was actively resisting, trying to wriggle free from Maia's grasp. Archer leaned against the wall, watching the scene unfold with an amused glint in his eyes. He hadn't expected to witness Maia having such a difficult time handling a child.

For a Princess Knight who liked to boast about having great people skills, she sure was doing a good job showing it.

Then, Radomira's gaze landed on him, and with surprising speed, she headbutted Maia's face. "OW! Why you little…! you nearly stabbed me in the eyes with your fucking horn, kid!" The angry woman cursed as she released her hold over the child. The girl dashed towards Archer, arms outstretched, and without hesitation, she hugged him tightly around the waist.

He grunted, feeling her horns jamming his gut "Finally awake and already causing trouble?" He said, having his first actual conversation with the girl. Radomira continued to cling to him, nuzzling into his stomach, before climbing up his form without saying a word and wrapping herself on his back whilst fearfully looking at Maia. 

"What is your name again? I can't exactly go around calling you ‘kid’ every time." He asked the girl, recognizing that she was still very much in shock and haunted by her past life as a slave. He hoped she wouldn't start releasing the pink fog from before, as the damage it would cause here could be disastrous. 

"...Radomira," she spoke quietly, her voice so minuscule that he almost did not hear her. 

"Radomira, my name is Archer." He introduced himself, then pointing his thumb at Maia in the distance rolling on the ground holding her mouth. "That glutton over there is Maia, so don't worry too much. She’s only vicious when she gets hungry.." 

"Where are the nice onee-san's?" She remembered being carried by someone else for a while, a soothing presence similar to that of a mother as one hummed her songs as she slept while the other comforted her with kind words. 

"You must be talking about Grace and Anna, we've parted ways, would you have preferred to stay with them?" He asked, genuinely curious about the girl's opinion. If she felt more comfortable with the two light elves, then he could arrange to reunite her with them. He knew the general direction of the path they had taken, and with his speed, he could catch up to them within a few hours. 

"No!" To his surprise, the girl shouted instantly while her hold on him tightened. "D-Don't le-leave me…" he could hear the fear in her voice, the possibility that she might end up in the same scenario if he left her alone emerging in her mind. 

Before she started to panic and possibly have her powers get out of hand once more, Archer consoled the girl. "Alright, alright, I was just asking out of curiosity. No need to get worried, I won't leave you or anything like that."

On the other side, Maia had a hard time believing her eyes as she watched the scene unfold. It was as if she had discovered a new side of him, one that could actually express such emotions to a child, something he had never shown in the past. "So you have a soft spot for children… should I be worried that you might go after Luu-Luu?" 

"I think that headbutt must have damaged your brain, Maia. I have no need to be rude to a child, though that doesn't apply to adults behaving like children." 

"How nice of you, prick." The Princess Knight quipped, getting up from the ground while rubbing her forehead. "Your and Olga's secret love child does not like me at all, she's been kicking around the moment she woke up." 

Archer's eyes twitched, "She is not my 'love child' or whatever term you want to use. Radomira here is someone I found along the way who needed some… help and I just happened to be close by."

Maia scoffed, "Whatever, Olga probably must have sweet-talked you into this as well." 

"Are you jealous?" It wasn't a hard thing to not notice, her mannerism and conduct painted that picture clearly ever since she found out he'd been traveling with the Dark Queen and her lackey. "I don't remember us being a couple." 

"And I don't remember you so easily falling for the charms of a woman, after all the fucking hurdles I had to go through to get you to fuck me." As expected, she indeed was frustrated about his non-existent romantic relationship with the Dark Queen of all people, especially given she would kill him at any given chance. This woman was quick to jump to conclusions…

"If it eases your mind, I've not had any intimate moments with either of those two Dark Elves. They hate me for destroying their castle and treating them as prisoners in the beginning, especially Chloe. I don't think they’ll ever show interest in me. We only had a deal to bring them here safely in exchange for their help with some information." Archer explain while shrugging his shoulders, evident that Maia's delusional thoughts would only worsen if he didn't clear up the misunderstanding.

"... You swear that's the truth?" 

"You don't trust me?" He stated, with the girl refusing to meet his gaze. 

"Kinda hard to trust the person who killed the people who were the closest thing to a family for me in cold blood." After mentioning that, the atmosphere turned awkward as he waited for her to continue speaking her mind. "Why did you do it… had they wronged you in some way in the past? I… I could have helped resolve any conflicts between you and Vault." 

"There is no such issue between them and me." He answered calmly. "I never met Vault or any other Kuroinu members prior to my arrival in Eostia. I killed them to fulfill my duty and prevent a disgusting calamity to befall your seven kingdoms." 

"With that ‘cuntry’ nonsense?" Maia mockingly chuckled. "You expect me to believe that one of our most trusted allies and the person who basically raised me to become what I am today planned to have a nation of sex where anyone can fuck everyone?"

"I admit that it's hard to believe. If someone told me that while I was in your shoes, then I wouldn't have believed them as well, so I don't blame you . It just so happens that reality is sometimes stranger than fiction. It also doesn't help that I don't have any ways to prove it since I never actually had any plans for remaining in Eostia this long after having completed my task. But like everything else in my life, plans never turn out the way I want them." 

"Fortunately for you, I can act as a witness." The three turn their heads to find Olga standing next to them with Chloe behind her, the former walking closer to Archer without much of a word and gently caressing the wary Radomira's cheeks. "Dear child, you don't need to be afraid of me. Archer and I will make sure that you remain safe and taken care of."

Maia frowned at the close proximity between the Dark Queen and Archer, going further to separate these two without hesitation. "Hey, back off you bitch. You're still a prisoner of Feoh, you walking around being locked up in a dungeon should already be considered a miracle from the Goddess Reborn — so don't push your luck!"

Olga raised her hand just in time to stop Chloe, the latter about to jump on Maia for daring to touch her Queen. "Such arrogance to believe I can or will be held prisoner within Celestine's domain, humph, I shouldn't have expected anything less from you. Furthermore, you still persist in denying Vault's betrayal and continue to live in your delusion. Regrettably, I lack Celestine's ability to project my memories into another’s mind, but unlike your kind, I detest lying — that, you must be quite aware of. You don't need to look far, from my understanding after conversing with other people from your land, the vile deeds of said mercenary group are warranted. It shocked just how much they were feared and hated by many, yet their deeds remained unbeknownst to you of all people, a staunch follower of Vault. You seem to have been blinded by your own past relationships to the point of no longer seeing reason."

Maia clenched her hand, "I… I honestly don't know what to believe anymore." Was she going crazy? Probably, these last few days weren't kind to her. Filled with doubts and grief that the only person who genuinely tried to comfort her was Brynn herself. The redhead just wanted to live a carefree life whilst taking care of Ken, nothing more and nothing less. All of this drama and politics was just not something she could tolerate like the others.

Drink, party, fight, sleep and fuck occasionally before starting the whole process again the next day. That used to be her ideal scenario… but now she didn't know what she actually wanted anymore. 







Everyone flinched with surprise as Maia out of nowhere released a loud scream of frustration before smashing her head hard enough against a nearby wall, cracking the marble. "Fuck it, I don't care anymore!" 

She turned around and faced the confused man who looked at her with uncertainty. Her hands moved in a flash before clasping his face hard enough so he wouldn't move and smashed her lips against his, while in front of the shocked Olga and Chloe. 

"Oooh!" Radomira on the other hand had a completely different reaction as she watched the scene with an awed expression, seeing Maia in a new light as she continued to snog the red archer. 

"What was that for?" Staggering backwards, Archer couldn't help but ask, this woman was too unpredictable at times. 

Maia did not answer him and instead glared at Olga and Chloe. "You know what? I don't fucking care anymore, I'll find out the truth myself. But in the meantime, this white haired bastard is mine! You stay away from him you busty bitch, don't try to steal him away from us!"


Olga was just as taken aback by her reaction as well as Archer himself.

"How dare you insult my Queen!?" 

"I can insult her all I want you blonde bitch! What? Pissed that I kissed my man and you can't?" 

"Your man? L-Like I would ever give him the time of day! I'll slash your throat for such an insinuation, human!" 

"I'll break your bones, you dark elf cunt! No, you know what?! I might as well bend you over and spank your haughty ass to teach you some fucking manners. Then we’ll see how much that fucking pride of yours is worth!"

"T-That wo-won't make me back down, you round ear street rat!" 

"You wanna go!? Bring it!" 

"As if I can't handle a single pitiful human like you!" 

Olga and Archer just stood aside and watched these two have their back and forth for the last ten minutes. Raising their weapons against each other but refraining from engaging in any combat. The surrounding Knights, who had approached after hearing the commotion, did not know what to do as their Princess had explicitly instructed them not to meddle. 

She gave Archer a weird side glance, "Do you have a hobby of seducing every woman you meet?" 

"I don't, I just have bad luck," Archer answered with a sigh. "I believe we should find a place to feed Radomira. She most likely hasn't eaten for however long she’s been in that cage."

"We'll need a guide for that," Olga answered, unconsciously pinching the Tiefling's cheeks once again as the latter pouted and tried to move away from her while still clinging onto Archer's back. 

"Master!" Another voice came from the back, both turned to find a brunette woman standing there with her hands covering her mouth. Shock was evident in her eyes as she started crying out of nowhere. Though the biggest feature that caught their eyes was her attire, bearing a striking resemblance to Archer's black and red combination but with more open areas that showcased her cleavage and curves. 

Olga gave the tall man a deadpan look. "Bad luck huh? Most would consider it the opposite." 

At least they found a guide.

"Brynn, it's good to see y—oof!" He couldn't even finish his sentence as the girl vanished from her spot and rushed straight towards him for a hug, similar to what Radomira did before but with much more force behind her action. 

"I-I missed you, Master! You're finally back!" Amidst the shouts and grunts of battle behind him, Archer now had to deal with the headache in front of him crying and tightly clinging to him.

Radomira just seemed to watch all of the women around her savior with a certain intensity as she clung tightly to Archer. 

"Hah… you're all really making me reconsider staying here for longer than a single day." 


-Few Minutes Earlier-

At the end of the garden, a wave of blonde hair and blue eyes peeked from the corner at the commotion on the other side. 

A few minutes ago, Alicia had marched forward with confidence and determination to converse with Archer. She wanted to hear his side of the story involving Prim and see if she could extract anything that could help her expose his true intentions. 

But as she approached, her steps faltered upon the scene of Maia kissing Archer out of the blue, throwing her off to such a degree that she lost her balance and fell into a nearby pond.

"W-what is that harlot doing!?" She exclaimed with a crimson face, torn between wanting to look away and being unable to break her attention from the stunning display that she'd only seen happening in books or when noble couples showed their affection. But those were chaste kisses that barely lasted a fraction of a second. "She used her tongue!? Do those lowborns have no shame!?" 

Alicia covered her face as she spotted a string of saliva connecting their lips when the redhead separated from him, unable to bear witness to such depraved actions. She wanted to avert her eyes, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t tear her gaze away as she peeked through her fingers. 



It got worse as a former Knight wearing black and red armor spotted her hiding behind the foliages, bringing a great sense of shame to the Arcturus heir for such unbecoming behavior.

"I-I-It's nothing! Forget what you saw!" Her previous rage and anger had been replaced by embarrassment and shame as she rushed off into the distance using her speed blessing. "That disgusting, shameless Archer, to k-k-kiss a Princess Knight in such a way! He’s a bigger menace that I first imagined… I'll need Beardsley's help for this." 


Jack Lycan

Honestly the only bad luck Archer is having is that he can't turn off his swag


So safe to say that having Celestine on Emiya’s side is bound to be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in the sense that he won’t be hunted down for getting rid of the Kuroinu and having the resources and people to help him out when it comes time to confront the beast. The problem that comes with this is that Celestine is bound to try and restrict his freedom in an effort to keep him safe. Which is definitely not a possibility for Emiya which is bound to be a point of contention between the two. She still sees him as Shiro, the young boy given an impossible dream rather than the man he has become from following said dream. Aside from that, having a goal even as impossible as it may be is probably the best thing for Celestine now. She has been stagnant ever since her war with Olga began with Archer having unintentionally lit a fire underneath her giving her a purpose that she can pursue and may I say perhaps a wish or a dream of her very own? I doubt that the meeting with the princess knights the will go as expected given Celestine’s recent shift in worldview and priorities which is going to be a bigger headache for Archer to keep her on track.