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Next update: To Love a Sword



-Fairy Tail Guild-

One reality that Broly grew to understand and accept every passing day was that he was no different than any other Saiyans. Broly believed long ago — even recently at that — that he disliked fighting and hurting others. 

That was not the case. 

He disliked mindless violence for no reason, for the sole reason to kill others remained a reality he could grow numb to like his father. Fighting for survival was different as hesitation meant death and he did not want to die. 

'Yet my heart is beating with excitement.' He thought to himself while standing in a large field with two people he considered as one of his closest friends and family. Ready to fight them at their best with his Ki igniting within his veins with the growing tension in the air. 

The Saiyan discovered that not only fighting could be a fun activity when done without intent to kill, but it also helped him to temporarily calm down his growing desire for a greater challenge in some way. Broly that he could not have stayed in the mountains forever without first finding a solution to his dilemma. 

'I wonder how things would have turned out for me if I stayed on that planet?' Having both of those two Saiyans as sparring partners who could even keep up with him in training didn't sound so bad. With Cheelai around to help him get used to the world, he could have had another sort of a peaceful life. 'It could have been like my current life and Lucy does the same as Cheelai.' 

"Holy… are they for real?" 

Aside from the three, nearly the entire guild stood around the field waiting for the duel between three wizards to finally begin. Erza being known as Titania with the power to be called as an S-Class wizard and Natsu having the potential of one. Just one of them could cause many of the guild's members to shake in their boots in an official battle, especially against the former. 

"I bet Erza will win in one move, she never lost a duel in her life." Reedus said, holding a paintbrush with a blank canvas next to him. There was no way he would miss out on such an occasion in his life, painting a glorious artwork of Erza or Natsu fighting against the new member would make it extremely popular for sure! 

Bisca chuckled when she heard that, "Hehehe, I can't argue with that. Erza is scary strong and unless Laxus, Gildarts or Mira take her on, I don't see her losing. Of course, Broly will need to defeat Natsu first and he is no joke as well." Then she realized that no one had seen Broly in action aside from Natsu and Wakaba. "By the way, what's his magic?" She asked Wakaba, the man smoking a cigar like usual.

"Eh, Broly? I wouldn't know, honestly I wasn't there when he used his magic so I can't be sure… Natsu might win for all we know. Remember, the guy may be built like a brick house but that won't be enough to take down Dragon Slayer. If he's a fire user, then he's doomed." 

Bisca narrowed her eyes, "Then why did I see you make a bet with Levy over there that Natsu will lose?" She pointed at the blue haired girl in the distance waving her hand around calling for people to place their bets. She even had Romeo helping out with arranging the board, showing that many people favored Natsu in a 5/1 stacked in the salmon haired boy's favor. Erza hadn't even started and yet she was guaranteed to win… 

"A-Aah, I-I was only doing that for… fun? Yes! For fun! To encourage the young man to never give up because I trust in him!" Wakaba shouted righteously, hoping the girl wouldn't see through him. This was a great opportunity to make a fortune! 

On the other side of the field, the Strauss siblings watched the three alongside Makarov, the old man more than curious to see what Broly was capable of and how far Natsu reached in his progression. 

"Yosha! This is a battle between men!" Elfman shouted at the top of his lungs, causing the Master to flinch as he was hungover, nothing a few mugs of beer wouldn't fix. 

Aside from his curiosity, Makarov had a growing amount of dread inside his heart. "Let's hope they don't destroy the field…" this field was empty enough for their guild members to regularly spar here, it looked quite empty with a vast terrain of grass and dirt. Though it still was inside Magnolia and counter as an official site, any extensive damages that went beyond what the local wizards working for the Council to fix, then they could theoretically charge him for the extra cost.

It never happened in the past but with Erza and Natsu here at the same time, and the guy who apparently blew up a mountain top… "this is a bad idea."

"Hahahaha, do not fret, Master. Erza or Natsu wouldn't go all out against Broly." Macao tried to reassure the old man but to little success. "And besides, even if you had to pay, I'm sure there wouldn't be anything over half a million… maybe." 

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?" 

These kids were going to be the death of him. Maybe he should have listened to Porlyusica and retired. Though he couldn't as Gildarts needed to be present for the title to be passed onto him. 

He was not the only one with a worried face.

Standing right in front of the excited Elfman was the oldest Strauss sibling whose smile was nowhere to be seen. "Honestly, those two are going too far! Broly just joined and completed two dangerous quests back to back, now they are asking for a fight like this?" 

A heavy frown dominated her face with a hint of worry, for she knew better than anyone how strong Erza could be in case Broly managed to defeat Natsu. Her eyes traveled to Erza who was fidgeting in place, it was so minute that no one but only the ones most familiar with the girl noticed. An excited Erza was as scary as an angered Erza, both might go a bit too far. 

"Nee-san, aren't you worrying a bit too much about Broly?"

"I'm worried about everyone." 

"But you never worried whenever Natsu got crushed by Erza all those times… he once had his arm broken and you secretly laughed..." 

Mirajane's eyes twitched, "I was a different girl all those years ago, you know that, Elfman." 

"That was three months ago—" the man had to stop when an eerie aura wafted over his body, cold and desolate that made his heart stop for a second. It was too late to apologize for his mistake as Mirajane slowly turned her head by with a smile that promised countless horrors and pain if he uttered another word.

"Elfman," she whispered silently enough that only he could hear her voice. "This is your second warning, there won't be a third." Her fingers poked the side of his abdomen, to others it would have seen as a simple scene of a sister teasing her brother — but to him it was no different than to have a demon's claw threatening to pierce his stomach and pull his guts out.

"S-s-s-s-so-sorry!" The guy yelped, shutting his mouth and cursing himself from going that route like last time, he should have learned from his last mistake. If this was a few years ago, then now he would have gotten punched to the face strong enough to knock him out for the entire day. 

Even Makarov nearly choked on his beer when hearing that oh so familiar and haunting voice that caused him a few tens of millions Jewels in damage cost. Though he quickly sighed in relief when the white haired girl returned back to her regular self while watching the scene in front with both interest and worry. 

Better to focus on something less worrying.

"Macao, where is Cana? She's usually the referee for such things and for keeping the record." That girl was the main keeper of all the records between every mages and the main booky who set up the bets. Though today it seemed Levy took that role for obvious reasons given her similar talents.

"Don't know, I think I heard someone say she went house hunting with the new blonde. Why do you ask? Do you want to bet on who would win as well?"

"What, me? Come on now, I would never do such a th—"

"Ah, Natsu is trying to fight Erza first." 

"DON'T YOU DARE, BRAT! I betted enough money on your head to win once!" 

"Master!?" Mirajane exclaimed out loud, both disappointed and expecting such a reaction from him. She sighed, hoping Erza wouldn't bring out her stronger armor sets and weapons. "Maybe I should prepare a first aid kit just in case." 


While everyone was waiting with anticipation for the fight to start, Natsu finished his last set of stretches, warming up his body and smacking his flaming hands together.

"Heh, are you ready to get your ass kicked? I trained hard for this day!" Natsu said excitedly to the Saiyan, itching to just start the fight right at this moment. 

The Dragon Slayer then turned to Erza, pointing his finger right at her face with a giant grin on his face. "You're next, I'll be taking that S-Class title away from you!" 

'That's not how it works…' was everyone's thoughts at the moment. 

"No, you won't fight Broly." Unexpectedly for him, Erza had other plans. "I should be going first by the fact that you two already fought a multitude of times before coming to Magnolia. Then by default, you should let me have a go and wait, that's fair." 

She as well was giddy to take on the Saiyan as much as Natsu, though instead of having any notion of beating him — Erza wanted to show how far she came compared to her past self. To show him that she changed and was no longer the weak girl who couldn't even protect herself. She also wanted to show everyone how Broly was a powerful mage, just seeing the probability of Natsu winning being such a massive gap irked the redhead to no end. 

The urge to cut that board in half grew each passing second! This battle was going to remove that notion from their minds, she would make sure of it.

Even now she did not understand how Broly's powers worked exactly, he mentioned how it was Ki, but that hardly explained half of the things shown. She learned from Levy that in some secluded areas around the world, they had different names for magic and Ethernano. So she came to the conclusion he was wielded a form of pure energy manipulation through magic? 

Natsu did not like her idea one bit.

"Oi, who told you that I fought him!?" 

Erza gave him a deadpan stare and mentioned a single name. "Lucy." 

"We've been betrayed!" Happy shouted in the background, leading the entire crowd to start laughing at the cat's reaction. 

"It was agreed that I'm going to fight him first and you secondly!" 

Erza tilted her head slightly, "When? With whom? I don't remember promising such a thing with you or anyone for that matter. And to add further information, I was the one who proposed to duel him first — you came out of nowhere and forced yourself here." Maybe trying to use words on him was a waste of time, Natsu wasn't one to be convinced so easily. She was proven right in a matter of seconds as Natsu's face turned red with fury. 

"Maybe I should take you out first!"

Hearing his words made her want to scoff, though powerful, Natsu never once had a duel against her or even close to it. No matter how many times they fought, he always believed he had the capabilities to defeat her. Whether it was arrogance, stupidity or pure stubbornness was unknown. Though knowing Natsu, it could easily be all three at the same time coupled with his dense head. 

'I'll just knock him out and move on.' 

A single solid hit to his head would suffice. 

"Hey, you two should stop arguing." Before either of them could make a move, they heard Broly's voice close to them and we're surprised to find him standing right next to them.



Both wizards froze, questioning themselves how they could have missed him getting at arm's reach without even noticing! Looking at the people around them, no one seemed to react abnormally to his appearance, so the guy must have just walked to them. 

What a small presence he had with a body like that…

Though what he said next caused the two and everyone around to go completely silent. 

"Why don't we just make it more interesting and fair?" He said with a smile, having suspected for Natsu to get this riled up but was caught off guard by Erza's eagerness. "Instead of having a one on one duel, let's just have all three of us fight at the same time?" 



The entire area exploded with everyone experiencing their jaws falling to the ground with a tremendous sense of disbelief wash over them like a tsunami. Makarov ended up spitting his beer, Mirajane head became blank along with Wakaba and Macao — the latter coughing after having inhaled the entire cigar by accident. 

"This guy is crazy!" The guild members shouted with hysteria, wondering if they heard wrong or if this guy had something wrong with his brain! "He's basically for a beating!"

"Wait, then how does the bet work now?"

"I guess whoever comes out victorious in the end…" 

Everyone's head turned towards Cana robotically, their eyes turning to the Natsu chances of winning far outweighing Broly and then the nearly empty Erza section given they did not believe he would go that far. Heck, only two people betted that he would win against the Titania. But with how things were turning out, Natsu's chances of winning plummeted and Erza rose to the top. 

Levy, seeing their reaction immediately had Romeo close down the stall. 

"All bets that were made in the beginning cannot be changed~! So stick with what you have and if you want to complain, then take it with Cana cause she's the one who makes the rules and I'm just a temporary replacement." Levy did not hesitate to shoot down their hopes viciously, though she felt a bit bad about it. "Still… what is he thinking asking for such a thing?" Even she was baffled by Broly's suggestion, having been childhood friends with both Erza and Natsu — they were not known for their abilities to hold back. 

"Damn it! Now both him and Natsu will lose and I won't get my money!" 

"Not if Natsu managed to beat him first before getting handled by Erza, that should still count." 

"Ah, I didn't think of that! Though, I don't think Erza would agree to such an unfair match, unless Natsu agrees to team up with the new guy and gang up on her… then again, it's Natsu we're talking about." 

"Hah, all of the money I earned from my week-long quest, wasted."

They knew that the chances of Natsu teaming up with anyone was lower than winning against the redhead somehow. He was known to always hold the desire to defeat Erza on his own without any aid. 

"Hey, does anyone even know what kind of magic the big guy uses?" 

"I heard it was something about body enhancements and enhancements. I mean, just look at him, it should be quite obvious."

"But he could also be a Take-Over wizard like Elfman."

"Nah man, if that were the case then we would have known by now. Happy mentioned how he body slammed Natsu through a freaking house!"

"What is that idiot doing!?" Now it was Makarov's turn to shout out loud in anger, crying tears of blood as he could see the money he gambled burning away right before his eyes. "Someone, stop him! Ah, Erza would never agree to such a thing, nor would Natsu!" 

Struck by karma, the young Dragon Slayer smirked and actually smiled! "Eh, an all out fight? I'm totally up for it!"

That response was no different than a smack to his face. His skin going all pale with a dead and listless look in his eyes. Though hoped remained as Erza wou—

"I don't see anything wrong with that, I agree, let's have a proper three way duel." 

This was it, the world had abandoned and his children turned against their guild master. They were all plotting against him, that he was sure of it! They wanted him to lose all his money and lose every single precious strand of his remaining hair. 

"K-k-k-k-k, freaking brats!" 

"That's what you get with betting." Mentioned the white haired wizard, watching with a hint of glee and satisfaction at the devastated faces of everyone around her, so much so that she had to control herself for a bit. 

'But Nee-san, you also made a bet…' 

Having learned his lesson, Elfman just said this within his head. His sister had been behaving a bit weird lately, he wondered what was going on with her. 


Broly did not expect for both of them to accept the suggestion so easily, thinking that it would have taken a lot of convincing to Natsu especially, but it turned out he was overthinking things. 

He watched as Mirajane came forward and looked at all of them with a serious face, her gaze staying on him for a few more seconds than the rest. "Alright, the rules are simple. You win by either beating your opponent or having them give up verbally. Since this is not a real fight with terrible consequences, anyone even suffering from anything close to a major injury will have the entire thing stopped. Understood?" 


"Of course." 

"Let's do this!" 

With all of them prepared, Broly hears her starting to count down from three. His muscles tensed, watching as Natsu went to a stance with his fists burning while Erza stood still with a sword held firmly in front of her — though it did not seem like that was going to attack. 

He did not have any particular fighting style, Paragus' main rule of battle was to attack first and destroy the enemy before they could counterattack. 


It started.

"Ha! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" The Dragon Slayer started strongly, the fire around his hands growing more intense as it traveled straight for Broly's face. 

'He's faster than before,' the Saiyan noted, bringing forearm up and using it as a shield to block the attack. "Hn!" The force behind the strike was stronger than he imagined as his body was pushed a couple of inches backwards. 

The fire's heat causing a stinging sensation on his skin which he ignored for now.

"Heh, you managed to block that." Natsu mentioned, not surprised, how the man easily blocked his attack. "Don't think this is over!" What followed was a relentless fury of attacks of fire and fists striking all over Broly's upper while the latter continued to guard his face. 


Despite looking like he was getting overwhelmed, Broly's remained as clear as ever with the same hint of excitement growing by the second. His pupils followed the boy's each and every attack, sometimes even turning to Erza who remained standing in the distance. Clueless why she wasn't attacking, he decided to worry about that later and focus on his current fight. 

"Aaahh, this is getting annoying! Why aren't you throwing any punches!?" Watching how little progress he was making against the Saiyan and worse how the latter was not even responding to his attacks was pushing Natsu to the edge of a furious outbreak. 

He jumped high in the air, having Broly tilt his head upwards to see what attack the boy was going to use on him next. His answer came with Natsu doing a flip with his foot blazing bright orange, the attack faster than anything he'd shown. 

"Fire Dragon's Claw!" 


The strike landed right in his shoulders full force, bending Broly's knees slightly as the man's eyes widened at the attack's power. The ground cracked, the crowd's cheering getting louder and louder with Natsu's Impress moves. 

Yet despite all of that.




Broly did not feel did not feel much pain, rather it was lesser than he imagined. 

Maybe Natsu wasn't giving it his all?

Natsu did not stop, proceeding to knee Broly in the stomach with a loud bang that made the crowd inhale a lungful of air. 

"Oof, that must have hurt!" Wakaba winced, starting to feel sorry for the now hunched Saiyan. "Why doesn't he use that magic of his? It was a powerful one to be able to cause so much damage yet he's doing nothing… maybe there's something I'm missing."

Reedus' hands moved as fast as the wind, capturing every moment he could on his painting. 

"See? I told you he was a defense magic wizard! No one can take so much abuse from Natsu without flinching in pain." 

"Ah, Natsu is going for his breath attack!" Someone shouted at they noticed the boy's cheeks bulging to abnormal size and a red fiery magic circle with the head of a dragon's forming between his hands. Broly's eyes narrowed, he was more interested in the physical attacks, so this technique would not be useful to him.

For the first time since this fight began, Broly moved. 

"Hmmm!?" His hands as large compared to Natsu's face covering his mouth where the fire was about to be shot. The move breaking the spell immediately as even the salmon haired boy is caught completely by surprise. 

"I think I got it." Broly whispered before his eyes narrowed to a focused face. With a single move, he smashed Natsu's face to the ground, shocking the Dragon Slayer for a couple of seconds — long enough to have his ankles grabbed. 

"Waaahhh—puh!" As if becoming a wet rag, Natsu was flung around the ground back and forth by Broly. Each impact caused as much damage upon his body, the sensation no different to a hammer slamming against his back. "Aaaaaai—Eurgh!" 

Any trace of oxygen was forcefully pushed out his lungs, his bones rattling and muscles breaking apart from the brutal assault. 

The people watching the sudden vicious beatdown left speechless at how things escalated so quickly. Natsu was the one pushing back Broly yet now it was the opposite. There was finesse, no martial art or technique behind the Saiyan's moves, no different than a beast just trying to take down its prey as quickly and painfully as possible. 

"D-Damn, that guy is seriously powerful!" Macao said with an uneasy smile, he expected the guy to throw one of his green energy blasts and beat Natsu. Now, not only did he not use any of his magic for that matter, but solely relied on his physical strength. "I'm starting to worry if Natsu hasn't suffered from some broken bones by now." 


Makarov stayed silent, observing the fight with keen eyes. 

"F-Fire Dragon's Roar!!!" Wanting to get out of Broly's grasp, Natsu gathered a large amount within his mouth once again and was about to release a stream of fire at his opponent. But the latter's reaction surpassed the Natsu's, twisting his torso and arching his back to throw the boy away from him as far as possible and aimed straight for Erza.


'He used him as a projectile!?' Thought Erza as she watched Natsu come flying towards her like a spinning disk. Using her shield or fists to stop him could hurt the boy, so she had to try another method. 

To everyone's eyes, Natsu's uncontrollable throw started to slow down, as if an invisible force was acting on him before he stopped mid air.

"Looks like Erza's control over her telekinesis magic grew since last time." Mirajane commented, "last I remember, she could only manage to move her own swords and manipulate large objects like boulders." 

Even without her Re-equip magic, she sincerely believed that the redhead had the potential to become a S-Class wizard with her natural magic alone — she only lacked some practice. 

"Damnit, that hurt." Natsu, having been dropped to the ground, complained, groaning as muscles ached with each movement. Still, he couldn't stop the smile on his face from spreading, this battle was more fun than he anticipated. "Hahaha! That was awesome! Again!" 

Ignoring his pain, Natsu rushed for Broly again. "Fire Dragon's Fist!" 

Unlike last time, Broly did not stay still, he met the strike head on with his own punch which was followed by a miniature shockwave. A thin film of green Ki coating his fist this time, protecting his skin from the flames. 

Both traded blows after blows, swinging at each other increasingly similar blows, each trying to smash the other's face in, kicking their legs, elbowing, beating with their whole body. Broly was twice Natsu's size, but he surprised him with speed matching his own and an equal amount of flexibility with spinning kicks through the air. 

"As I expected, this is quite unusual." Makarov whispered, his eyes gleaming with a strange light as he finally realized what Broly was doing. "That's frightening in a way." 

"Hm, what are you talking about?" Elfman asked, curious about what the Master was saying. 

"You don't see it do you… observe carefully, Natsu is going to lose." 


Saliva splattered on the ground, as a large fist caved Natsu's stomach, making his eyes go blank for a split second as he lost consciousness. Another strike followed with a knee aiming straight for his lower jaw, bringing back the light to his eyes as he was sent soaring through the sky before a shadow appeared from above. Recognition flashed through the salmon haired boy's face, making him grin strangely. "Y-You… a-are cop—" was all he could say before getting kicked to the chest.

The earth rumbled as a large cloud of dust formed when Natsu's body descended from the sky. People coughed, covering their faces from the particles and staying still with apt anticipation as they wondered what happened next. When the cloud of dust cleared, everyone gasped at the sight in front of them.

"It can't be…"

"This can't be real, Natsu of all people!?" 

What they found was Natsu lying unconscious inside a crater of his size, beaten beyond their expectations. 

"This new guy is definitely a master at reinforcement magic!" 

"Natsu!" Happy flew to him, making sure the boy was okay and sighed in relief when he found there to be no serious injuries.

"Ah, looks like I went too far." Landing right next to them was Broly, carefully picking up Natsu gently from the ground. He felt bad, despite having told himself to hold back as much as he could, the rush of the battle made him lose track of himself for a bit. "Sorry, Happy, I promise to treat you two with a big meal when he wakes up." 

The cat's face changed instantly with stars in his eyes. "Fish!?" 

Broly chuckled, "Yes, all the fish you can imagine." There was a river nearby, flying over there and getting some fish was not an issue for the Saiyan.

"Aye!" Happy grabbed Natsu and gleefully started to fly away to the guild's infirmary. "Ah! Also good luck against Erza, don't get too injured or I won't get my fish!" 

He thought Happy would be angry at him for beating Natsu, but seeing him actually wish him luck brought a great sense of ease. "I need to keep it under control…" 

As the fight stretched on with Natsu, his desire to fight back grew. Each punch, kick and stomp made me want more, to use just a bit more of his strength, to let loose just for a tiny bit. But it seemed that he almost let these emotions overwhelm him in the end.

"Now it's my turn." He heard Erza's voice. "I'm sorry to have not followed your suggestion at fighting you at the same time as Natsu. He was enjoying himself quite a bit there and I did not want to ruin the moment." Truthfully, she also noticed the anomaly with Broly's fighting style the longer the fight continued, so she stayed back just to see what was going on. 

"Erza…" Broly on the other hand grew hesitant, if he were to lose even a tiny bit of his control, then she could get hurt like Natsu. He did not want to make the same mistake twice, especially for her. "I-I think that I'm done fo—"

"No you're not." She said, meeting his gaze with an understanding smile. "I'm stronger than Natsu, I can handle far stronger opponents. You don't need to worry about me, all I want you to do is to trust me. Please?" She asked earnestly, out of everyone here, Broly remembered that she was the only one who had seen him lose control back then. Yet she still held her ground, asking him to trust her. 

"You are confusing something, Broly." She said, confusing the Saiyan. "With Natsu, you weren't losing control of anything, I know you would have never gone too far. You know what that was?"


No, he did not.

"You were having fun. Nothing more, nothing less." 


She nodded her head, "Yes, fun. That's why I want you to realize that what happened in the past is a different story and will not happen again. Back then the reason behind that was a completely different scenario right now. Just focus on me and nothing else, don't hold back as much and trust me like I trust you." Her body flashed with brilliant light as her previous silver Heart Kreuz armor was replaced with a beautiful, angelic silver white armor with wings made of steel. 

"I will prove to you that unlike anyone in the past, I will be the only one to take you on at your best!" 


For the first time since he first met Erza, Broly saw the girl under a different light. The phantom image of the little girl with rags following him around constantly was replaced with the mighty wizard before him. Exuding confidence in waves, unafraid of his nature and an unbending will. 

Moved by her words, Broly decided to continue the fight — for he trusted her with his life. She could not take him at his strongest yet, but he wanted to believe that maybe one day she would reach that level. 

His feet stomped on the ground, taking a horse stance with both his hands glowing with green Ki. 

Erza smirked after seeing his current posture, "I knew it, you copied Natsu's style." Right now, his stance was exactly the same as the Dragon Slayer, the glowing Ki covering his hands further increasing the similarities. Even during the fight, Erza noticed how Broly was starting to throw punches and kicks the same way Natsu did. 

Wakaba gasped, looking at Makarov with shock. "Wait, the whole time he was…"

"Yes, he purposely let Natsu attack him while guarding the entire time. All just to study the boy's moves and copy them… but the speed at which he managed to copy them is unnerving. I don't know if this is copy magic or his own skills." 

At this moment, it was like seeing a bigger Natsu on the field ready to fight Erza. 

Erza grasped her sword tighter, wondering what would happen if used a weapon as well. Would he fight like her as well? For some reason, she found that idea very enticing and wanted it happen. 

Just as she was about to rush forward, everyone stopped when a toad person appeared in the middle of the field clapping his hands.


They stopped, wondering what was going on.

"To all, do not move their spot! I am an envoy from the council and have come to arrest the one named Broly!" 

"Huh?" The Saiyan was lost.


Was everyone's reaction.


Joshua Leahy

So, is Jellal still a puppet? Or is this 'for want of nail' and Grimoire heart is still doing evil sh*t?


OMG. I never hated someone so much as of now. THAT DAMN FROG. He ruined my fun 💀

Broly LSSJ

The damn frog 🐸