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Next update is Steel Eyed Faker.





It was awkward, to say the least. Their first meeting wasn’t memorable, just a passing interaction that barely left an impression. Shirou could hardly recall much about her from that day, as his focus had been on Sakura, Rider, Ayako, and even Rin—four girls who somehow all ended up at his store at the same time, leading to a tension he couldn’t quite explain. However, one detail stuck with him: the ashen white-haired customer who kept ordering slice after slice of the pastries the students made, eating more than someone her size should’ve been able to handle. He almost thought she might be related to Taiga with an appetite like that, though Taiga wasn’t a big fan of sweets and preferred savoury dishes. 

“Does it still hurt?” She asked, both having taken a seat on a bench at a nearby park while watching some of the kids play on the playground, some looking at the person next to him with curiosity due to her choice of clothing that stood out starkly in the day. 

Not that she paid them any mind, her previous blank face reminded him of Rider almost. 

“I'm fine, it's not the first time I got hit to the head and it certainly won't be the last.” His words were followed by the memories of his skull getting bashed against the ground by a certain pro wrestling enthusiast. Then again, it didn't hurt as much as Bazett’s fists and Rider's kicks. “I should be the one saying sorry, most everything you bought got ruined by the fall.”

“It's fine, I can always buy them again.” 

“How did you trip?”

“The stone under my feet broke and I got stuck.” 

“Oh right, I remember. That bridge is old and some parts need to be renovated.” 

“I'll keep that in mind.” 

An awkward silence between them soon followed, neither knowing how to continue the conversation and just sitting in silence for the next few minutes. Shirou's eyes occasionally glanced at her hood, he could hardly see anything but parts of her lower face and the tip of her nose. Going so far as to wonder why she was even wearing such a thing in the scolding heat of today's weather, it must have been like an oven in there. 

“If you don’t mind, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?” 

“... Whales.” 

England, in the west if he wasn't mistaken, her clothing and appearance certainly were unique to say the least. He didn't want to look at her face for too long and accidentally cause some misunderstandings, so the boy hummed with interest. “Whales huh, it's quite rare to see people from there come here in Fuyuki. Are you a tourist?” 

She hesitated before answering, “Something like that, I guess it's for work related reasons.” 

There was more to that, but obviously it wasn't his place to pry into personal matters. Shirou only wanted to start with a simple introduction and nothing more. The silence continued to grow between them and I wasn't sure whether to leave or stay a bit longer. She wasn't saying anything and just kept looking in front. 

Oh, an idea flashed in his mind.

“So, Gray…-san.”

“Just Gray is fine.” 

Given she wasn't from here, it was understandable why she wouldn't care about honorifics like Luvia. That woman so far as to turn his name into a nickname, though he never did mind it. Putting those thoughts to the side, he turned to face the girl and spoke with a smile. “So, Gray, I believe we should find a way to fix your problem.” 

“E-Eh, my problem?” The girl jolted, turning her head turning with her greyish eyes peeking at him through the hood. 

“Your ruined groceries.” 

“Oh… right.”

Getting up from the bench, looking at the sky with there still being plenty of time until sundown or until the stores closed. He also had time to help out, feeling a bit bad for the previous small accident even though it wasn't exactly his fault. “Let's get going then, what did you have on your list if you don't mind me asking? I know a few places that have great discounts.” 

Soon realising what he wanted to do, she quickly shook her head. “No, no, no, I can't have you do that. I'm already very grateful for the treat and I don't think it'll be—”

“—It’s fine, plus I need to do my own grocery shopping as well so there's that. Also, I'll take this opportunity to show you around Fuyuki, it's easy to get lost.” 

“...” Gray hesitated at first, he didn't put any pressure on her and just waited while she was busy with her thoughts for the next following seconds — even starting to expect that perhaps she was going to decline thus he couldn't do much about it. “Then if you don't mind, please.” 

She agreed. 




“Where are you going?” 

“The supermarket?” 

“Don't bother, there is a farmer's market this way, he'll give you a good price.”

For locals, Fuyuki wasn't that big of a place to roam around for fun, a peaceful city to Manu but boring to a few. He knew many of his classmates who wished to leave the place and go to Tokyo, Kyoto or Osaka. But he begged to differ, Fuyuki still held its charm and this was one of few times he believed to hold the opportunity to showcase that to a newcomer. 

“This tastes so different.”

“Told you.” 

“It's a bit sweet.”

The farmers were polite and welcoming to Gray, she was timid from his observation and awkward at times, but they didn't mind and happily had her try out some of their harvested vegetables and fruits. Going so far as to show her around the place in order to have her open up a bit.

“I can't take this for free.” She looked uncomfortable by the gesture, turning her head back and forth between him and the others.

“Sure you can.” 

“But it feels wrong.” 

“Talk to the granny over there and try handing her some money.”

She did as he instructed, “Ah!” not a second later he heard the sound of a broom hitting something with the girl returning with the same blank expression but this time having some frustration evident on her face along with some loose straws hanging on her hair.

“She hit me with a broom when I tried to pay… “

“I can tell.” 

“You knew she would do that.” 

“I did.” 

“... Why?” 

His answer was simple, so with a shrug he answered simply, “Because you wouldn't have listened to me if I'd just told you to accept the gift… also it was funny.” 


He attempted to hide his smirk at the dishevelled hair and hood, it proved to be a hard task. Before more of the locals came to offer her something, both left with haste and went to another district, this one more bustling with activity and people roaming the streets. It was an environment that was both familiar and new to the person beside him who was looking at everything with slight wonder. At least that was what he believed since with the hood it became difficult to see her expression really. 

“That place is…”

He looked at where she was looking and recognized, “That's a maid cafe, they became quite popular these past few years in Akihabara, I guess it even reached Fuyuki at some point.” Some of the workers dressed in a maid costume with cat ears approached Gray handing her a flyer which the latter hesitated to take at first. 

“Come visit us at any point, Master~!” 


The girl rushed back to her spot handing more flyers to other people. 

“Is it different from where you grew up?” 

“A bit,” she answered without much of a thought, looking at some of the billboards showcasing a new upcoming anime themed drink. “You wouldn't see something like this there… or even in central London. The place we were before has more in common than here.”

Her gaze roamed around till it stopped at a store, more accurately an arcade building at the end of the street. The neon coloured signs, posters about many game characters attracted her attention for a brief moment — recognition flashing in her eyes. “Ah.” 

“You're into video games perhaps?” Shirou did not miss her reaction, curiously looking over at the poster showcasing a monkey lifting a barrel. 

“Not… really. It's my teacher, he loves playing them. I bought a few for him before.” 

Truthfully, Shirou was not much of an avid video game player, so he wasn't sure what to do. He did visit this place once long ago with Shinji, as much as he didn't want to think about it, those times were fun to remember. Though these memories soured after understanding what was going on in the background, he just shook his head wanting to replace them with something more recent. 

‘She’s curious,’ Gray continued to peek at the inside, gazing at the various machines all displaying a different game. ‘I wonder if Luvia will like such a place, no, she'll definitely enjoy watching a live wrestling or a sumo match. Ayako maybe, I remember seeing some games in the corner of her room, he never asked about those back then due to his injuries taking priority over his random curiosity.’ 

Remembering something, he closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated. ‘You’ve been unusually quiet, Rider.’ 

From the moment he encountered Gray till now, the Heroic Spirit hadn't mentioned a single word which was… not unusual but it felt awkward not talking to her for so long knowing she's nearby. 

‘I didn't want to disturb your little date, Master.’ A hint of mirth came from her voice, rendering him speechless. 

‘It’s not a date, we've just met.’ He shook his head mentally at her words, really Rider was probably doing this to get an embarrassed reaction out of him most likely. ‘Besides, I felt bad for what happened earlier and wanted to help.’

‘By bringing her to an arcade?’

He didn't specifically bring her here intentionally, this road just happened to be a shortcut to head where Gray told him she lived. Which happened to be an area he was familiar with. ‘Do you want to try it out, Rider? I can show you how to play.’

‘Don’t try to change the topic, Master, you're terrible at it.’

He resisted the urge to sigh, granted when looking from a different angle it was odd for him to bring what was basically a stranger to an arcade just because she showed some interest. Then again, even if he wanted to bring her here from the beginning, it wasn’t wrong to allow her to indulge in things she hasn't experienced in Whales, plus it only took an hour of his time at most.

‘I’m really not hiding anything, besides, it keeps my mind distracted. After this we'll have to scout the town tonight, now that we know Caster has already been summoned then we should try to uncover who the Master is. Bazett has most likely awakened by now so we can perhaps get some information from her.’

‘You should be more careful.’ Rider’s voice took on a sudden sharpness, a noticeable shift from her usual tone. ‘There’s something off about this girl,’ 

Shirou’s posture immediately tensed. He had learned to trust his Servant's instincts, so he didn’t brush it off. ‘What do you mean? Is she a Master?’

‘No,’ she replied, causing him to exhale in relief. For a moment he was about to ask if she was a Servant, but the idea of randomly encountering another Servant while taking a walk with someone who accidentally dropped groceries on his head was absurd. He could already imagine Luvia’s mocking laughter or sarcastic questions about whether he was trying to insult her intelligence if he told her about something like that. ‘There is just something odd about her, but I can't say what exactly. She's displaying a high amount of Magical Energy.’

Previously, he had the thought she may have been a Master and discreetly glanced at the back of Gray’s hand multiple times during their walk, checking for Command Seals, but found nothing. His own hands were covered by a thin layer of waterproof makeup, it wasn't exactly the most advanced method but one that worked nonetheless. 

‘If she were a Master or someone with hostile intentions then we wouldn't be talking so casually and she would have done something by now. Also I haven't given her any reason to be hostile against me and she isn't trying to start something.’ he assured confidently, a response that Rider already expected to hear from her Master.

‘She is most likely to become a Master then, only a matter of time till she gets chosen by the Grail and summons a Servant.’

‘That is why it's best she doesn't see us as an enemy. She might even have a clue on who may be Caster's Master, but I can't just ask her this question out of the blue. That is far too suspicious.’


Their private conversation ended as they approached the entrance of a building. Shirou’s attention returned to Gray, who looked at him curiously, clearly sensing something was up. “Want to check it out?” he offered, gesturing toward the arcade. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here, and they’ve got more machines now than I remember. Let’s take a quick look, and then we can be on our way.”

Gray hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She didn’t know much about arcades, and the last thing she expected was for this to turn into a detour. Still, something about the atmosphere made her nod slightly in agreement, even if she wasn’t certain what to expect.

“...Hm?” From the corner of his eyes, Shirou caught a glance of a particular figure in the distance, near a cafe. The striking white hair made it hard for him to ignore and had him look back a second time only to find no one there but just some of the local people. 

“Is something the matter?” Gray asked, seeing him half in his tracks. 

“No… it's nothing.” As he made his way inside, he looked back once more to make sure his eyes weren't playing a trick on him though discovered nothing.’


It was supposed to be a brief conversation at best—apologise to the boy for her earlier actions and then head straight back to the MacKenzie house and assist Waver with the planning and preparations for the summoning 

She would’ve made it there without issue if not for the maze-like streets in Fuyuki where she momentarily got lost at first. After several wrong turns, it then made her end up having a small incident which ended up having what she purchased fall upon a certain redhead when striking him on the head. To her surprise, it turned out to be the same person she’d seen working at the café earlier—Emiya Shirou. 

The very same one who made her teacher go pale upon learning his name. 

‘He seems like a normal person,’ she thought, though her opinion was initially tinged with bias. After all, it was hard to reconcile the image of such an individual with the notorious figure of the "Magus Killer" she’d heard about in passing when her teacher mentioned the Fourth Holy Grail War. 

At first, she politely declined his offer to help her find her way back, not wanting to impose. She insisted she could manage on her own, but he was persistent and eventually offered to show her around the city instead. Curiosity got the better of her, and she agreed. As they walked, he pointed out various landmarks—the charming farmlands, the bridge connecting both sides of the town, serene parks, and other places she had never visited before. Gray silently enjoyed the tranquil atmosphere. It was different from her village and London as well. 

It wasn’t until they reached the commercial district that something caught Gray’s attention—posters and items she recognized from games her teacher used to play incessantly. "Should I get him something as a gift?" she wondered. For days now, Waver had been more stressed than usual.

The date for the Holy Grail summoning was approaching fast, and he was anxious about being chosen as a Master — even if he didn't show it on the outside. He constantly spoke about the legendary Iskandar, the one who had changed his life and made him who he was today. It was clear that he was desperately hoping to have the King of Conquerors be summoned again. Maybe getting him one of these games would help him unwind, Gray mused, at least it was better than him smoking twice as much as usual.

She had a passing curiosity off the arcade, thinking it wouldn't hurt to spare a minute to check it out and then make her way back.

Or at least, that was what should have happened.

Now she found herself facing a challenge so foreign and different that it made her usual composure fall flat on its face. 

“M-My character is stuck! I can’t move.” 

“Press the B button to jump away!”

“I'm trying!” 

“I'm out of ammo…”

“You shot half of them into the wall.” 

“I thought I saw something moving back there. Sorry! I'll be back in a couple of seconds! I can't hold on for much longer.”

“You can do it, use your sword.” 

“I-I’m trying, there are too many zombies.” 

“Can't you just retreat?” 

“Your corpse is blocking the way, Gra—Ah, I'm dead.” 


“It was your fault this time!” 

Resignation settled in both of their hearts while watching the flashing red screen before them display “Game Over!” boldly and covered in blood while the zombies continued to fill the screen. 

This was their seventh attempt or was it eight? She couldn't recall, having not kept count after her second death.

The constant failure and sore fingers made one point abundantly clear to Gray; they sucked at this. A similar thought most likely appeared within Shirou's mind who was massaging his temples, “it's your fault I got distracted.” He whispered, a statement she did not agree with one bit. 

“You were the one who screamed when that zombie jumped in front of the screen.” She replied, remembering what jolted her more than the ghoul bursting from the ground was the sudden shout from Shirou. For some reason even going all red and quickly telling her it was nothing.

“Eh? A-Ah, I didn't mean you! I was just…talking to myself, hahahaha!” 


Wondering what he meant by that, she cocked her head when his gaze refused to meet hers, confused at his behaviour but deciding to not push him for any further explanation.

"Ah, we’ve been here too long. I’ll go to the bathroom, and then we should probably head home," Shirou said after glancing outside and noticing how much time had passed. Gray suddenly went rigid, remembering the bag of groceries she’d completely forgotten to take back to the Mackenzie household. Getting completely engrossed in the moment and completely forgetting about the reason why she ventured outside in the first place.

As she berated herself internally, a familiar voice spoke up from her waist, dripping with amusement. “Why the long face? You made yourself a new friend by giving him brain damage, also with how much you're having I'm afraid that Master has some competition, or are you planning sacking them bot—Agah!” 

Whatever this voice was about to say next was instantly put to a stop by a flustered Gray grabbing onto the small cage attached to her waist and shaking it harshly. The hand sized cube rattled all over the place, a laugh coming from it the longer she did it which made Gray contemplate kicking the damn thing. “What, touched a nerve?” 

“Please stop speaking nonsense, Add.” She said to the cube within the cage, a Mystic Code that was given to her a while ago and which she currently trained under the guidance of Waver to use properly. It was a powerful artifact that hid a great power but unfortunately came with an abrasive mouth attached to it — sending verbal jabs towards her at any given opportunity. “Don't speak when he's here.”

“Tche, let's be serious here, with a personality of a brick and that body of yours you'd be hard pressed to have anyone interested in the first place. Also the kid is definitely a Magus! He's been looking at your hand in the beginning, probably seeing if there are any Command Seals.”

“My hand?” 

“There's nowhere else to loo—Oi!?” 

Her shaking continued but this time, her annoyance increased by the second with those unneeded remarks. She continued to do so for the next few seconds till Add resigned and begged her to stop. “Alright, alright, I'll stop talking! Ugh, if I had a stomach I'd have vomited by now. Anyways, just don't get too friendly with the pretty boy over there, you'll most likely face him in a few days as an enemy Master.” 

“It's not certain he'll even become a Master.” She found herself arguing against what Add said, though her meeting with Shirou was short, he didn't give off the impression of your standard Magus she grew used to dealing with. There was nothing that guaranteed he was going to be chosen as a Master. 

“I call bullshit on that, just treat every Magus you meet in this city like a potential enemy, don't let a smile sway you otherwise. The fact he was even checking in the first place is damn telling. Then again, you wouldn't have to worry about being in danger with or without a Servant if you got comfortable using R—”

“—Enough,” not wanting to hear this conversation, she shoved his bag inside her coat and reattached the cage to her belt, hiding it from public view. “Just stay quiet for now, please.” 


Thankfully, no one heard their conversation and Shirou soon returned. 

“I should be going, it's already late.” 

“Sure, I'll show you the road back so you don't get lost.”

“... Okay.” She agreed, not willing to wander around aimlessly for another hour in an unfamiliar area. Their walk back was quiet, though strangely enough it wasn't awkward for her at least, the sight of the City served to keep distracted with Shirou occasionally giving her tips and advice of places she should visit in the future. 

Soon reaching the same area they previously met where they split ways after saying their farewells to one another. Watching his back she once again thought of what Add said, about him being a possible enemy Master in the near future. In a way, the Mystic Code’s words were not false and it wouldn't be wise to discard them so casually. 

“Thinking about something?” Add spoke, this time not throwing any sarcastic comments towards her actions. 


At the end of the day, came to Fuyuki with her teacher to find a way to cure her condition with the wish granting of the Grail. With those thoughts roaming in her mind, Gray slowly made her way to an old house where both she and Waver took residence for a brief period. Her eyes went to the front of the porch where she found a certain Lord wearing an attire that was a size or two too big for him with the phrase “Admirable Great Tactics!” written in bold red letters at the front. 

Smoking a cigarette with his eyes focused on the sky, most likely lost in his thoughts. It wasn't until she opened the gates that he noticed her arrival. 

“You're late, I was almost worried that you got ambushed or lost your way. Glen is a minute away from calling the police to find you.” A cloud of smoke exhaled from his mouth, not at all worried that she was in any danger, he most likely was outside to smoke. 

“Sorry, I should have called, Sir… Why is there a chicken here?” Near her feet, a black bird roamed around eating some leftover bread crumbs, its black eyes staring at her before it walked away minding its own business. 

Inhaling what remained of the cigarette, he took a second to answer. “There are different ways to initiate the phase to get chosen as a participant and summoning of a Servant, some cases require rituals and others can happen instantaneously without any preparations whatsoever. Fortunately, the latter isn't our case so we are going with the first option, this little fellow over here just so happens to be the last ingredient per say we need for the ritual.” 

Memories of his past flashed as mentioned those words, images of a young Waver Velvet desperately trying to prove himself and doing everything in his power to successfully be chosen as a Master. Rushing in blindly with the only insurance being that the Heroic Spirit he'd get would be strong enough to guarantee him victory. “Good thing this time we won't have to be dealing with a monster… no, two monsters. The likelihood of those two returning are lower than the possibility of Reines being an actual saint at heart.”

“So it's not zero.”

He shuddered visibly when she said that. “... I'd like it to be an impossibility, but unfortunately that is indeed the case. Granted, there are plenty of other monsters roaming the Throne of Heroes but I rather we deal with them than the ones from the fourth war. Master candidate wise, this roaster is not nearly as bad. There are some heavy hitters but still manageable if we are careful.” 

“As for the catalyst?” 

To that, he showed her a small box where within she found broken parts of a spear and the remnants of a rusted pommel from a weapon. Strangely enough, the box she held felt heavy and it wasn't the weight that made her feel like that. Doubts began to arise, “Will… Will this be enough, Master?” 

“It should be.” 

Even he couldn't give her a confident ‘yes’, he held his own form of doubts. 

“You're back, Gray!” The door behind was pushed open with a loud bang, the noise startling Waver who dropped the newly lit cigarette on his pants. 


The old man Glen, now wearing a black suit, rushed to Gray, completely walking past the guy on the ground, quickly dowsing water on his legs. “Where have you been, young lady!? I know Fuyuki is mostly safe but it's still dangerous wandering around alone so late.” 

“I-I-I'm fine, sorry about being late, it won't happen again.” She was unused to their treatment, both Glen and Martha treated her nicely. Refusing for her to help out with anything at home, just going to shop for groceries was a challenge in itself. “I was just sightseeing.” 

From behind an elderly woman appeared, a more rosy colour on her face compared to how pale she looked in the beginning. She looked at Waver with a worried look, “Waver, are you sure both of you will be able to manage without us? It's not healthy to eat take outs every day, this child is still in the middle of her growth period so you shouldn't ignore it and what did I tell you about smoking?” 

“We'll be fine, and I'm not a kid like before who didn't know how to take care of myself you know. Gray is also more than capable herself. Rather than worrying about us, you should focus on your vacation, the taxi taking you to the airport is waiting for you.” He specifically ignored the smoking part, much to Martha's dismay.

Gray had to admit, it was rare for her teacher to be treated like a… child by anyone. Martha in particular was very doting on both of them, while Glen just kept laughing at the scene. Especially when his wife mentioned she left food for multiple days inside the fridge and went so far as to tell him how not to use the oven so that they don't burn themselves. 

Afterwards, both accompanied the couple to the taxi and loaded their luggages, waving their hands when the car rolled away. Sent to a month-long vacation to Hawaii, making sure that neither would get affected by the war. 


“Get ready, we'll be heading somewhere more secluded and away from the house. I don't want to risk it getting damaged in any way. I'll set up a bounded field while you bring me the items needed for the ritual. 

So the time finally came, Gray felt her heart throb fiercely, almost sensing a suffocating sensation descend upon her. This had to go perfectly well, she couldn't fail now.

“Got it.”




In a clearing within a bush at a corner of the small mountainous town of Fuyuki, Waver and Gray began their preparation of the summoning ritual after making sure that they were completely alone and safe. “You’ll have to perform the same ritual as I did previously, the same steps and chants to make sure we replicate everything down to the same detail. Stay focused, keep your mind empty of any stray thoughts and just focus on your task at hand.”

Gray's nerves were held extremely taut the entire time, listening to each of his words carefully. It didn't help that the incessant crowing of the chicken within her hand kept hurting her ears, so much so that a ritual of purification of the mind was needed before the conduction.

The shape of the magic circle was drawn on the ground by her teacher while she stood performing the other part by draining the dripping chicken blood into a bowl. “Don't worry, my younger self practised this many times in order to get everything perfect.” he said, drawing the four encircling patterns of departure within erasure inside the summoning circle.

“The Catalyst.” 

“Keep it close to you, also I'll hold Add for now. Let's not risk it getting used as a catalyst instead and we end up with someone far worse.”

No mistakes must be made.

“Stop squirming, this is your moment to show some confidence for god's sake.” Add added as she passed him onto Waver, now holding both the spearhead and pommel. Closing her eyes as she remembered the exact chants she was told to utter out loud. The image of a  spark that becomes a ghostly flame, swirling, spinning, roaring in her chest forming within her mind.

“Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Five perfections for each repetition. And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!”

She carefully spread the chicken blood on the ground as he chanted the incantation, Waver now standing away from her spot and watched with a tense face. 

The ground started to glow as she continued to the next part of the chant, the bowl now completely empty while the catalysts were held firmly, 


The Magic Crest of the Blackmore grave keepers, that was passed down through the generations and carved on her body, began to separately thum with a warm sensation coursing all over. The Magic Crest in particular held no magecraft within them, its only functionality being to wield Add and nothing more. More and more Magical Energy drained from herself, not to the point she was having difficultied but certainly enough for her to notice.

The energy gathered spread all around, the leaves rustling with gust of wind forming with each syllable that left her mouth, all of it gathering into spot as she lifted her hands and a slight discomfort came from it as a red light gathered to form three distinct patterns, ther appearance making both Gray and Waver sigh in relief in their hearts as it meant the ritual worked. 

Her hood pushed back, letting her hair flutter in the wind.

“… come forth…” 

She whispered the remaining chant, tension rising as light gathered in the middle. 

A strange sensation spreading within her core the longer this ritual went on for, her circuits no longer feeling as burdened as before, it almost felt like she was being revitalized with another source of energy, but that couldn't be the case. The feeling creeping within every fiber of her being, forcing a wave of goosebumps to occur which she ignored and continued to focus as the figure that started to appear before her. 

Yet as the Servant's figure started to become clearer, it did not hold the same physique as Iskandar from her teacher's stories. From the other side she found Waved drop fall on his butt while trembling like a leaf with an ashen pale face. This sams reaction appearing on her face, the shock turning into pure horror and indignation when gray eyes now stared right back at green eyes. 

“I ask thee, art thou the Master that called m—huh?” 

At that moment, Gray felt true despair and cursed every living person under the moonlight. 



I do wonder who Waver summoned to have him react like that. Also I quite enjoyed Shirou's dynamic with Gray they have good chemistry together I feel.


Now I wonder whom Shirou will summon in the og summoning scene now (if it will even happen)