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Partially beta read.

Next update is To Love a Sword and Hound.





"Where are you going?" 

Within what remained of the main meeting room, every wizard present found themselves in the midst of recovering from their feud against Broly. 

A sunrise of painful moans and grunts echoed as they got up and tended to their wounds. Many of them chose to take a seat near the destroyed remnants of the room they used for the meeting, each wondering what to do next. This included one of the Trimen, Hibiki, whose voice echoed across the chamber as he gazed at the parting figure of Natsu trying to leave the room.

"Where the hell do you think I'm going!? I have to punch that bastard a couple of times for being stupid!" 

The salmon-haired dragon slayer roared out loud, his fists hitting the wall with enough force to cause cracks to appear. His body was covered with bandages, most of it on his face from the prior beating. Though physically he claimed to feel completely rejuvenated, on the inside he felt like complete dog shit.

"Stop, what do you even plan on doing if you meet him, flames-for-brains?" Gray was the next one to speak, standing next to one of the members of Blue Pegasus, Ren, the latter helping to apply more bandages over the bruised parts of his limbs. "You saw how stubborn he was. He'll just punch you right back here the moment you try to stop him. It's just a giant waste of time—ouch! Careful there!” 

Ren scoffed, ignoring the man's words and continuing his work. “I told you to stay still, idiot. Why did I have to be stuck aiding the ugly guy without a shirt instead of the other pretty flowers around here?” 

“I'll freezy your arms off if you keep talking.” 

“You move a single inch, I'll apply more pressure on that area.” His warning seemed to have worked, shutting down gray instantly and relaxing his muscles so that the former could continue his work. So instead of continuing to argue with the one tending his wounds, the ice make wizard turned his attention back to Natsu, who just sent him a seething glare.

“Like I give a crap about that! And he only caught me off guard back then…” so Dragon Slayer said, but no one in the room believed his words.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am siding with Salamander!" Another voice sounded in the room, this being none other than Gajeel, who kept munching on a piece of iron, his glare focused upon the sky above where the Saiyan flew off. "I don't care what you plan on doing when you find him, try to use words or become buddy-buddy with the guy again. I'll just focus on having my revenge. No one treats me like a weakling and gets away with it!"

"Juvia agrees with Gajeel. Mr. Broly can get hurt and we must make sure he stays safe!"

"Oi! That's not what I said!"

“The ice wizard from Fairy Tail is right, you all are just wasting your time.” From the other end of the room, one of the blue Pegasus boys, Eve, emerged dragging along a gagged and tied up woman. Initially they were confused about who she was and what she was even doing there in the first place until they discovered her identity as one of the members of Oracion Seis.

Jura quickly took her down and left the others to make sure she's restrained. “We have a better chance just focusing on our main mission, let's prepare the Christina and plan an attack as soon as possible. If your friend is lucky then his probably still alive when we get there. If not then you can pick him up and provide him the care he'll need before it's too late.”

“What the fuck did you say!?" The blonde's response did not sit well with the members of Fairy Tail, especially Natsu, who stormed back inside and grabbed him by the collar. "Don't you start insulting our friend, or else I'll burn you alive."

A clear tension rose between them. Despite Natsu's renowned fame, Eve did not show any fear or hesitation in his eyes. Instead, he dropped Angel, who continued to wriggle in her spot, unable to free herself from the ropes. Though before he could even say anything, Ren came and pried Natsu's grasp off of his friend.

"I don't care even if he is your brother or family. That idiot thought it would be a good idea to go on a solo mission against one of the most dangerous guilds in all of Ishgar. Not even a Wizard Saint is foolish enough to do that and expect to emerge alive. You may think he's quite powerful from what he showed today, but that is only because we were caught off guard — don't expect the same will happen out there. There is even a chance that he planned all of this with Brain from the beginning."

"Hey! Broly is more than capable of handling himself!" Finally, unable to sit there and continue hearing these people talk about the Saiyan's fate in such a grim manner, Lucy got up and stomped her feet with a genuinely angered face. "So what if he went there alone? He just wanted to protect us!"

"By protecting us, you mean beating everyone here senseless and betraying us?”

She flinched backward at his instantaneous response but refused to be beaten. "I agree that his method wasn't exactly the best, and he could have tried a different approach. But you heard him yourself—he was afraid that something horrible would happen to us and thought it was best for him to go there alone. I'm not saying that he was right to do so, but I just can't stand here and let you badmouth him as if he was plotting against us and is some kind of secret agent from the dark guilds! He genuinely cares about us and is now out there risking his life."

To be honest, the blonde-haired girl shared the same sentiment as Natsu. She wanted to go out there and rejoin Broly, hoping that he would see reason and actually let them help him. A part of her did genuinely think that perhaps he didn't need their help in the first place; having been around him the longest, Lucy was one of the few who had seen many of his abilities and how he could just escape whenever he wanted.

"That still does not excuse his actions," this time Eve spoke with a firm tone. "He could have easily stayed with us and kept us safe when we were together on the mission. I don't see why he believed that he alone needed to be there."

Lucy didn't say anything to him, though she suspected to know the reason why Broly chose to do that. It must have been because of what happened on Galuna Island; he even said so at the end. Broly himself had acted a bit strangely since that day, feeling guilty even when no one in the guild blamed him for anything. Quite the opposite, in fact. Whether it be Erza, Gray, Natsu, Cana, or herself, they all were grateful that he saved them from a real dragon.

Even to this day, her body shuddered when she recalled the memories of the beast. Having dealt with various magical monsters where she lived and living with her celestial spirits, Lucy believed that she had a good mental fortitude against such things. But the day they saw that black dragon, its roar alone made her body freeze up. There was no thought of going up against it, no plans to even try and defend herself—nothing but pure terror gripped her very soul at that moment. She believed in Broly and her celestial spirits, but even against a creature like that, the only thing she wanted was to be anywhere else but there. And if it weren't for him, she knew for certain that she, the other members of Fairy Tail, and the people on Galuna Island wouldn't be alive anymore.

"It is clear to me that you're just trying to make yourself and your guild look less bad in this situation. No matter what kind of excuse you bring up, this is still betrayal. Do you have any idea what the Magic Council will do when they eventually find—"


Ren's voice immediately came to a halt as Erza finally stepped in, her aura instantly silencing everyone in the hall. "There is no point arguing with one another; we will only be wasting our time doing so. But I want to make one thing clear: Broly, at the end of the day, is still part of our guild, and it is our responsibility to bring him back no matter what happens. I still plan on going there. So for those who want to continue the mission, you are free to do so, and I ask you to hurry. As for the others, you can wait here for all I care."

As soon as she said that, no one was able to counter her words, nor did they find it necessary to antagonise her for any related reasons.

Except for the sound of a pair of hands clapping, Jura stepped forward with a large smile on his face. The bandit stood tall and imposingly, his presence still affecting those around him despite having been beaten in the end."

"You speak correctly, Titania. I don't know why Broly-dono chose such a path, and I also don't believe it's the time to question whether he was part of the Dark Guild or not. What's important is that we recover and continue with our mission. I am certain that we will encounter him along the way, and for that, I will leave this matter to you, Fairy Tail wizards," he said, looking at Erza. She nodded her head slightly, with traces of gratitude in her gaze.

"Wait, what do we do about her then?" Ren's question broke the silence, pointing at the gagged Angel by his side, the latter looking back at them with pure hatred in her eyes.

"This Angel is still a member of the Dark Guild who was sent here to initially take on the appearance of one of our members and infiltrate our ranks, sabotaging our plans and ensuring we wouldn't arrive there in one piece," Jura explained, still believing it was pure luck that he managed to catch her, aware of what would have happened if she had taken action without their knowledge. “It would be foolish to bring her along, out best option is to leave her somewhere secure where her allies can't find her.”

"Hnnnn!" Just to be sure, he further tightened the ropes around the girl. 

“Can I trust you to keep her secured until the Rune Knights get here, Ichiya-dono?” 

The leader of the Trimen and main representative of the Blue Pegasus flipped his hair. "Leave her with me, men. I shall ensure no evildoers free their unfortunate comrade!" He declared, stepping forward and relieving everyone of the duty. "Also, I agree with dear Erza. You boys, get the Christina ready. I don't know what pushed young Broly to do such a thing, but we must remember who we are and bear the responsibility to save our ally and bring him back to reason. Now onwards!"

The sour expression on the three men's face vanished, instantly replaced by a stoic demeanour as they bowed towards the shorter man. "Understood, Ichia-sama!"

From the sidelines, Erza hadn't expected this, but she felt grateful and nodded to the man.

"How long will it take for this Christina thing to be ready? What even is it?" Erza inquired.

At that, the Blue Pegasus members just smirked. "It's our trump card we initially wanted to save for emergencies, but looking at our current situation, I'd say it qualifies as an emergency."

“Wait… where is the Cait Shelter wizard?” 




"Wow, this is so awesome!" A few minutes later, Lucy couldn't help but mumble with awe as she looked down at the passing forest, the green trees blurring as the vehicle she was on moved at great speeds. "I didn't know you had something like this. It was never mentioned in any of the Sorcerer Weekly magazines."

Filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment, the members of the Blue Pegasus guild puffed their chests and held their heads high. They noticed that not only Lucy, but every member from other guilds, had similar reactions, except for a few.

"But of course! This is our crown jewel, a sort of secret weapon we've kept hidden from view so our enemies wouldn't know about its existence. You can't exactly expect us to let many people know about it."

Filled with pride and a mix of emotions, the members of the Blue Pegasus guild puffed out their chests and held their heads high. They observed that not only Lucy, but also members from other guilds, had similar reactions, with only a few exceptions.

"But of course! This is our crown jewel, a sort of secret weapon we've kept hidden from view so our enemies wouldn't know about its existence. You can't exactly expect us to let many people know about it."

That made sense; having everyone know about one of their greatest weapons could spell a lot of trouble. Yeah, despite how amazing it was flying upon such a contraption, Lucy had to admit that it felt slow. It's hard to put it into words, but compared to what she had experienced in the past, it was no different than a snail-paced car. It was beautiful, with even rooms where she could sleep, but that just wasn't enough. It wasn't thrilling like she had hoped.

"At least it's not as bad as him," she said dryly, looking toward two specific Dragon Slayers who, safe to say, were in a decrepit state. 

"Make it stop!"

The howls of pain and despite resounded on the deck, with the two boys continuing to empty the content of their stomachs for the past few minutes. Barely having enough strength to even stand on their feet and forcing everyone to stand a few feet away due to disgust.

“Sh-shut your mouth, Salamander! Ew! Y-You got it on my sh—bweergh!"

Shaking her head, Lucy had known about Natsu's severe weakness related to motion sickness. It was so bad that even riding in a horse-drawn cart could incapacitate him for hours or instantly. But she hasn't expected it to be a universal weakness for all Dragon Slayers; she wondered if the same could be said for Wendy as well.

"So being motion sick is a weakness for all Dragon Slayers? I have to admit, I didn't expect this."

"Does it look like it. At least this is for the best, as those two won't start fighting and possibly destroy the ship we're standing on," Gray said, staying away from Natsu after nearly getting blasted with vomit. Like most in their group, he remained silent and hadn't spoken much since they departed. She could tell there was a lot on his mind, which was understandable given she felt similarly. 

“This will be awkward, he told us to stay behind yet here we are coming after him with everyone else. I thought he was a smart one, guess he and Natsu had more in common than I thought. Oh well, he’ll owe me a couple of drinks for this.”

"Your speech would have had more impact if you were wearing clothes," she deadpanned. Despite the serious atmosphere around him, it crumbled quite easily when considering his lack of clothing.

"Damn it! Why does this keep happening!?" A mystery even she couldn't solve; one moment he had clothes, the next they disappeared. How he managed to remove them so quickly was a feat of magic in itself. Perhaps he was simply disintegrating them with his ice magic, or maybe he was an expert exhibitionist.

Ignoring the cursing ice wizard, she moved to join the remaining member of their guild, stopping beside Erza, who, like Gray, wore a sombre expression. Unsure of what to say, she stood quietly by her side, waiting for something to happen.

"I've heard a lot about the Oracion Seis," Erza spoke first, her gaze fixed on the landscape ahead. "Their leader, Brain, is known to be a fearsome and despicable wizard, renowned for his cunning and deceptive nature. But he's not an opponent that Fairy Tail hasn't dealt with in the past, nor will he be the last."

Lucy wasn't entirely certain why Erza brought up Brain, but she listened attentively and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Mirajane mentioned some of the details to me."

"Do you think we'll have trouble taking him and the other members down?"

It was a tough question, one that the blonde Celestial wizard struggled to answer appropriately. There seemed to be more to Erza's question, but it was difficult to discern.

"I... I don't know," Lucy responded hesitantly. "You managed to defeat Angel quite easily, didn't you? So perhaps the leader won't be as troublesome as we think. At least, that's what I'd like to believe."

"Obviously not everyone holds the same belief as you, Lucy." It wasn't hard to figure out who Erza was referring to. "I want to believe that he was wrong, I really do. Then again... it's hard to do so with what happened on our last quest."

"That may be so, but I don't think we'll encounter another dragon here." Lucy let out an uncomfortable laugh, silently hoping they wouldn't be that unlucky. "And Broly did kill that dragon in the end, so I doubt we'll be seeing it ever again."

Erza chuckled unexpectedly, prompting Lucy to wonder about the source of her amusement.

"You know what's funny? I was listening to how all the others were judging his actions, calling it irresponsible and selfish. After he left, I couldn't help but think about what I would have done. Many thoughts crossed my mind, and in many of those scenarios... I feel like I would have done the same thing as him if I feared something similar happening here if it meant keeping my friends away from harm's way from both powerful monsters and myself. Does that make me selfish as well? I guess it does… worst of all, another matter is worrying me."


“That wizard we captured, Angel. I'm not so certain as it has been quite a long time and I wouldn't have known everyone's face, But I believe she was one of the slaves in the tower of heaven.”

Lucy's mouth hung at that revelation, no wonder she behaved so weirdly the moment she saw Angel before the others captured her. “I didn't recognized her at first, I don't know if she remembers me as well, but the fact that she was a member of the dark guild makes me question if there aren't more like her. If Broly went there with the goal to destroy the guild on his own, then I have a bad feeling about this. It is just wild speculation on my part but better to no to discard it.”

There was a lot of things Lucy wanted to say, but she stayed quiet. Wondering if she even had anything useful to say to Erza and even manage to comfort the girl. 

"Enough about me; we should focus on getting to Broly first. We can sort out the rest afterwards. For now, it's best for us to figure out just how far Broly went and if he needed our help in the first place," the red-headed wizard said, closing that particular conversation. It was a sentiment Lucy shared, concerned about Broly as much as anyone in their guild, yet confident that he would be alright.

"We're approaching our destination. Wait... what the hell is that?" Ibiki's voice interrupted, capturing everyone's attention. All eyes turned to observe the forest in the distance, and as a particular city came into view, they were momentarily struck speechless.

"A walking city?"

"A contraption larger than anything they'd seen before, with an arachnid shape as it roamed the forest carrying an entire city on its back. It was something they hadn't heard about before, making them question what the Oracion Seis guild was planning.


Before anyone could utter a word, a powerful gust of wind struck the Christina, knocking everyone off balance. Lucy screamed in fear, clutching the rails tightly as the pressure and wind intensified.


Even in her panicked state, she noticed something that caught her attention and that of every single soul on the flying ship. From the centre of the ruined city, a bright flash of light formed out of nowhere, bright enough to force many to avert their gaze. It formed a gigantic pillar of light shooting towards the sky and parting the clouds, larger than anything they had witnessed before and radiating so much energy that Lucy found it hard to breathe.

"So much concentrated Ethernano!" exclaimed Jura, his eyes wide with disbelief and wariness as he observed the scene.

The sheer pressure intensified to the point where the vessel could no longer withstand it, forcing it to slowly descend and land on the ground. But before it could land, Ren spotted a particular object in the distance heading straight towards them at alarming speed. As soon as his words left his mouth, another wave of pressure descended upon every wizard, and the previous bright white light was overshadowed by an emerald glow that spread across the entire region. 

The familiar energy felt both known and foreign to Erza, sending a deep chill up her spine. 

"Take cover!" 

"What the—"

She barely had time to react before a large spherical light crashed into the Christina.


The projectile effortlessly broke through the vessel's defences, its momentum slamming the craft into the ground with tremendous force. The impact created a large cloud of dust, engulfing everything and everyone in its path.

The light in the distant city dying down till the only light illuminating the surrounding was the moon itself.

"My head..." Lucy muttered after a few seconds, her voice a quiet whisper. She massaged her forehead, feeling as if she had been hit by a wall and concussed. Blood rushed to her head, accompanied by a sense of lethargy that threatened to make her sick.

"Are you hurt, Lucy-sama?" Summer's voice asked softly. Soon, Lucy realised she was no longer outside on the Christina but inside a cramped space. The wooden walls around her allowed only enough room to sit with her knees drawn close to her chest. Her mind quickly recognized where she was.

"Horologium?" she called out, summoning one of her spirits—a silver key that brought forth a grandfather clock-like spirit. Horologium not only showed her the time but also had the ability to protect her during extreme situations without needing Lucy to physically bring out the key.

"I'm fine, no injuries. Please, let me out of here. I need to check on the others!" The crash had been too intense; whatever had struck them had hit the vessel with overwhelming force, leaving Lucy no time to see what it was in the first place.

"I would strongly advise against such a move, but since you insist, I have no choice," Horologium warned. Initially confused by the clock's cautionary words, Lucy ignored it and focused on locating her allies. With the glass front panel opening, she finally stepped out onto the ground.

"Cough, cough!" She coughed as soon as the cloud of dust hit her face, realising they had landed within the forest. Dirt clung to her boots, and broken tree branches littered the ground around her. Thick smoke obscured her vision, making it difficult to see where everyone was.

"N-Natsu! Erza! Gray!" Lucy called out, tearing a small piece of fabric from her clothes and pressing it against her mouth to filter out the dust. Her eyes stung, and her ears rang from the impact. She had no choice but to keep moving.

"Can anyone hear me?" Lucy shouted again, growing more worried as seconds passed without a response.

"The Christina!" Finally, after walking a few more metres, she came across a broken part of the ship, specifically its figurehead depicting a blue horse with wings.

"Completely destroyed. Was it a cannonball?" She wondered aloud. "But I remember Trimens saying their vessel could resist powerful spells under the right conditions." 

From the looks of it, whatever hit them was far more powerful than your regular projectile spell or even a cannon ball. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination running wild, but Lucy swore for a brief moment it resembled a person. Hundreds, if not thousands, of broken wood planks and ship parts lay scattered, worst of all, there was no sign of any souls.

Undeterred, Lucy continued to march forward until she felt something touch her shoulder.

"Hyyaaahh!" Fear overwhelmed her, and she instantly grabbed the hand forcefully, pulling it forward with all her strength. She heard a startled gasp but ignored it, swiftly slamming the person to the ground with all her might. It was a move she had learned from Cana surprisingly, despite her claim of not being familiar with martial arts. Broly even mentioned that she had shown a knack for hand-to-hand combat and he even went so far as to teach her a few moves, though she hadn't mastered any so far. 

As her fear subsided, Lucy realised with horror that she had thrown none other than their enemy.

"Angel!? How are you even here? I thought you were with Ichiya!" Lucy exclaimed, shocked to find the Dark Guild member in such unexpected circumstances.

"Shut it! I don't have time to answer your questions. What the hell is going on today? The moment I set foot outside the bathroom, it's one disaster after another!" Angel moaned in despair, wincing as she tried to get up, still feeling the aches from Lucy's attack. “I should have just walked back instead of sneaking inside the ship.” 

"Wait, you still plan on fighting us after we got hit by whatever that was?" Lucy questioned incredulously.

"It was most likely Cobra, or one of Brain's magic spells that shot you down. My mission wasn't successful, and I wasn't able to complete what I wanted. But at the very least, I can defeat you and take your keys." Lucy's hands instinctively went to her satchel, gripping her keychain while she warily eyed Lucy. It suddenly dawned on Lucy when she noticed Angel holding a similar bundle of keys, one of them golden.

"You're a Celestial Wizard? You have Gemini!?" Lucy exclaimed, everything falling into place as she recognized the Gemini symbol. She understood how Angel could have boarded the Christina without anyone noticing. 

Greed flashed within her eyes, she had to get that key!

"Listen, you don't need to continue this fight," Lucy urged earnestly.

"That is not for you to decide, Fairy Tail wiz—wah!"

Angel's words were abruptly cut short as the ground beneath them gave way. Lucy and Angel hadn't realised they were standing right beside a giant crater. As Lucy tumbled down and the dust settled, she finally got a clearer look at her surroundings.

"Oh my god!" Lucy exclaimed. It was indeed a massive crater. Unaware of their proximity, both she and Angel had been standing at the edge, and the ground had given way beneath them. It was likely formed from the impact from whatever had struck them.

"Gray! Natsu!" Lucy called out in relief as she spotted two figures approaching in the distance. She instantly recognized them as the Fire Dragon Slayer and the Ice-Make Wizard. Happy was held by Natsu, the little creature having likely lost consciousness from the impact.


Seeing their comrade safe and sound, both boys couldn't help but show expressions of relief. 

"Where are the rest?" Lucy asked anxiously, scanning their surroundings for any sign of the other guild members—Blue Pegasus, Jura, Gajeel, and Juvia.

"Don't know," Gray replied grimly. "We were buried under a part of the ship and just managed to avoid getting crushed by more debris. Who were you talking to? I heard your voice from far away."

"Eh? Oh right, quickly, Angel managed to escape” Lucy stopped abruptly, realizing with shock that Angel was no longer beside her. The white-dressed woman had vanished completely, and Lucy soon realised she must have used the opportunity to escape.

"Oh come on! She still has the Gemini key!" Lucy exclaimed in frustration.

A rare opportunity had slipped through her fingertips, leaving Lucy to lament and hope for another chance encounter with Angel, possibly at the walking city they had seen, which was likely the Oracion Seis headquarters.

"We should go and find the others. I'm worried they might have been further injured from the impact," Lucy suggested urgently.

"Speaking of impact, what the hell even hit us in the first place!?" Natsu roared angrily. "It nearly crushed Happy over here if I hadn't shielded him in time! When I get my hands on the Dark Guild's leader, I'll burn his ass!"

"Hey guys, I think I found Erza," Gray called out, diverting attention from Natsu's rant. He pointed to the other side of the crater where they spotted Erza standing silently, her back turned to them. 

"Oi, Erza! What are you doing over there?" Natsu shouted, expecting a response.

Erza remained unresponsive. As they approached, it became increasingly clear that something was amiss. Despite their repeated calls, she didn't acknowledge them. Natsu frowned in concern and rushed forward, forcefully grabbing her pauldron to get her attention.

"Hey, are you deaf? We've been calling your name for the—eh?" Natsu's words caught in his throat as he and the rest of the group saw the expression on Erza's face as she gazed toward the centre of the crater. There was disbelief within them, shock and confusion.

From Lucy's point of view, she saw a figure standing with a slight hunch, gripping some kind of sceptre with audible, heavy breathing. The figure was cloaked in tattered dark robes showing off most of her body, a ripped cape which she burned away with fire.

Yet that was not what caught everyone's attention.


She whispered, gazing at what was basically a carbon copy of her friend, though this one looking a tiny bit more mature and with a completely different air around her. The woman in question turned her head around, her gaze meeting Erza’s. Eyes widening for a brief moment before her expression went back to neutral. The rest soon felt her looking at them as well.

“What a surprise, to see you here.” She said with the lightest smirk, “I should have known.” 

“Who… are you?” Erza asked, backing away one st

“What strange thing to ask when you should already know the answer to.” Irene answered before losing interest. “Too bad you'll most likely die here.”

As soon as she said that, the green glow reappeared in the sky, drawing closer like a shooting star. Irene acted quickly, a vast array of magic circles forming within her palms and expanding over her head into a giant dome. Luckily encompassing the Fairy Tail wizards before a thunderous bang struck the surface. The impact made them sink a few metres further into the ground. 

“Hn!” Irene gritted her teeth, cracks already forming on the surface. “F-Fascinating.” 


Another impact instantly broke through, a large arm peering through the shards and instantly grabbing onto her face. Bypassing any and all spells she quickly cast as if they were made of paper. A giant figure towering over everyone, exuding a presence that far surpassed the presence held by the black dragon they felt before. 

Erza's heart sank as the first thing she saw were spiked green hair, the dust settling to show a grinning Saiyan. His body, larger than his previous self, nearly twice the height of anyone in the field. His upper clothes gone showing a mountain of bulging muscles, tears all over his pants with the only intact piece being the fur coat. 

“Hehehehe!” His laugh sounded different, cold and sadistic. His eyes completely white without a trace of the previous gentle giant, the bright emerald aura coming off his body like a never ending wave to the point they could barely move.  “Is that all you got?” 

He asked whilst his hand playfully held Irene by her face, bringing it closer with her feet no longer touching the ground. Another spell quickly formed around her with the help of the staff, this followed by the gravity around her increasing to several degrees and even crushing stones into dust. 

“Argh!” The magnitude pushed the Fairy Tail group away, while Erza was the only one who managed to hold on with her knees nearly buckling under the pressure. 

Yet this person… one who both Lucy and Erza even hesitated to recognize as Broly only grinned further, the white of his teeth showing with a slight head tilt. “Neat little trick.” 


A loud bang spread across the field, his knees moving at lightning speed and digging into Irene's stomach. The shockwave alone equaled the power of her previous self, cancelling every single active spell she still maintained. Her eyes bulged while she still continued to be held by Broly in place, spit flying out her mouth. “Humph, disappointing.” 

With a flick of his hand, he threw her away without care in the distance, finally he turned his head towards Erza and the rest. Confusion showed before he chuckled again. 

“Still here? Good, I was getting bored.” 


Erza called out his name, yet he did not react to it and just continued to slowly walk towards her. 

At that moment, even though she abhorred the idea of it. The redheaded wizard knew that whoever stood before them was not Broly, for the intentions behind his eyes were not peaceful in the least. 

“Try not to break so easily, Erza.” 


ZaMAsu Autonomous

Ok...Whoa... Honestly, I have a couple of questions. How bad is this beatdown going to get? In this story did Erza have a habit of crying in the Tower that would possibly make this upcoming violation worse? Now part of those inquiries is me joking but I'm honestly curious as to what will keep Broly mad enough to maintain LSSJ for this fight. I thought he would've kept going after Irene as she's the only person to anger him recently. Poor Fairy Tail. They'll need therapy after this. Especially if this "Z" Broly pulls out his slasher movie-level chasedowns and teleportations.


How old is Broly right now? He's like 34 in the movie, and he spent 10–12 years in the fairy tale. Is he around 46 years old?