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Not beta read yet

8k words... I'm so tired T-T.

Also, I will be updating chapter 47 of An Archer's Promise with the latest beta read version which is 11k words (8-9k previously)... Yeah, a lot was added





"Hah, hah… I'm going to die!" 

On their way to school, Emiya couldn't help but chuckle at the zestful princess who threatened him to shut up in a way he had never been before and now walk like a bonafide zombie. With the harsh sun and temperature over Sainan having increased by a couple of degrees since this morning without a single cloud in the horizon — safe to say many were struggling to deal with it. 

But none were as extreme as Lala.

"If you're stumped by this, then be prepared for an even hotter afternoon." He said, not feeling nearly as miserable as the Devilukean Princess in front of him. " And because it's early summer, you'll need to be prepared for something worse after." 

Having survived in many arid and barren wastelands in his life, Emiya more or less learned to adapt to such extreme changes to the weather rather quickly. 

"We don't have summer in Deviluke." Lala muttered while pulling her already sweaty uniform that clinged closely to her figure. They were clothes the redhead brought her to wear, Peke kept mumbling how this didn't make sense given after scanning the entire house it never found a single blueprint of a uniform of this size and color. She pulled at the fabric, exposing a lot of cleavage. "Maybe, I should just spend the day naked."

"Huh!" A random passerby tripped and fell to the ground after hearing her words.

"Absolutely not, if you do that then I'll lock you up inside the house for the entire day." 

"Booo, meanie! I was just joking," she stocked out her tongue childishly.

It hardly sounded like a joke when coming from her, given the girl's eccentric personality then stripping naked in the middle of the road without an ounce of shame was a possibility he couldn't ignore.

"Can you please be more careful with your words? Rumors will start circulating around about our relationship and I don't want to face the entire school once again." It didn't help that this morning's chaos was another source of headache to him. Rito ran off to the living room while mumbling incoherent things while Mikan looked at him with apparent anger. 

He explained to the girl that he didn't cross the line with Lala and that the girl just sneaked inside his room and stripped herself naked out of habit. If this continued to happen then Rito might end up with a heart attack sooner than later.

"Humph, as if I will ever let Lala-sama walk around naked!" Peke exclaimed from its wrist form. "It is my sacred duty to keep her safe from both prying eyes and the elements. Then you came out of nowhere and stole that away from me, damnable human!" 


He just ignored the robot, this wasn't the first time Peke started to rant about his current state. But given the thing ran on a limited battery which barely lasted a full day, Emiya just didn't want to risk it during school days. This afternoon he was planning on taking the girl to a clothing store and picking some actual clothes rather than the Projected uniform she was wearing. As long as it didn't get damaged or cut then it would stay. Thankfully, he made sure to ask Mikado to prepare a few sets along with both the gym clothes and swimsuits. 

She teased him about being so considerate, but he just wanted to avoid any stupid incidents which could have been easily avoidable. 

'Oh right, I need to buy some shoes for her too, along with socks, her own bag and other school materials. Hah, so many errands…' All of this wasn't cheap, perhaps it was going to be necessary to review this month's budget and make a few changes. 'Then again, Mikan needs to get her yearly check up at the doctor and new clothes as well… she's been growing up too fast lately. Saibai is probably half dead by now due to the deadline, I'll make him some healthy food, too much energy drink is bad for his health. Rito needs to start studying already, he's a slow learner and I don't want him to end up last again.'

If Mikado were to hear his train of thoughts, she would label him as a single mother. 

"Why is it so hot this early in the morning, Shirou?"

"Because the sun exists, seasons are a thing and Japan is far from the north and south poles." The sarcasm leaked out of his voice in waves. 

"It's soooo hot, but I can get into something called a swimming pool today, so I'm happy."

Hrm? oh yeah, the girls start swimming class today. That thought completely slipped through his mind due to the recent shenanigans, hopefully Mikado will make it on time. Or he could have Peke cover for a bit.

'No no no, for all I know that thing can short circuit or something.' 

"I'm 100% waterproof!" As if it could read Emiya's mind, Peke shouted out loud with indignation. "I'll show you how good I a—" They were distracted with the flash of a camera. He turned his head to see a hooded figure rush through a crowd of students before turning around into an alleyway. 

"Wasn't that…"

Damn it, that idiot was up to no good again!

Ghi Bree was back in action, having survived yesterday's deathtrap and almost getting his tentacles ripped out by Zastin. He managed to escape and resume his daily life as the gym teacher — Sasuga-sensei. The real Sasuga was sent on a month-long vacation trip and with a bit of manipulation and bribing here and there… the alien managed to take his position completely. 

'Hah, nothing better than teaching a class of sexy girls and selecting my future wives!' 

He hadn't given up yet, yesterday's incident brought him to death's door but he survived! "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Ghi Bree recited the words he learned recently to try and impress some of the girls or the princess. 

Now, standing near the pool surrounded with girls wearing those tight swimsuits pushed him to the edge, the desire to capture them all growing by the second. Oh, and even the princess was here! 

She seemed to have already made some friends.




"Risa!" Lala exclaimed jubilantly as she came out of the changing room wearing a navy blue school swimsuit with her name in it. The light brunette exuded the same amount of energy as the Princess, she remembered Emiya mentioning how she was just a guest last time. But Risa was having a hard time believing that, given how intimate they seemed initially. 

"Lala, you already changed? You're so fast!" 

"Hee hee, I'm fast, aren't I?" 

Truth be told, Risa strongly believed that this girl was almost equal to Yui in terms of size. Of course, the latter remained quite gifted to the point of making the majority of the female population feel quite jealous. "Can I touch your breasts a little?" She asked without shame, wanting to get a feel of those blessed assets and to also tease the girl.


Wow, no hesitation whatsoever, that was rare. Not that she would complain as her hands grabbed Lala's breast, her thumbs rubbing the soft flesh. Her fingers gripped tighter, her breast bulging between her fingers and she moved to massage the firm, round orbs. Risa had to admit, they were top quality goods which didn't fall short to the likes of Yui. No wonder Emiya got his eye on her, she just had a near perfect figure!

"Lala, you have a nice body. Any boy will be awestruck or faint if they ever saw you naked." Like seriously, even some of the girls in the class couldn't help but admire her body including Mio and herself. The only person she would class on top of both Lala and Yui was the school nurse. 

"Hehehe, you think so? Shirou didn't seem to care much when we were in the bath together… or this morning." She said without a hint of embarrassment, just watching Risa's actions curiously.

Risa's smile froze as well as her movement, she felt like these words sounded far too ridiculous and way out of the water that it might have been a mistake.

"I'm sorry, what the heck did you just s—"


Lala slipped away from Risa's grasp and ran after the blue-haired shy girl. The latter froze, nearly falling to the floor when the joyful princess jumped at her with a large hug. She saw how close Lala and Risa were and didn't want to disturb them, still, the girl didn't expect to see someone so excited to see her. "A-Ah, L-Lala-san, how are you?" 

"I'm fine Haruna, this is my first time in a swimming class!"

"Eh, it's your first time swimming, Lala-san?" Haruna asked.

"Nope, they don't have anything like this where I live! Even the palace didn't have a swimming pool." 

A palace? From that it sounded like Lala came from a wealthy family, given she was a foreigner it made the girl wonder how Emiya met her to begin with. He barely had any friends in school, never hung out with others outside school and didn't travel abroad as far as she knew. 'Yuuki-kun said a lot of things about his brother's past but never mentioned anything about Lala before. Would asking for more details count as intrusive?'

"Umm, I hope it's not rude on my part but what exactly is your relationship with Emiya-kun? Because he mentioned that you're a guest but you two seem to be pretty close." This morning she saw Lala hold his hands like a couple, then it was kind of weird how she lived inside his house. She asked Rito the same question this morning, but for some reason the boy started blushing feverishly and fainted on the spot.

"I love him! And he's technically my betrothed!" 

"EEEEEH!?" She cried out in shock, "that doesn't make sense!" Unable to believe such a claim, she exclaimed out loud with a frown to a confused Lala. 

"Eh, why?" 

"You met Emiya-kun a few days ago, right?" 


"Then how can you say such a thing?" It was such an inconceivable idea to wrap her head around. How could someone fall in love with another person in a matter of days and already get engaged? She believed in love at first sight but planning a future so hastily was just a disaster waiting to happen. Plus, the girl knew Emiya better than most people in this school, the boy would have never agreed to such circumstances. "You barely know anything about Emiya then how can you want to marry him? Let alone fall in love!"

Lala tilted her head cutely, looking at her as if she asked a question with an obvious answer. "Well that's an easy question, Shirou is my hero and is a good person. That should be enough for us to become a happy couple like Mama and Papa!"

The blue haired girl felt her eyebrow twitch, with an uneasy smile she continued to speak. "B-But Emiya-kun is nice to everyone! You don't see every girl going after him just because of that. Lala-san, for a couple to be happy there are many things that you need to do beforehand, or else there'll never be any long term chemistry between them." She seriously hoped that all of this was just a bad joke. 

"Eh, really? Then what is it? Tell me, tell me, if it helps me to get closer to Shirou then I'm ready to learn!" Haruna didn't expect the girl to be this forward and optimistic. 

"W-Well, do you know what's Shirou's favorite hobby?" 

"Eh," now that she thought about it, what did he like? After living with him for a certain amount of time, Lala tried to recall what hobby or activity he did often. It finally dawned on her and answered confidentially. "He likes to beat up people!"

"Wrong!" Haruna shook her head, her eyes growing darker. "Emiya-kun is a kind soul, he wouldn't like hurting others in the least. He likes to cook, read books and take care of plants." 

"Wow, that's perfect! I also like to read books, eat his food and used to take care of my sister's plants! We are truly compatible with each other."  

The eye twitching intensified. 

"N-Next one, do you know what he's good at and activities he excels in? Including matters he's not good with and would avoid." 

"I know! Shirou is good with sword fighting, magic and firing missile arrows at my mean bodyguards. Hmm, nope, Shirou is good at everything!" 

"Hah, that was my fault for asking something so complicated." Was she making fun of her? Saying ridiculous things like that with magic and swords was just so childish. "Emiya-kun is great with chores and like I've mentioned before, cooking, studying and finally sports. Despite being lazy he's one of the top ranking students. He hates large crowds, loud noises and whenever someone is causing trouble to his siblings."

"I see, Peke, are you recording this? Oh wait, I left Peke in my locker." 

Who was Peke?

"Tell me more! What color does he like? Does he have any particular preference when going outside? What's his favorite dish? Give me everything you know about him!"

Eh? Haruna was taken aback by the sudden change, Lala was so passionate with the questions that she had to lean back how close the link haired girl was to her face. "U-U-Umm, I-I think he likes both red and blue, a park or the beach on weekdays would be a good option given how peaceful the areas can be. Hmm, Emiya-kun likes every kind of dish if it's prepared perfectly, oh! Dogs for some reason don't like him as they keep barking at him." Marin especially hated Emiya, once she met the boy when bringing her dog on a walk and it started barking at him despite her trying to calm it down. If Maron wasn't on a leash then she feared the dog could have attacked him. 

"Anything else?"

"There is this one time… wait, why am I telling you this!?" Haruna held herself back, this conversation diverged way past what it was supposed to be. 

*But you know so much about Shirou, you want to marry him too? I don't mind!" 

"T-T-T-That's not the point I was trying to make!" At this point, her face turned completely red. With hazy eyes and a dwindling mental state, she wanted to cry. If the boy in question heard this conversation, Haruna knew she would die from embarrassment! "He and I are just f-friends!" 

Nevermind, she was not able to convey anything much to Lala. Haruna sighed, wondering just how Emiya was going to deal with this case. 

"Hehehe, no need to be so shy, I'll keep it a secret, I promise!" 

"I really am not…"

"Cheer up, Haruna, I think I have something just right for the situation." Lala remembered leaving her phone inside her locker, so she excused herself for a bit and got inside the building to find her D-Dial phone. "Found it! Now where did I put Splish Splash Wake-kun." 

"Lala-sama, didn't the human forbid you from using your Inventions without his permission." The small bracelet inside her locker spoke with a hushed voice. "I don't like him but he's got a point, we should be careful when using technology beyond this planet inhabitant's understanding." 

Peke wasn't just helping out of the goodness of its heart or because Peke agreed with the redhead, rather it made a deal with the latter that if the costume robot managed to keep Lala from using her invasion then he would let Peke continue becoming Lala's clothes! 

"Hmm, that's true." Lala muttured, remembering his words from before. "But I want him to trust my inventions rather than be distrustful." Her face turned gloomy, recalling that never actually got a chance to show off one without something going awry, even if she only used two of her inventions so far. 

"You still want to try it?" Peke asked.

"I… I don't know." She was known as a genius in Deviluke with enough intelect to work with the best scientists around. She created many machines which were in use for years, so it wasn't like everything she created would fail. Her D-Dial and Peke were the best creations so far. "Maybe I can tweak it a bit to lower its power output, yeah, that sounds like a good idea." 


Hanging out by himself on top of the school rooftop was a person wearing a dark hoodie with a masked face where no features were able to be discerned. "Lala's secret picture while she's swimming. I'm so looking forward to it" he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, when he heard the News that Emiya brought a cute linked haired girl to the school — the man immediately believed it and cursed that man over and over again. "I could even sell them a set of panty shots that I have collected so far, for 50 thousand yen."

He could already hear the praise coming from his fellow classmates and his brothers in the anti-Emiya club, these pictures easily fetched a high price there.  

"Now let's see what the girls are up to," with his professional camera, he zoomed into the pool zone and started taking pictures of the girls one by one. From full body pictures to some half body shots reserved for those who were more interested in others… 'assets'. 

Risa looked as gorgeous as ever, how such a girl hadn't ended up as a class Idol with her looks was a mystery… maybe it was the sexual harassment and breast grabbing she did to the other girls. If only she could do the same thing to the boys. "Bitch, I proposed to you once and you rejected me to my face by saying I wasn't manly enough!" 

He switched to another girl, "Hooo, Momioka looks as pure as ever, that innocent face of hers coupled with that angelic, lithe body is a blessing to this school. Hehehehe, she's hanging out with the new girl. Damn, she's hot, I can try to propose to her during physical education. Tch, hopefully that bastard won't be by her side." 

He had already taken a few pictures of the Devilukean Princess, and those were the hottest commodity with the male population as even her regular pictures were sold as much as the swimsuit ones. But Lala in a swimsuit? He was going to be rich!

"Ha! Like I'll sell those to anyone, they're mine! I'll steal her away from Emiya one way or another."

"If you can take her away from me then I'm willing to accept that as a blessing." He heard someone's voice beside him, the sudden addition of a person he didn't expect to be here given the doors were locked threw the photographer off and made him hurriedly back away. "But then again, given you're taking creepy pictures like these then I'm afraid you're not the one, unfortunately."

Goosebumps spread across his skin as he gazed at the boy leaning against the metal guard rails while lazily looking at the swim class below. He shifted his eyes and stared down at him with disappointment and annoyance. "I thought we were over this, Taizo." 

Motemitsu Taizo, a second year student whom Emiya had encountered a number of times in the past before he even came to Sainan High. Handsome some would call him, bold as well given how his confessions tended to go, but this boy was a true pervert at heart and a creep. He caught him not so long ago taking secret pictures of Mikado with a hidden camera. 

"E-E-Emiya!?" What was this bastard doing here!? "How did you get here?*

"Through the door, what other way is there up here? Imbecile." Just before going back to class, Emiya had noticed a shining glint on the rooftop and it wasn't hard to discern the figure up there. At first he believed to have been one of Lala's candidate fiancés, though his worries soon died down upon further when the figure showed the camera and pointed it at the swimming pool

"Impossible! I made sure to lock it!"

"And I unlocked it." 


"With a key." 

"..." Taizo felt like he wasn't being taken seriously by the redhead or was being messed with. "Leave me be, Emiya, this doesn't concern you so back of—" 

His voice died down as he witnessed in the hands of another, the boy casually going through his gallery with a distasteful sneer. "Panty shot, panty shot, panty shot, bra, more bras, oh and would you look at that… another panty shot. Hmm, ah, quite a few swimsuit pictures. I'm honestly impressed how you managed to take them without getting spotted, some of these look like you were facing them. Heh, I guess you have a preference for Risa and Haruna, the majority is them along with Lala coming in third."

"H-How did you get it?" 

"You weren't paying any attention." Emiya said, continuing to browse through the camera's gallery. There were thousands of pictures belonging to nearly every girl in the school — he recognised Rin, Mio and even Mikado somehow. 'Of course she would wear such riské lingerie.'

Essentially, the camera in his hand held more value than anything to the boys of this school. 

"Come on maaaan, you got enough girls in your harem so leave some for the rest of us! I promise to delete your girlfriend's pictures. Think of it as a favor from a friend." He whined, making the former Counter Guardian sigh helplessly.

"I don't have a harem, let alone a girlfriend, I don't understand where all of you got such an idea from. Also, I don't remember us being friends, ever. You were the one who came out of nowhere and decided to call yourself my friend while pushing me to introduce you to a girl who might want to date you." At first he ignored the boy, eating his lunch silently while Taizo started blabbering about his good looks and how he can woo so many girls in the school easily. On the second day that confidence decreased as he started asking about any available girls he might know. Again, Emiya never uttered a word to him. 

Third day he brought some yakisoba bread along with some limited edition comic books. 'Hey, as a friend I couldn't forget about you and brought you some of my favorite limited edition comic books about arachnid-man! I have another one at home, though I'm not sure if I should give it to you.'

Obviously it was a bribe, Rito would have probably liked it, Emiya on the other hand wasn't much of a comic book reader. So one again, he ignored the guy. Risa and Mio who were sitting next to him every time for lunch would enjoy the show every time and never intervened to his aid — a bunch of traitors. Then Taizo started getting more desperate, starting to beg to beg, grief, continue negotiating and finally crying out loud. This happened whenever he spoke with either Mikado, Risa or even his own sister outside school grounds! 

"You should have someone who is willing to date me, Emiya! Aren't you setting up your brother with Sairenji?" 

"I'm afraid no one is that desperate." He wasn't helping Rito just because they were siblings. Haruna was also his friend and a perfect match for his little brother, she was someone he could see Rito getting along with quite well and the latter even loved her for a long time. Taizo on the other hand, sure there were some girls who admired his looks but that was all, he was an irrecusable pervert who destroyed any hopes of dating a girl with his personality. "Try to adopt a dog, at least the animal will love you unconditionally for the rest of its life."

"Oi, that was mean!" 

"I know, I'm taking the camera and putting an end to all of this." 

"Listen, we are technically buddies by n—wait! Waitwaitwait, let's make a deal, okay?" When he saw his camera get dangled and ready to be thrown off the roof, he panicked. That thing cost him a fortune, almost half a year of his allowance. "You care about the girls' safety, right? Then I'll tell you something, that Sasuga-sensei is a bigger creep than me!" 

Emiya paused and listened, he wasn't really going to destroy the camera and was just planning to destroy the memory card. Guess the boy misunderstood his action, not that he was going to do anything about it. 

"I'm listening." 

"Yosh! I-I mean, recently there has been rumors going around from the girls of other classes that they felt like the teacher leered at their chest and butts a lot recently. Some even mentioned how they found him snooping around their locker rooms, but he claimed that it was to fix some equipment though many doubt him. Others mentioned they heard him mutter weird things like kidnapping and wedding."

As he continued speaking, Emiya reinforced his eyes and carefully observed the swimming as conveniently enough, Sasuga-sensei was in view. The man was watching over the girls and making them perform some exercises, nothing suspicious so far. Lala and Haruna seemed to get along nicely, Risa and Mio were the dangerous ones as they continued to sneak up behind other girls and molest them. Soon enough, the girls stopped doing their stretching and jumped inside the pool with the teacher going around and picking up planks before distributing them to the students. 

'I don't see anything strange, he's behaving as usual without any signs of something weird going on there. No, wait…' 

Risa didn't join the rest and instead walked back inside the changing room, but that wasn't what caught his attention. Rather Sasuga-sensei kept looking over and around suspiciously. He slowly walked away from the pool before hurriedly going inside the room where Risa went. 

'Looks like Taizo's words hold some credibility after all.'

"Aside from that, there have been other rumors that Sasuga-sensei should have gone overseas for a vacation of sorts but somehow he's still her—Emiya?" Taizo stopped his rambling when he searched for the white haired menace that was about to destroy his camera. He was gone, having disappeared without making a sound and leaving his camera on the ground. The boy released a heavy sigh of relief and picked up the device. "Now let's see, I wonder how much space… I… got… left …" 

His hands shook, trembled with horror as he watched a black screen pop in when turning on the camera with a message that made him fall into despair. 

'No memory card found.'


Was this a joke, he hurriedly opened the back to check whether or not hundreds of hours of his hard work had just disappeared into thin air. 

There was nothing there.


He shouted with pure grief and melancholy to the heavens.


"Hm, did someone just scream?" 

Inside the locker room, Risa muttered as she looked out of the window. The girl came inside to apply some sunscreen as she forgot to do so beforehand. 

"Puu~ I forgot to grab Haruna's breasts today, maybe after this." She was so curious with Lala that she didn't have the time to check whether Haruna's chest had grown by a few millimeters this week… plus her cute reactions were fun to watch. "Ah, I should return this to Emiya soon." Inside her bag she found an empty bento box, a smile stretched on her face when thinking about how much of a tsundere Emiya was. Always saying that he would stop giving them food because of their antics and then bringing them a box full of her favorite dish the next day. "Maybe I should try and find a way to repay him… but how?" 

Risa wasn't a great cook, anything she made tasted like salted charcoal and unseasoned mash in comparison. Valentine's day was still quite far away and just saying thanks wasn't enough. "This is a dilemma, he also won't accept a kiss even if I tried." 

As she continued to think about an idea that would please the guy, Risa didn't notice a web of tentacles sneaking up to her feet. The slimy texture caused her skin to crawl as soon as it touched her. 

"What!? Kya!!" 


As she noticed the tentacles, it was already too late. They rushed over her body and wrapped around her limbs so tightly that she couldn't even move. Lifting her body from the ground. "W-What is this!? Ew!" 

The tentacle creature that assaulted her was nowhere to be seen. The tendril's slimy texture covering her skin and tightening around her chest and upper thighs. The tentacles then began to dig into her soft flesh and squeezed tight.


Risa struggled against the tentacles, kicking and punching them through sheer panic. Tears formed in her eyes as she felt the ropes get closer and closer to her intimate regions.

"Heheheh, you seem to be enjoying yourself~"

Laughter echoed inside the locker room, a shadow approached from the entrance and she was shocked to find none other than their physical education teacher.


"Hmm~? You're Risa-chan right? What are you doing here? I specifically remembered telling everyone to focus on swimming and here you are skipping my classes, how naughty~"

"Wh-What are these!? Get me off!"

"Oh dear, looks like you really can't escape."

With a single flick of his fingers, her clothes were completely ripped apart and revealing her breasts and pale skin. That moment, Risa's heart skipped a beat and her breath froze in her throat. "L-Let me go! Someone! Help!"

Ghi Bree chuckled, a twisted smirk emerging from his face. "Quite noisy aren't you? Unfortunately for you no one can hear you, I made sure of that." 

Honestly he didn't expect for such a golden opportunity to present itself to him so soon. He was planning on leaving this planet regardless, but not so soon without having tasted some of its local delicacies and Momioka Risa was one of them. "Hm, you got a sexy body, you haven't matured yet so your busy might grow even more, hehehehe! I'll take you as my bride since I can't have Princess Lala with that Emiya bastard protecting her." 

"Emiya? Lala? What is going on here! And I'm not going to become your wife, you creep!" Even if she put up a strong front, her fears were threatening to take over at any moment. 

"Hehehe! Maybe this will calm you down, human!" As soon as he said that, Risa watched both in astonishment and disgust as the Sasuga-sensei in front of her grew bigger, his skin ripping and peeling away to show a deep blue scaly color, yellow eyes and a long tongue with sharp fangs. She went pale, this wasn't a human being but a monster! 


"Hehehe! You like screaming a lot, I'll just shut you up before bringing you to my ship. But before that, let me have a feel of how soft your body truly is." Ghi Bree approached Russ with his claws, the girl unable to defend herself or even move could only grit her teeth and close her eyes. 



As his attention was on Russ, Ghi Bree failed to notice one of the lockers open by itself and for a white figure with swirly eyes to fly straight for his head and impact with a painful blow!

"Get away from her!" The voice of Peke shouted with boiling anger. 

"Ah, Princess Lala's robot!" The Balkean cursed at this unexpected intruder. He thought Lala would have kept the robot on her and not inside the room!

"What the heck is going on here!?" Meanwhile, Risa was having another shock as she saw the weird flying robot in the air. 

"E-Eh, that impact must have disturbed my systems, I feel sick." Peke said, trying to keep focus on the furious alien who grew bigger and monstrous. 

"You dare to hit me!? You mustn't know who I am, I'm Ghi Bree! Ruler of my own world and undefeated champion! If you fly away and keep your mouth shut then I'll consider leaving this planet unharmed!" 

"Yo-You abominable monster! You're even worse than the human!" Knowing that it couldn't fail here, if Lala found out that Risa was kidnapped while it couldn't do anything to stop it — the Princess would be heartbroken! Peke couldn't allow that, so with a firm will it rushed once again at Ghi Bree!

"W-Wait, you didn't hear what I said before!?" The alien grew shocked at the robot attacking him once again, he tried to jump to the side but Peke's enormous head managed to hit the side of his hand. "Ouch!!!" The sensation was blindingly painful, did his nails get split? He hoped not!

Bang! Unfortunately for Peke, it couldn't stop itself in time and ended up crashing against the wall. 

"E-E-eh… must…hold… on…" its system took another hit and now Peke couldn't even fly properly. "M-My batteries haven't recharged properly… I'll…" 

As Ghi Bree clutched his hand, he noticed the robot struggling to keep up. The Balkean immediately got up and acted as if he wasn't hit in the first place. "Hahaha! See what happens when you fight against me!? My scales are impenetrable by even the strongest guns!" He watched in satisfaction as the robot was now on its knees, unable to move. 

He got close and lifted up his foot, "I'll leave the Princess a nice little gift of her destroyed favorite creation. Humph, that's what she gets for not marrying me!" 




"Now this is a surprise, you aren't so useless after all, Peke." 


Before Ghi Bree could even look back, he felt a sharp blade pierce its back, his blue body turned pale white in an instant as he recognised that voice. But before he could even even scream in both fright and from the pain, a hand grabbed onto the side of his face. Holding it with so much strength that it cracked through its scales and brutally smashed it onto the wall with a loud bang!


The alien's body went limp in an instant, all of the tentacles in the room losing control and releasing Risa who was still in shock. 

"Thanks… human…" Peke whispered before going to charging mode. 


The redhead sighed, relieved that he came here in time. "Risa, before you ask anything, let me first bring you to the infirmary. I'll explain to you everything later, believe me." 

After everything that happened and her sudden rescue, there was just too much to process for the young brunette. But now at least he was here and she trusted him, so with a nod she let the boy support her back up as she found warmth and comfort with his touch. Away from those cold and slimy tentacles and now held with someone she felt safe with. "You better tell me everything…, can't believe I was about to be abducted by freaking aliens. And… thanks for being my knight in shiny armor, hehehe. Now, I need to think of a better gift for you, jerk, it was already hard enough before."

"Trust me, I'll tell you everything soon, let's take care of you first." 

Grabbing his phone, he contacted Zastin to capture the Alien and imprison it. 


"Waahhh! So this is the earthlings' town?" Lala shouted with pure joy as she walked through the commercial distrIcts of Sainan, lined with hundreds of different stores and restaurants anywhere they laid their eyes on. "It's got so many things around!!! How interesting!"

"Lala, don't run too far, you'll get lost again." Behind her was Emiya, wearing regular civilian clothes which consisted of a black buttoned up shirt and some jeans. He wasn't one to dress up in anything complicated so his entire wardrobe was mostly plain and simple. And next to him was Mikan, wearing a yellow jacket and a red skirt, she insisted to tag along because according to her own words. 

"Shirou, your fashion sense sucks, don't try to buy clothes for girls." 

Where did that cute and loving little sister if his disappear to? Was this what they called the rebellious stage of in younger teenagers? Nevertheless, she was right and he couldn't refute her, so she came along.

A few days passed since the incident with Ghi Bree, a name he learned from Zastin after the latter interrogated the alien. It was one of Lala's candidates who came on Earth to defeat him and take her initially. But changed plans later on and was attempting to kidnap Risa to take her to his planet. 

When Lala heard what was about to happen to her, she ended up summoning one of her inventions upon Ghi Bree, a giant mechanical octopus which ended up swallowing everything! Both Zastin's ship with the bodyguards and the aliens still inside it! He asked where they could have ended up and she shrugged, "Last I checked it was near a black hole. But don't worry, Zastin and the others are strong enough to survive… I think?" 


Emiya's fear over her inventions grew immensely that day. 

The next day, he approached Risa with Lala, the former was waiting for him. She had recovered from her shock mostly and continued to mess around the other girls which surprised him. He expected for her to come screaming and demand answers. But she was surprisingly at peace and relaxed, good for her. 

So he told her everything from Lala's story, to her unique circumstances and why she was staying in his house. Of course, Emiya didn't go into the details like how he could use magic, his duel with Zastin and how Lala appeared in his bathroom naked. She was going to use that against him somehow, he knew it. 

The conversation itself was quite short, only so much could happen in a single day and the day after that was his duel with Zastin. Lala shower her tail, Peke and so much more to back up the claim of her being an alien. 

In the end, Risa just looked at Emiya and said, "Are you trying to be a shounen protagonist or something?" 

Safe to say that was the last thing he expected to come out of her mouth. His reaction only causing the girls to start laughing.

"I won't lie and say that all of this doesn't come at a surprise for me. Yesterday's even really shocked me and I don't want to go through such a thing again. But, I'm glad you decided to help Lala, she makes things so much more fun at school! But you know Emiya, if more of these alien come to earth then keeping her identity as a princess of the galaxy will get harder and harder to the general masses." She said while watching it amazement at Lala's tail swing around. The girl tried to grab it though he was quick to put an end to it.

He agreed, unlike his past world where there was an entire association and multiple organisations keeping the existence of aliens and magic a secret — he was alone. If there was such a thing here then they were doing a bad job at it. 

"I know, at least I like to keep things calm and hidden for now. I just… I just don't want my life to spiral out of control so quickly. If I'm lucky, Lala's case will be handled well by the end without having many people know of her true identity. If possible I'd like to keep my siblings ignorant, especially after what happened with that alien." He was trying to be optimistic, even Risa sympathised with him.

"Yeah, that still doesn't tell me how you'll explain Lala's tail over here. People think she's cosplaying but given she lives with you, your siblings are bound to find out much sooner than later about her origin."

"Uh, a body modification?" At his answer, Risa gave him a deadpan stare which conveyed just how stupid his answer was. "Right, that's my fault… guess I'll have to confront them about this in the near future. Hah, Mikan will rip my head clean off." Especially after he promised her that he wasn't someone reckless who would get into random trouble. Now out of nowhere he was facing a planet extinction and how he fought four aliens in less than a week. 

'Yup, she'll definitely kill me.' 

Though Risa's next question just completely ruined the mood back then.

"So Lala told me you saw her naked on multiple occasions… did you two sleep together?" She asked with a suspcious stare. 



Never had Emiya facepalmed himself so hard, what followed after that was an hour long conversation trying to convince Risa that he hadn't crossed the line and Lala just misunderstood her question. 

Now, things had returned to their previous state and both he and Lala went to go shopping for clothes and other appliances for the girl. 

"Wah, what's that?" 

"That's an arcade."

"An that?" 

"A pet store."

She was like a child, despite Mikan walking with them. Lala tried to come along wearing her usual Deviluke dress which he denied immediately, opting to have her wear a regular dress. This time, he let her have Peke change into her clothes, wanting to use it as a way to thank the Robot for trying to save Risa. Despite knowing Balkeans were weak creatures who relied on illusions to look menacing, that didn't change his opinion on Peke.

"First, we need to buy clothes for Lala-san." Mikan taking the role of the leader decided to plan out the day. "Along with school supplies and Rito wanted us to buy a carton of apple juice as well. I asked mom to send more funds for Lala-san's expenses but she ended sending too much, so I'll be saving up the rest for household expenses in the future." 

It was cute seeing his sister act so mature, she made a whole list and plan in her handbook which she read out loud. 

"Mikan, don't worry about the money, I have some saved up funds as well. Let's just enjoy ourselves first, when was the last time we went out together?" He tried to give her headpat but she avoided it with a blushing face.

"I-Idiot, don't do it in public!" 

"Heh, it's okay, what's so weird about a brother wanting to spoil his sister a bit." Emiya didn't give up on his attempt and tried again, this time Mikan reluctantly accepted. "I remember we used to go grocery shopping together a lot together. You used to run after me and hold onto to my shirt without letting go."

"D-Don't say that! I was a child and now I've grown up!" 

Emiya smirked, "You're doing it right now." 


To the girl's shock, her hand did unciounciously grab onto his shirt without her noticing this entire time! She quickly retracted it and marched forward to Lala with a crimson face. 

"Woah, what is this?" The pink haired girl stopped in front of a small food cart. 

"Oh this? It's Taiyaki." Mikan said, noticing the fish-shaped pastry Lala took interest in. "Given you probably never tried it in your country, want to give it a try?" 

Not waiting for an answer, Emiya order a whole bag of it and shared with the two. 


"Right? It's one of my favourite food." 

Both girls chatted animatedly while he quietly followed them with a small smile on his face. Lala seemed to get along with Mikan quite well, much to his surprise he might add. Then again, she did mention about having two other siblings, so it was most likely something she was experienced handling. Emiya then looked at the sky, it was already quite dark with heavy clouds. The wind hadn't picked up yet, but the weather channel did talk about a typhoon passing by near Sainan in a few days. 

"You're not eating any, Shirou?" Mikan asked, munching on her second Taiyaki. 

"Yeah Shirou, try it, it's so good! But your cooking is still the best!" Lala added. 

"Humph, flatterer. I will try it, but not now." His trails trailed down to his sister's lips where he noticed some red stain. Even acting so mature she was still just a child. "Don't move, Mikan." He brought his hand down to her face and gently removed the stain with his thumb, the girl went still as a statue. 

"S-S-Shirou!? You're embarrassing me!" She backpedaled immediately, guarding her blushing face.

"Oh! Oh! Do me next!" 

"You don't have anything on your face, Lala." 


Soon, all three of them walked inside a large clothing store where they planned to buy all of Lala's clothes. Emiya was hesitant to enter at first given a large part of the inside was female lingerie and there were only women in there with signs of a single man. The princess still managed to drag him in. 

"Let's buy this one!" Going through the many dreases and female clothing, Lala picked up a red sundress and showed it to Mikan. 

"A red dress? Feels a bit too fancy and eye-catching. Won't a white one suit you more and it will work nicely in combination with your hair." 

Lala laughed meekly, scratching the back of her head. "Hehehe, it's because I heard Shirou's favourite colour is red. So I want him to like it as well." 

"Heh, getting all lovey dovey aren't you, Lala-san? Maybe I shouldn't have tagged along, huh?" Mikan said teasingly, which she soon noticed didn't make Lala blush and instead made the girl happier. 

"Yup! My goal is to make Shirou love me!" 

"...Well that was honest." Like seriously, where did her brother find such a person? 

Emiya meanwhile was sat at the waiting room on the other end of the store, relaxing with his own thoughts and scouring through some of the magazines. "Oh, isn't this Ringo's design? No wonder she told us to come her." His mother from this world was a renowned fashion designer, so it wasn't shocking to find some of her work here and there. 

The weather outside was getting worse by the hour, rain started to fall and the sun was already gone. It was so dark outside despite it being only ten o'clock in the morning. People ran for shelter and some of the smaller stores closed up due to the wind. 'Hm, going back home by foot will be a pain. Maybe I should call a taxi.'


It looks like the news channel was wrong, the typhoon was not passing close to Sainan, rather it was coming right for the city itself. 

"You! Yuuki Emiya Shirou!" Broken away from his thoughts, Emiya looked around in confusion at whoever called him by his full name. 

"Rin?" The first person he noticed was the familiar kendo practicioner who always tried to have a duel with him. She was partially soaking wet, likely due to the rain outside. But the one who screamed his name, rather it was the blonde next to her glaring at him with reddened eyes like a bull ready to charge straight for him.

"Oh, so finally meet, Tenjōin Saki." 

Well this was going to be interesting.


At the edge of the Solar system, a spaceship flew straight for the blue marble at light speed. A ship far larger and more luxurious than Ghi Bree's, holding a similar design to both Zastin and Lala's ships. 

Inside, sitting at the helm was a figure hidden by the shadows, holding a picture of younger Lala playing together with another blue-haired girl. 

"Soon, I'll prove to you how much of a man I've become, Lala Satalin Deviluke." 



I like that Risa was actually being helpful about shirou situation instead of making fun of him shows that she does care.


Thanks for the chapter