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Beta read by Shigiya

Hmm, the non beta read chapters are pilling up, gonna have to get them sorted quickly.

Also, next month's art is going to be Snafu... I haven't decided which scene I'll have (Possibly Hachiman in full scared gear from) or something else. Y'all can send me a message or comment.

Edit 1: beta read




Well, this was awkward. 

"Destroying the Excaliburs!? And you of all people let him do so!?”

Rias was not happy with the situation that she found us in, rubbing her forehead from the oncoming headache of actions. Both Irina and I put both Akeno and Xenovia in my bed where Asia was currently healing both of them. Thankfully, there wasn't anything major or any life-threatening injuries on any of them—so she should be done in a bit.

I got myself a nice hot shower, washing away all of today's stressful ordeal. A few hours felt like days, I couldn't believe half of the things that happened this very day. Irina followed suit and just as we started to relax on the sofa, Rias came.

Her impatient look was all I needed to start my side of the story and basically the retelling of everything that happened from the moment I got that delicious, vicious coffee ice cream. At first, both girls gave me a weird look from the start of the story until I got to the part about meeting the Ouroboros dragon on the street and treating her like a kid who lost her parents.

"You can't be serious… OPHIS!?" Rias exclaimed out loud, going all pale and sickly from the most powerful being casually wandering her territory. The same being who could accidentally erase Kuoh with a sneeze if she wasn't careful or got annoyed—at least that was how the scale of her powers was described.

"You don't need to worry, I got things under control."

"Really, you got here handled!?" she asked excitedly, somehow thinking I managed to 'handle' a Dragon God.

'And she didn't even question whether I could do it or not!'

This girl had way too much trust in me.

Sorta made my black little heart swell with appreciation.

Kinda made me sad about what I was about to say next.

"I invited Ophis to our house whenever she wants… So don't panic if you find a loli goth girl observing you in the middle of the night while you sleep."



Right, I guess this was my signal to carefully leave the room without causing any more—


Oof, screaming my full name like that, she was definitely pissed.




It took another hour to calm Rias who was in the middle of another panic attack. I sat next to the girl and patted her back in comfort. Surprisingly, I was not the only one who chose to comfort the red head.

"What are you doing?" I asked Irina, who was patting her back as well.

"Eh… I don't know. I just went along with the mood." 

Fair enough.

"You owe me a date for all of the emotional turmoil," Rias whispered, her face still buried in her hands.

Given everything that happened till this point, I guess she did have a valid point. She needed some time to chill and relax for once. Maybe another round at Saizeriya? No, I already went there many times in the past with many different people. I would have to set up a plan soon.

"I promise, maybe after dealing with the Kokabiel situation, okay?"

She nodded, her worries bleeding away as she now looked absolutely excited about our future date. 

It’s the simple things that make it all worth it I suppose.

"Alright, time to go to bed, I'm running on fumes and need at least a ten-hour sleep to get back in shape. Irina, you can take the guest room on the second floor at the end of the hall. Mom made sure to have the room stocked with anything you may need and there is even a mini fridge filled with all sorts of beverages in case you want a snack. The room also has magical protection from any intruders, you won't get attacked in the middle of the night with some protection."

"That's… nice." She nodded and gave me a thankful gaze. "Thanks again… and sorry about everything, again." 

"No worries, we're all in this together now. My biggest concern now is stopping Kokabiel, and it would be stupid if I keep antagonizing potentional allies."

We wished each other goodnight before it was only Rias and I left all alone in the living room.

"So… where will you sleep? You gave your room to both that Exorcist and Akeno." Rias said, finally recovering from her mental breakdown.

Kind of ironic how an Exorcist sent by the Church a few days ago now shared a bed with a half Fallen/Devil girl. If I could, I would take a picture and use it as potential blackmail material but decided against it. 

It had been a long day for everyone, and I would rather forget this day without any reminders.

Also, the way Rias worded that phrase was quite obvious what she was after.

"You want me to sleep in your bed don't you?" 

"... Well, you never slept in my room even once."

It was because I honestly didn't even know she still had her own bedroom! Every night she would sleep in my room and not hers, and assumed that she converted her old room into a storage facility or something for her collectibles.

I didn't have the strength to argue with her, my eyelids already felt like they weighed a ton. My ears rang as I felt a yawn force its way out of my mouth. 

"Fine, let's go… first let me check up on Asia." 

When I arrived in front of my room, I expected to see the nun making sure both of the girls were properly healed and tucked into bed. What I wasn't expecting after opening the door was to see a panicking Asia sandwiched between both Akeno and Xenovia as the latter held her tightly like a dakimakura.

With pleading eyes she looked at me for help.


This situation was well above my skill level despite my urge to save the poor girl. I saw her widen in shock as I slowly started to close the door, leaving her to fend off on her own from the vicious wolves. I couldn't blame Xenovia—who had a silly smile plastered on her face from cuddling her—Asia had that quality to her that made hugging her so freaking addictive.

"Good night and sleep tight," I gave her a final peace sign before closing the door.

I’ll probably regret it in the morning but I needed to hit the bed, tomorrow was going to be an important day. 

I hoped Momo and the other two boys didn't reveal the matter with Ophis yet to Sona. If Rias acted so badly then I couldn't imagine just how much worse it could be for her.

I made it to Rias' bedroom where I found a naked redhead already lying down on the mattress and patting the space beside her. My eyes twitched at her habit of tabling off everything, a trait that I still hadn't grown used to…yet.

She may have been a bit happy that this was probably one of the few times we actually slept together with no one else.

"Well someone is eager… you're not gonna ravage me in my sleep, will you? We got two Exorcists in the house, so we might as well save it for a better occasion. Don’t want them thinking we're just a bunch of degenerates."

Rias just stuck her tongue at me. 

"Pervert, I'm just looking forward to our sleep. I'm saving our first time for something special when I'm not stressed to death… and I don't want a Dragon God to suddenly appear while we're in the middle of doing it."

Yeah, I really hoped Ophis wouldn't come when that happens. Just using that trick with Vritra really took a lot out of me, I wouldn't be able to do it again.

"Alright, move over you space hoarder." I said while settling down.

"It's an Alaskan King-sized bed!"

Even if it was a nonexisting Emperor size bed, Rias would always find a way to make me feel cramped with how grabby she would become in her sleep.


She threw a pillow at my face.

"Urg… why did you hit me?" 

Rias pointed at my face, "Your eyes looked as if you were thinking of something bad about me."

I really had to reevaluate the possibility of her being a mind reader.

"You're doing it again!" 

Alright, this girl was too chatty for someone claiming to be stressed and tired like me.

"What are you—oof!" I copied her previous action and threw the pillow straight at her face as well. It caught her by surprise, the girl fell on her back before immediately getting back up with two more pillows and a teddy bear.

"You'll pay for this!"

I was prepared with a neckroll pillow I held as a sword.

This was war.

And I would emerge on top.

"On guard, Devil!" 

Safe to say, neither of us got enough to sleep that night.


-Occult Research Club-

After the incident with Jeanne and Georg, Rias and Sona called everyone involved like Saji, Koneko-chan, Momo, Kiba, Issei, and me, for some reason. Those who were part of their peerage were forced to do seiza in the middle of the room.

Akeno had recovered, though I didn't want to strain herself in any way. So I carried her bridal style to the clubroom

"Eh, What do you mean I can't make any tea?" she asked, flabbergasted as if I had offended her in some way.

"You nearly died yesterday at the hands of a crazy sword girl. Devil/Fallen physique or not, I'm still not letting you do much work for today. As someone who received a patent backstab before, I know how difficult it can be to recover."

"That was a bit dark, senpai," Issei commented before getting shushed by Sona, who wasn’t done with her discipline.

I had to agree with him on that. Sounded better in my head.

"My point still stands, now go sit down with the others while I make tea today. Shoo! Shoo!" 

"B-But, it's m-my—" I silenced her with a quick kiss on the mouth, sudden enough to stun her for a bit, not expecting my sudden brazenes, which allowed me to start preparing tea.

'Ha! How did it feel to have your own technique used against you!?' was what I wanted to shout.

After successfully chasing the girl away, I listened to the conversation the others were having while heating up the water.

"Akeno, you're not out of the clear as well!" Rias shouted, calling the stunned Queen over and making her kneel beside Kiba and Koneko as well.

I looked over at Sona and wanted to see how she was handling her case.

“Saji. You were doing something like this behind me? You truly are a troublesome child.”

“A-Ah… Auuu! I…I’m sorry Kaichou!”

She was the first one to speak at Saji with a cold expression. His face became so pale that it made me guess whether he turned into a ghost or something. He must have been truly scared, obviously.

“So Yuuto, you were the one who decided to go after the Exorcist and corralled everyone to follow you into this hair-brain scheme?” Rias asked, knowing the answer beforehand from me.


"So that talk we had about investigating the Strays' death was nothing but a lie."

"...Yes and no. They all died from holy energy wounds… so I was bound to encounter a rogue holy sword user at one point."

True, he wasn't wrong.

“Yet you didn't tell me because you thought I would stop you from destroying the sword, right? You thought that everyone here was more trustworthy than me?" 

"No!" Kiba quickly denied it, "I just… I just… didn't want to disappoint you again. You did so much for me, and I didn't want you to think that all of it was for nothing. I am grateful for the life you've given me, but I can't let go of the past.."

Rias didn't react to his words, just nodding before looking at Koneko.



“Why did you do this?”

“I don’t want Yuuto-senpai to go away.”

Koneko told her true feelings. Rias sighed, the Nekoshou still had abandonment issues and seeing them run away into danger as it happened with her sister.

“Saying this when it has already happened won’t change anything." She sighed, "Now it's your turn Akeno. Why did you engage in combat with the enemy in the first place!? I expected you of all people to be the most sensible one here!"

The Fallen looked down in shame.

"I… just encountered the girl down the road while I was going to meet up with Kiba and the rest. We initially just had a simple conversation. I found her to be a pleasant girl at first—until she mentioned both you and Sona as the owner of the land." 

I could see where this was going.

"She kept talking about how Devils keep stealing things that don't belong to them. Then, at that moment, I remembered Hachi-kun's past story about encountering someone like her in Paris. I was livid, and when she confirmed her identity… I lost it. I… I just couldn't forgive her for what she did to him and I wasn’t going to allow her to hurt him again.."


Rias went all quiet, having nothing to scold Akeno with. She must have even agreed with her to some extent.

"I understand how you feel, Akeno. Hachiman is my liver as well, I would have done something similar as well. But don't forget, we equally care as much about you as well. Imagine what would have happened if we lost you that day? We… I would have become devastated. What you two did not only have affected the world of Devils but me as well! You understand that, right? We do everything as a group, as a peerage."

“Yes, I'm sorry, Rias.” Akeno apologized.

"You two as well, you better never do anything remotely similar to this ever again."



Both agreed.

Koneko and Kiba nodded their heads at the same time. They understood that very well. Kiba must have realized the scale of his fuck up if things didn't go well. But I guess, his rage must have blinded him from reason. I thought this entire thing was being taken a bit too seriously. Sure I understood the consequences very well, but I also knew how everyone was aware of Kokabiel's actions. His intentions were clear so the fault wouldn't fall on the Devils, to begin with. 

“I’m sorry Buchou.”

“I’m sorry Buchou.”

Koneko-chan and Kiba bowed their heads. I didn’t think she would forgive them with just that, Rias could be very unforgiving and strict when the safety of her peerage came into the equation.



A shudder ran up my spine from that sound.

When I looked in the direction from where the sound was coming from, Saji was there getting his butt spanked! Issei watched the scene with horror in his eyes as he was next. Momo blushed heavily as she wondered if her king would be merciless enough to spank her in front of everyone.

What a sad view…

“Looks like you need to reflect on your behavior.” stated Sona coldly, her hand glowing with blue.

…Ouch, magic enhanced spanks. He wouldn't be sitting down for a while.

“Uwaaaaaaan! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please forgive me Kaichouuu!”

“No… you still have 664 more spankings to go.”

The man's butt was going to fall off at this point. And I could already imagine the pain he would go through just to sit on the toilet. 

Poor Issei was already looking around for possible escape routes, not realizing that Sona would hound him for the rest of the day and possibly worsen his punishment.



Sona was covering her hand with demonic power, blue-colored energy. 

“Don't try to escape Issei!” Sona scolded the boy, who froze just as he was about to bolt.

“I sent my familiar to search for any possible traces of those who attacked you yesterday. We will go with the rest of the club members when they are found. I don't want anyone to take any risk when dealing with such dangerous individuals. Okay?”




Koneko, Akeno, and Kiba replied.

As I expected, Rias went forward and pulled all three of them to her in a tight hug. 

“You three really are stupid children. Making me worry so much,” she said with a gentle voice while she patted them on the head. Unfortunately for some, the display of kindness brought a fair amount of jealousy inside their heart.

“Uwaaaaaaan! Kaichouuu! They finished with a good atmosphere!”

"This is injustice! We demand fairness!" 

Both Issei and Saji demanded it.

“They are them. We are us.”



It looked like Saji’s spanking wasn’t going to end anytime soon. Both of these boys obviously had a dream of marrying Sona, that was plain obviously. I wonder how they would react if they knew how close I beat her in chess…

“Now Kiba… Present your bottom.”

I nearly dropped the tray of tea on the floor when I heard that. 

"Huh, Rias… didn’t you forgive them?" I asked, wondering what exactly my new, kind girlfriend was planning.

"Who said anything about forgiveness?" 

She smiled with her hand covered with a crimson-coloured aura. Oi, oi, was she planning on erasing his butt from existence!?

“It’s the master’s duty to discipline their servants. Hachi-kun, you’re also getting 666 spankings.”

"... What? Why am I suddenly dragged into this mess!?" I screamed.

"Because you were an accomplice and gave an invitation to someone you really REALLY shouldn't have."

She wasn't having it.

Well, sadly for her, neither am I.

"But I'm not a member of your peerage."

"You're still MY personally contracted mage."

“And? I sorta do my own thing despite our contract.”

I wasn't going to let what little scraps of manly pride I had in my being go waste like this! 


I jumped straight out of the room through the window.

"We just had that fixed yesterday…" I heard Sona speak, still not stopping in her spanking. 

Oh yeah, I broke this window a few days ago by throwing Xenovia.

Oh well, I was saving my butt this time. 

So it was for a good cause.

"Sorry Rias, I have some urgent club meetings of my own to conduct. Bye~!" 


By the end of the day, I managed to stay away from the Devils long enough for Rias to just temporarily drop the matter for another day. In the meantime, I spent some time with Aika and we relaxed as there was no new request today.

Though the young woman seemed to find a liking in sitting on my lap.

"Haa… hey buchou, where is Asia? I'm getting withdrawal symptoms without pinching those adorable cheeks of hers and feeling those cute little breasts."

"Are you trying to make me call the cops on you?"

"Like they would ever believe ya over a cute and innocent girl like me."

Did she forget how every student here was aware of her degeneracy? If she was a boy, then Aika would have been part of the perverted trio—becoming the perverted foursome… which sounded far more worse.

"Asia is a bit busy taking care of two guests back home. Old acquaintances from her hometown." I explained vaguely, ignoring the squirming of the brunette, while focusing my mind elsewhere. 

Xenovia had yet to wake up when I checked earlier in the morning. Akeno, thanks to her Supernatural constitution, managed to recover enough by the time the Sun came up. Since the nun was now sleeping peacefully with the blue-haired Exorcist arms, I found it a shame to wake either of them up and just left them to continue sleeping.

"Are they hot?"

"Why do you assume they are girls?"

"Oh come on, with how innocent and naïve the girl is with boys in general… It's quite obvious that most of the people who know her are girls. So tell me, are they sexy or not?"

I sighed, deciding to just temporarily indulge the girl.

"Yeah, they are physically attractive. One is a bit of a bitch, but she is getting better, while the other one is an airhead." 

She proceeded to ask me whether they would join the school, which I quickly denied. Not like the Church would agree to let their Excalibur wielders roam anywhere around Devils whose siblings were Maous. 

"Hehehe, nice. By the way, I heard rumors about another student possibly enrolling soon." 

Hmm, a new student? I was certain she wasn't talking about Riser and Ravel for we already had that conversation. Neither Sona nor Rias mentioned anything about this. Not like we were at the end of the year, but it was still a bit odd for someone to arrive at this point in time. Maybe I should look it up just out of curiosity.

"I swear, the girls are already going crazy over the Riser guy. I see his appeal but man can he be arrogant. And why are they so obsessed with him? He has an average size cock, to begin with. I bet a lot of the girls would drop him in a second if they knew what you were packing. Mmm~ Feeling it is definitely better than seeing it. I hope the new student is a hot chick, I could probably rope her in for a sexy threesome!" said the incredibly thirsty girl, as she continued to wiggle on my lap, her breathing getting heavy from her imagination.

Why wasn't I surprised she used her special ability on him?

"Alright, I think it's time that I head home."

After pushing off the horny little succubus, I said goodbye to Aika before walking out of the school. The sun was setting, and it was almost nighttime. I didn't have to wait long before I spotted both Akeno and Rias waiting for me at the side of the road. The Fallen had a heavy blush on her face as she kept rubbing her butt. Rias had her hands covering her face from both embarrassment and mortification.

Did she seriously forget how big of a masochistic her best friend was?


“We are back!”

We returned to my house and took our shoes off. I walked along the hallway before mom showed her face from the kitchen. She then waved her hands at us telling us to come silently. That evil smirk coupled with that gaze didn't bode well for anyone.

“Come here, girls!"


Asia leaped forward as if she was pushed by mom. Asia was wearing an apron. That’s what I thought but it was different. Walking right behind her were both Xenovia and Irina wearing the same thing. Their Exorcist outfits were replaced with regular clothes that I was pretty sure belonged to a certain redhead.

What the heck happened here while I was gone?

"We were minding our own business when your mother came inside our room with these aprons." Xenovia explained with that same emotionless tone of hers. "As a thank you for the hospitality you've given us, we followed along and put on these… clothes."

"I-I-I just thought it was cute and wanted to…" Asia said it with a red face, not able to look me in the eye.

"I was bored!" As expected of Irina, just going with the flow.

Wait, those aprons looked different, showing off certain areas  a bit too much…

"Mom, where did you get these?"

Asia answered instead. “I-it was Aika-san. She gave it… as an early birthday present…”

That perverted glasses woman struck again.

"She did a good job!" Akeno said, examining the flustered Asia closely, gushing over her new appearance. "You look so delicious, Asia-chan~! I could just eat you up~!"

"A-Ah! T-Thank yo—d-d-delicious!?" Be careful Asia, this succubus could trap you in her webs of love in a matter of seconds.

“Ufufufu. They look cute in it, don't they? I’m definitely supporting these things. Aaah, I remember when I was young wearing nothing but an apro—”

"—Too much information!" I stopped her from going any further.

How could she be so nonchalant from saying something like that in front of her own son!? I wasn't surprised she did something like that with Dad, my memories of the past as a baby still haunt me to this day. Even if I was in the room next door, I could hear everything! I didn’t want to hear stories like that ever again!

And just when I thought I got over them.

"But you like it anyway, don't you? Look at how cute they look!”

As an earnest guy, I didn't lie and nodded my head. Of course, they looked stunning in those things, I was fortunate enough for her not to go for the naked apron thing.

"I see… so he likes that," Rias muttered with a regretful voice. 

“Asia you truly are an angel! Anything you wear always looks so adorable!” Given what path Asia was going to choose, her words might end up truer than she could imagine.

“Eh!? You really think so?"

Rias smiled and Asia replied with a troubled face and teary eyes. 

“Wait a bit. I will also do the same. Asia. You have done well by making the first move.”

She turned around and left the scene quickly.

“Wait Rias-chan! I will also help!” Mom went after her. "Eh? You're taking off your clothes as well? Genius!" Since when was my mom this perverted? I knew bringing Issei over would spread his corrupted ways to my parents!

"You two are coming with us as well~!" Akeno came back and dragged away both of the Exorcists along.

“Ummm, what’s going on?”

I put my hand on Asia’s shoulder, resisting the urge to hug her.

“Asia. Yeah, it looks good on you, Onii-chan is happy.”



I felt some blood bleed out of my nose. Those words held more power than anything in the world! A Longinus-class weapon! I thanked her a couple of times and patted her head—making the girl more flustered than usual.

“Hachiman… I wanted to ask you something." 


"I-If I ever end up becoming… something else. If I were to accept her proposition… Will I ever see you again?" she whispered quietly, looking both worried and lost.

'I see,' so she was going through a lot of inner turmoil to make her final decision. She certainly wanted to join Gabriel's side and fulfill her dream of becoming closer to God—even though he was dead. I was sure that the Seraph would reveal to her this secret, they had no choice. 

"Do you think Gabriel will lock you away?" 

"N-No, she wouldn't do something l-like that… I'm just scared we might no longer spend time together as we do now… I hate that idea." She was beginning to tear up. "I don't know if becoming an Angel is worth potentially losing everyone I came to love. A-And, I don't want Rias-san and Akeno-san to hate me after they see that I became an Angel."

I rested my hand on her head, patting it gently while she came closer to me for an embrace.

"You're being paranoid. Nothing will change between us. Devil, Angel, Fallen, Human, or anything else you chose to become, you'll always stay as Asia Argento to us. A lovable clutz who holds nothing but pure intentions toward everyone. Even if those guys from the Church come and try to keep you away from me—both Vritra and I will just crush them to dust. Right?"

Absorption Line came into existence, "You have my word." Vritra said confidently from the gauntlet. "Not even the 28 levels of Naraka will keep us away, I promise you. But do not fret, child, I honestly believe Gabriel has the best of intentions with you, if there is one person who deserves to become an Angel—then it is none other than you."

His words made Asia smile.

"Heck, I promise as well that not even Michael himself would be able to stop me… I'll just call the old hag to take care of him if I need to whip out the big guns." 

I told Asia my feelings. I wouldn't easily let go of anyone who pointed their fangs at her. I didn't want to lose her. Asia hugged me silently.

“Hachiman I… don’t regret healing that Devil from before. If I wasn't excommunicated, I wouldn't have met you and everyone else. I also haven’t forgotten my faith in God. But I have gained something more important than my feelings for God.”

“Something important?”

“You, Aika-san, Rias-san, everyone in the club. Mother and Father… everyone is important to me. I don’t want to lose them. I want to be with them forever. I don’t want to be alone anymore… but I also want to be selfish and pursue my dreams as well. I want everything and that is a sin I'm willing to bear.”

Asia said it in my arms with a small trembling voice. This child was always alone. God couldn't help her. Others didn’t help her. Yet despite all of that, she still chose to never hate them, only wanting everyone to be happy.

Like if the gates of Heaven would keep her away from me. I was extremely stubborn for a reason, and if my words failed, then I always had Vritra to rely on.

“Asia, you aren’t alone and your desire to have everything is not a sin but a natural feeling. You aren't losing anything, only gaining! Trust in Gabriel, trust in me, both of us won't let anything happen to you from now on and ever.”

“I’m glad I came to this country.”

"And I'm glad you decided to bump into me the first time we met. A scary-looking guy like me would have definitely been a challenge to anyone."

Asia put her face in my chest with a sweet voice. "Hehehe, Hachiman-san is not scary, you are the sweetest person I know. You are my one and only Angel."


Critical hit!

This girl had the potential to become a deadly woman with her words alone.

Unfortunately, the moment was ruined with Mom walking back to the kitchen with a crestfallen face.

“I got kicked out. Rias-san got embarrassed at… Ah… Ara ara~.”

She looked at us with a smirk, as we were still in an embrace.


I gave her a stink eye.

“Oh my. Looks like the old granny got in your way. It’s okay, you know? The kitchen is also a battlefield. It’s not a problem to do it as long as you clean the mess, you know? Aaaah, I want to see my grandchildren soon.”

Which part of hugging did she see as us getting ready for sex!? Couldn't I get a single wholesome moment without someone making it lewd!? Curse this budget hentai world.

“Hachi-kun! I have also worn it!”

I heard Rias' voice coming from the hallways.

My eyes started twitching again.

Rias appeared in an even more erotic apron than Asia’s! Just an apron and nothing else, it covered the important parts. She was naked!

“Now Asia. We will start cooking with this.”

“Y…yes ma’am.”

“Please Asia. Call me Okaa-chan!”

“Y-yes, O-Okaa-chan!”

“Oh my Gosh! My heart is melting”

Both of them stood in the kitchen and started to cut the vegetables while Mom helped them.

At this point, I was worried that Asia would immediately turn into a Fallen Angel the moment Gabriel successfully converted her.




In the Principal's office, the old man was sorting out the many documents he had to fill in before next week.

The Phenex siblings' arrival was a blessing in disguise. He expected to see his school turn into a blazing inferno in a matter of hours, but not only were those two civil and polite with everyone around them, but they actually took their studies seriously!

"That donation from their mother also helps…" Devils were very generous people.

But before he could even celebrate, another file was brought to his desk, not from the Gremory or Phenex—but holding the symbol of the Grigori.

Sent personally by Azazel.

Opening it, he found the application for another student.

A young cheerful girl who resembled Rias-sama's Queen.

"Amano… Yuuma?" 


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