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Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer

Holy... I was going to go mad with how long this chapter took! It should have been 3 days T-T!

Also, there is another special chapter imma be posting for Fake Familiar in a minute so look out for that if you're interested.





For what seemed like an eternity, he struggled to recall what had transpired, only for darkness to pull the veil on him each time. As if to laugh at his predicament, he was set upon by a wave of exhaustion, one that crashed over him like a relentless tide, yet only briefly before dissipating. But this was all too common for the guardian,  a sensation he had grown accustomed to after centuries in this line of work, especially after a fierce battle. Memories flooded his mind, the showdown against the Orcs alongside Maya and Brynn in Luu-luu's Kingdom, the ambush by Olga's forces, and countless other battles before and after his death. Battles that had pushed him to his breaking point, culminating in the total expenditure of his energy in a desperate bid for victory. 

And yet, this time felt different.

Unlike previous encounters where he emerged triumphant against overwhelming odds, this battle had concluded in a stalemate of sorts. He had managed to hold off the blonde girl possessing Saber's face, long enough to secure a temporary reprieve, but he was no closer to victory. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that he had only bought himself and the kingdom a pyrrhic victory. And much like the Romans, it won’t be long till  the beast sets out again. Nevertheless, he had survived, and that was a victory in itself, and that meant that he had more time to prepare.

‘Can’t believe that I actually survived fighting a Beast… I'd sooner face Gilgamesh than endure another encounter with her.’

As the fog lifted from his mind, he became aware of the soft chirping of birds outside the window, heralding the arrival of morning. Surprisingly, he didn't feel as battered and bruised as he had expected. His muscles, typically sore after a battle, felt strangely rejuvenated, devoid of any lingering discomfort. Even more astonishing was the absence of the pounding headache that had plagued him for weeks.

"Where am I?" he murmured to himself, his voice hoarse from sleep — still having a hard time believing that he made it out alive. Opening his eyes, he found himself staring up at an unfamiliar white ceiling with a golden chandelier, a stark departure from the dark wooden ceiling of his own room, which had endured damage from Luu-luu's persistent attempts to breach it at night. Despite the unfamiliarity of his surroundings, the sensation of the soft mattress beneath him offered a reassuring sense of comfort and relief.

However, his attempts to rise from the bed were in vain, due in part to the distinctive heavy weight pressing down on his chest. Enveloping him like a cocoon, it was indeed a nice source of warmth. That’s when it dawned on him that he wasn't alone. A web of silky blonde hair draped across his body, carrying with it the scent of roses,  and further to the side, the rhythmic rise and fall of breathing revealed the presence of another person.

“What the…”

With a growing sense of unease, he lifted the bed sheets, tracing the source of the movements to a sleeping Celestine, the Goddess Reborn, who was lying naked atop him. Both her arms and  legs were tightly wrapped around him, giving the appearance of an enamored wife embracing her lover after a night of passionate love making. And to add fuel to the fire, her voluptuous chest lay cushioned against his own, with her cheeks nestled into the curve of his shoulder, as if seeking solace and security in his embrace.

The sunlight, filtering through the leaves outside, caused her eyes to flutter open, revealing their mesmerizing hue. Her ears twitched as well, seemingly from Archer’s subtle movements, but despite that she decided to return into his embrace. It was a scene that would have thrilled many, but for Archer, it was nothing short of a troublesome affair.

"Hey, wake up," he urged, giving Celestine a gentle nudge, in an attempt to rouse her from her slumber. She responded with a soft sigh, her arms tightening around him as she snuggled deeper into his embrace.

Casting a wary glance around the dimly lit room, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach as he came to the realization that they were in Celestine's quarters, not his own. The air was heavy with the familiar scent of her bed linens, a poignant confirmation of their intimate proximity, forcing him to confront the implications of their situation.

"Hmm," the goddess moaned, stirring in her sleep as she slowly awakened. Her vibrant green eyes opened to find Archer, and they exchanged looks. The one being pinned down was slightly annoyed whereas the guileless perpetrator showed confusion at first before realization set in, giving way to pure joy. "Shirou!" she cheered, releasing his waist and wrapping her arms around his head, pushing him deep into her bountiful cleavage while affectionately kissing his head repeatedly. "You're okay! Thank the gods you're okay!"

She continued to fuss over him, her long slender legs straddling his waist while he tried to make sense of the current situation.

"Are you feeling sick? Are you hurt? Show it to me, I'll heal you," the Goddess Reborn continued to fret. Archer rolled his eyes, deciding to take control of the situation. 

"Enough," he said, gently pushing her away to establish some distance between them. With a clear view of her body, he couldn't help but acknowledge her sublime beauty, a testament to her elegance. But that was beside the point. He needed answers. "What are you doing here?" he asked, ignoring their proximity, far more worried about another person who was about to be abducted last he recalled. 

"And where is Radomira?”

"You're safe, Shirou. Radomira is also fine and is resting in her room. Now, stay still, and I'll look after you," Celestine insisted, her hands gently caressing his face. She was uncomfortably close, so close that he was able to feel her breath, an urge to shake her off rose as the woman insisted on using his old name, adding to his unease.

Despite reliving the memories of his past and his eventual descent as Counter Guardian EMIYA, Celestine still addressed him as Shirou with fervent passion, clinging to a version of him that he had long discarded. It was tedious, yet not something to make a big deal of. What she chooses to call him shouldn’t impact his mission, regardless of how flawed her impression of him was.

Even after explaining the reality of his demise, her opinion remained unswayed. As such, why should he bother trying?

"First thing, mind giving me some personal space, and second, why am I naked? Scratch that, why are you naked as well…?" he asked, trying to focus on the matter at hand rather than the discomfort of their proximity. He wasn't ashamed of his nudity, but he was concerned about what might have transpired while he was unconscious.

“Ah, I needed to ensure that any remnants of the wounds from your fight with that monster were healed. Unfortunately, the armor you had was completely destroyed and some of those broken shards were embedded inside you, so we needed to extract them and clean the wound..”

"Heal me?" Archer repeated, remembering that despite how one-sided the entire battle was, Draco's attacks hadn't truly inflicted any life-threatening injuries for the most part. That last blast had only busted a couple of his bones, along with his ribs and internal damage to his organs — while fatal to a normal human, it was nothing he couldn't recover from. Apart from that, he couldn't shake the feeling that Celestine's actions were quite peculiar this time around, her gaze was more intense than usual, and her advances far more intimate.

"Why would I do something like that to you?" Celestine’s voice was a gentle murmur, almost sensual, as she leaned in close to his ears, sending a shiver down his spine. "Your soul is unblemished, Shirou. It simply needs rest and peace. Do not concern yourself with anything else. Focus only on my voice and find solace. The others will manage on their own. You are not their hero, Shirou. They are not your burden to bear."

While that never crossed his mind, heroism in reality wasn’t his objective nor his craving. He simply had a duty to fulfill, and no amount of vanity will aid in that. . Protecting them beyond what was necessary was never part of the plan. "You can be my hero, and no one else's," Celestine pressed on, oblivious to the implications her words concealed. "You can be a true hero, unburdened by guilt or injustice."

Noticing the alarm bells going off in his head, Archer admitted that staying here any longer would be akin to courting disaster.

"Is that the conclusion you've drawn from reviewing my past? To be crowned a hero? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I do not fit into that criteria," Archer retorted, perhaps it wasn't the act of altruism that abhorred him. But rather, the self-sacrificing ideology that had left his past self astray.

"I know you can still do it. You may say otherwise but my divination has shown me all of this for a reason. It wasn’t by random chance that you were brought. A purpose hides behind your presence. And I truly believe that you can become a true hero." Celestine insisted, her chest cushioning against his as her heartbeat quickened. "In fact, you already are one."

Her hold tightened, their proximity now at a point where he could feel their intimate regions close to one another. There was a quickening in her breathing as her eyes grew hazy. This mood was similar to his time with Maia and the two other elves. But unfortunately for her, he didn’t have the desire to continue this, something just didn't feel right with the current Celestine.

“No, just sto—” 

“—am I interrupting something?”

Before Archer could utter another word, a voice intruded upon them, drawing their attention to the door. Therein lies a woman standing awkwardly, possessing many of Celestine's traits, except her  features were more curvaceous and her clothing blatantly bordering on nudity. Archer recognized her as the one who had cradled his head as he succumbed to consciousness following his encounter with the Beast.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I heard Celestine's voice and thought maybe… I'm sorry.” she began, her voice trailing off in apology. Meanwhile, Celestine fell silent, her breathing had calmed down, but before she could retreat, Archer intervened, his curiosity piqued.

"Wait," he called out, causing the woman to freeze in her tracks. "And who might you be?" he inquired, casting a glance between her and Celestine.

The latter, appearing slightly frustrated, took a deep breath before rising from the bed and walked over to the woman, intertwining their hands as she put on a simple smile. "Allow me to introduce you to Serafina Renatus," she said. "Though her last name may be different, we are technically sisters.”

What did she mean by ‘technically’?

As if signaled by his silence, Serafina proceeded to bow, causing her uncovered bosom to jiggle in an arousing fashion. While it didn’t take away from the allure of her silky skin, it was successful in adding an erotic allure to her movements. . . Not to mention, with the only things covering up her private parts being that of golden jewelry, it would be safe to assume that to any other observer, this would have been the moment their lust bursts out like a cocoon. Although her luscious golden hair, which cascaded down her back, provided some modesty by partially veiling her front. "Yes, it is an honor to meet you, Guardian," her words were spoken with grace, but laced with honey. "Once again, I deeply apologize for my late arrival. But now, I am here to offer my assistance in any way possible.”

Interestingly, despite being the less attired of the two, he sensed a maturity in her demeanor that surpassed his expectations, especially after arriving in this world. "You're also a Goddess," he remarked, uncertain about the sudden appearance of another divine being, as well as her familiarity with his story. He harbored reservations about his past being revealed so openly. He wondered if she knew him in the same manner as Celestine or as simply the Counter Guardian… Does she know about Shirou Emiya as well? 

"Yes, you can consider me as such. I recently awakened and journeyed through many lands to reach you," she replied with formality, her tone a stark contrast to her sister's exuberance. "Regrettably, I encountered numerous challenges along the way, which caused delays one after the other, preventing me from aiding you in your battle against that monster. A truly regrettable turn of events and I will endeavor to do better next time."

Curiosity piqued, he inquired, "How did you come to know about me?"

"I was granted a vision," she explained solemnly. "In that vision, I witnessed a grim fate befalling my sister's kingdom—a lawless realm ruled by the whims of a sadistic tyrant. This man, a harbinger of darkness, betrayed the trust of all and enslaved every woman, selling their bodies for petty coins. I… I saw my own sister getting tortured day by day by these people, tainted and turned into a breeding mare. “I-I have come to ensure such a fate does not befall the other realms, as the contagion of his tyranny would have spread beyond Eostia’s borders.”

Serafina audibly sounded disturbed, holding back tears while Celestine embraced her. The latter looked like an elder sister soothing her younger sibling from a nightmare. 

"So you saw that far ahead huh… interesting," he commented, turning his gaze to the Goddess Reborn. She had never mentioned receiving such a vision, leading him to suspect that most of her visions were centered around him rather than Vault, for some undisclosed reason. "Unfortunately, you're far behind the curve.”

“What… what do you mean?” 

“I mean, that Vault and his ragtag rapist army are already dead, and this reality you're envisioning has already undergone some level of subversion. Now, we have something else to deal with, something far deadlier than those brainless mercs. You got a good look at it last night didn't you?”

Serafina was at a loss, looking at her sister for an answer, only getting a nod from her. “Not only Vault but the entire Kuroinu are dead? All of those people… B-But that can't be… it hasn't been that long since my vision materialized… and this Vault was still alive then!” 

Ignoring the rambling Goddess, Archer got up from his bed, uncaring of his nude state. His movement caused Serafina to blush and avert her gaze by covering her eyes, but she did leave some gap between her fingers to stare if she wanted. Celestine remained unwavering, accustomed to his presence, and subtlety eyeing the young man. In a matter of seconds, he had dressed himself, quickly assessing his limbs. "Before that, I want to confirm something first, you were the one who healed me back then, weren't you?"

Brought back to her senses, Serafina nodded hurriedly, regaining her composure. "Yes! While my magic may not rival my sister's in potency, I arrived prepared to offer assistance of any kind if needed. I focused solely on healing your physical injuries and respected your boundaries regarding anything else. It's not my place to pry, and I'm grateful to see that you are well."

Archer couldn't help but be surprised by Serafina's polite and respectful demeanor, which contrasted starkly with her appearance. Her slight timidity in the beginning of the conversation most likely emerged due to stumbling upon him and Celestine in their compromising position. Amused, Archer smirked, making the two elves blush. "I should be the one thanking you. You have nothing to apologize for. You already took a huge risk approaching me while the Beast was still in the area.”

“This entity is called a Beast? But I don't remember seeing such a creature in my vision… the calamity I foresaw was instigated by a man wielding a giant greatsword.” Uncertainty clouded her face as she processed this unexpected turn of events.

“Vault was the only one I saw wielding a giant block of steel shaped like a sword. Impressive that a regular human was able to use a weapon of such size effectively in battle — that ‘unfortunately’ didn't save him from getting blown to pieces.” He remarked with a dry tone, but a small part of himself was genuinely impressed that man was able to fight like that without any Reinforcement. Shame that he used those skills for an asinine dream. “Now our main concern is Draco, the Beast of Sodom.”

Serafina was quite certain her divination powers had shown one person in particular, not any kind of monster.

If only his morals weren't so twisted, then he could have been a capable heroic figure for the people of this world. 

Especially the one Archer fought last night. Even though she hadn't gotten a good look at it, the power she felt was far too foreign. “Am I truly this late?" Serafina's voice was laced with genuine regret. "I'm truly sorry…If I had been here earlier, then perhaps you wouldn't have suffered as much. Maybe all of those deaths could have been avoided…”

"You needn't feel remorseful, most of the Kuroinu members were more than aware of what Vault had planned for Eostia. They joined him willingly, prepared to create this  ‘sex empire’ of theirs." Archer reassured her, his voice calm but tinged with the weight of their shared experience. His gaze shifted to Celestine, who remained silent, her expression betraying no emotion whatsoever, nor any regret over the conversation about her former ally's death. While he acknowledged that not all members of the mercenary group were complicit in Vault's nefarious plans—many likely joined merely to earn a living— but they all made their choices and had to live with the consequences that came with them. So he saw no benefit in dwelling on this fact amidst the grim aftermath. 

“But it was not all of them," Serafina argued weakly, her gaze drifting downward in remorse.“There were still mercenaries with a heart amongst them.”. 

“I agree with you, I did say most of them.” 

“Then why—”

“It is too big a risk and an arduous task to separate the good from the bad, especially considering  the size of the army.”. He swiftly interrupted her, getting off the bed and immediately Tracing his armor around his body, Celestine's eyes lingered upon him for a few more seconds before he continued. “Let’s face it, you either save the hundreds of thousands of people of Eostia or you can save a handful of the Kuroinu army. You can’t save everyone.” 


He killed enough innocence to become numb to it. What would a couple of measly hundred, if not thousand lives, change in the grand scheme of things? If he was given an opportunity to do it differently then perhaps he might have been able to save some of the good ones before exterminating the rest. After all, eliminating threats to humanity was his specialty but he never once came to enjoy the act of killing — a personal  aspect that remained a constant even until now. 

And given his lack of time and the lack of knowledge of what these people were capable of, as well as many other factors… Taking the slow route was just not an option. Killing them all was the only option .  

"I did what I had to. Nothing more, nothing less," he said, his voice low but resolute. "There was no other choice. They were a threat, and now they're dealt with. We shouldn't waste any more time worrying about them, not with more pressing threats looming on the horizon."

Serafina nodded hesitantly, her gaze meeting him with a silent understanding. 

Serafina took a deep breath, still holding onto Celestine's hands for comfort, a gesture the latter didn't mind. “Forgive me for pestering you about this," she began, her voice steady and resolute. “While I may not agree with the way you described their demise, I won’t push the matter any more than necessary.” SShe met his gaze with determination, her expression mirroring Celestine's, but with entirely different intentions. 

“Never expected you to do so, I just want you to understand our current predicament and be aware of everything.” He replied, unfolding his arms, relieved to see that Serefina wasn't as stubborn as her sister. “I hope you won't get in my way.”He added firmly, his tone leaving no room for misunderstanding.

Serafina looked back at him, “I will not, you can trust me.” 

He really hoped so 

As Archer left the room, Celestine's smile faded, and a suspicious, dark gaze took its place as she looked back at her sister. . Recalling the conversation she had yesterday with an unexpected visitor, her expression grew even more troubled.. 




(Last night)

The night air was chilly, its cold winds sweeping through the window and sending shivers down Celestine’s spine as she laid on her bed. The weight of the conversation she had with Emiya and the other Princess Knights lingered heavily in her mind. The revelation of a monstrous entity, colloquially known as a Beast, prowling within their  kingdom gnawed at her thoughts. Its motives in targeting the Kuroinu was a dark mystery she couldn’t shake.

The massacre  weighed heavily on everyone's mind—from Kaguya to Alicia, Claudia, and Maya to name a few. They had all, to some extent, trusted the late leader of the mercenary group, even entrusting their lives to him. One of them had even harbored romantic feelings initially, though it seems that those had now completely disappeared, as far as Celestine knew. "He's going to try to protect all of us again, all on his own," she lamented, fully aware of the path Archer would take if he continued down this road. "I can't let him."

Did she care about the demise of Vault and the Kuroinu? She couldn't tell. There was no remorse, sadness or tears when she thought about their fate. Imagining their lifeless bodies lying next to her feet brought little to no change, no different from seeing a bloodstained plant wither away. Had she tried harder and talked to them, convinced these people that there was another way, would it have changed anything? 


It no longer mattered anyways, her Shirou was now facing another danger all on his own.

Even if it meant incurring his hatred, his disdain for her very existence, and raising his blades against her, the goddess reborn was willing to take the chance and try to change his mind. Surely, there had to be a way to divert him from his current path. Perhaps the beast could be directed towards another country, or maybe they could engage in a dialogue and find common ground where no lives needed to be lost. "But how?" she asked herself, her mind feverishly searching for answers but coming up empty-handed. Her powers were insufficient to physically stop him, and she was reluctant to involve Olga any further than necessary.

Desperation crept in as she realized the gravity of the situation. She didn't want to lose his touch, not after getting to know him so intimately in such a short time. She yearned to caress his face, inhale his scent, and find solace in his warmth every day. Her thoughts drifted to him, igniting a fiery passion within her. If only they were alone, without the prying eyes of her fellow knights, she could have seized more opportunities to bond with him, both emotionally and physically.

Frustration welled up inside her as she tried to find release, her lower region heated up as she thought about him. If her friend hadn’t gotten in the way and foiled her time with him… if it was only the both of them then she would have had more opportunities to get closer. To bond with the man as one. 

“Ah~!” her moans echoed within the room. Her hands moved gently, building up to a crescendo with each passing second, his image was burned into her head as her body longed for his touch. But no matter how long or hard she tried, this frustration remained, she couldn't feel satisfaction nor a sense of relief. Quite the opposite in fact, it was getting worse and she knew that she was going to reach a limit soon enough. “Shirou…” she mumbled under her breath, his name a whispered plea on her lips.

That name.

That boy's name.

He was the one for whom this body longed for. She knew that, yet the fact he was not with her frustrated her all the same, he was supposed to be with her right now but he was nowhere to be found. She didn't like this feeling, this feeling of being incomplete. Her body yearned for him, she needed his touch. His warmth. Biting the bed sheet as her fingers duck deeper with more force behind them, hoping to soon reach a climax.

"S-Shirou!" She repeated herself once more, trying to pull the memory of his face before she collapsed on her back. The moment she fell, the world seemed to melt away from her, all sound ceased to exist, and nothing around her could be seen anymore.

“Hah… Hah… Hah…” with her body covered in sweat as she panted, her mind started to slowly clear out. Her hand moved from her thigh to her belly as she let out a soft groa— 

“—Oh, so this is what you've been feeling lately? How amusing.”


Celestine jumped, her heart racing, as an unfamiliar voice echoed seemingly out of thin air. Its tone was laced with both amusement and arrogance. Quickly clutching the bed sheets, she wrapped them around herself, her body tensing as she turned to face the source of the sound.

Her heartbeat nearly came to a stop as she saw who it was.

"You, you are..." Celestine's voice faltered as memories of a certain moment from the past slowly returned. She recalled a singular person from one of her visions—a young girl with a voice so sweet and addictive that it caused her mind to go numb, enticing yet repulsive at the same time. The Goddess Reborn didn't need to think much to realize that this individual before her was an anomaly, neither human nor demi-human as her appearance suggested, but something else, something much worse. "What are you doing here?"

The blonde's grin revealed a row of sharp teeth, "So, you do remember me after all. You have changed much since I last saw you, elf. You have become more honest with your feelings, haven't you? Humu, I approve!" She said, having appeared right next to Celestine’s bedside in the blink of an eye. So swift that even Celestine was not able to detect it. 

“Stay away!” She attempted to scurry away, instinctively reaching out to the nearest object, to hurl against this trespasser. Yet, to her disbelief, the object passed right through her, ending up on the other side of the room.

The blonde chuckled at her action. "Fufufufu~! How entertaining! What a nice reaction you have there. Unfortunately for you, this Emperor has only sent a mere image… a projection you might say, to talk to you. My real self is busy teaching a certain someone the consequences of provoking me. You'll find out soon enough." She scoffed as Celestine tried to dispel her with a magic spell, rolling her eyes before moving closer and grabbing onto the naked woman's ankle, pulling her closer with ease as the latter squealed in surprise. "Don't think just because the real me is not here that I can't have my way with you. Are you perhaps maddened that I disrupted your little intimate time daydreaming about a man you shall never obtain?"

That phrase at the end made her hesitate. She slowly regained her breath while keeping a steady gaze. "Wh-What… what do you mean by that?" Celestine couldn't help but ask, not liking the possible implications behind it — all of it momentarily making her forget her fear of this unknown stranger.

With a single snap of her fingers, all of the room’s candles were lit up and showcased more of the stranger’s appearance. Cute yet beautiful, regal yet unnerving… There were a myriad of ways to describe her yet hardly a single word fit the general description of this being. "Before that, I believe it's only polite of me to introduce myself. I am Draco, the Beast of Sodom. I believe you've heard about me from the Guardian by now, haven't you?" 

Draco tilted her head with the slightest smirk on her face, even though her eyes showed a completely different emotion. More than amused at Celestine's pale face.


"Do you fear me? I can guess the kind of tales and stories that man has recounted about beings like me—always trying to kill and destroy, causing untold destruction with no reason in mind. Hatred and chaos incarnate… I bet that's what he said, right?"

Celestine wondered if she should yell out Claudia or Shirou's name, but as soon as the thought emerged, she quickly dismissed it. If he were to arrive here, he would battle this monster, and given the terrifying sensation she was getting from this being, it was very likely that appearances were deceiving. She didn't want to force him into a situation where he would risk his life once again for people who do not care about him, for those who would once again betray him when he least expected. 

"W-why are you here?" She demanded while clenching her hands, deciding that it would be best for her to confront Draco by herself and try to prevent any problems. “I am the Goddess Reborn of these lands, whatever heinous plans you have for my people shall be destroyed by the Princess Knights!”

Draco raised an eyebrow, not looking the least bit impressed and even rolling her eyes. "Well, I just came to check up on my little experiment." Draco said, grabbing onto a goblet at the end of the table and pouring herself a wine she brought out of nowhere.

“I have half a mind to end you right here and now, elf.” Draco's eyes turned sharp as the temperature in the room plummeted. “You are unbefitting of the title of goddess. Though there currently aren't any kings or emperors, that is basically your role which you've failed at. I cannot fathom why the Guardian would go this far to protect an actual threat to humanity.” 

Those words hurt, more so than she would have liked. “...You're… you're wrong! Eostia would have capitulated to Olga's forces if the Princess Knights hadn’t existed!” 

“Yet here lies an empire rotting from the inside. A single push is more than enough to collapse the whole system.” Draco answered without missing a beat, looking thoroughly unimpressed. “Regardless, that's beside the point. The people of this world are bound to follow that path that will snatch away the desired life that you seek with your dear Guardian. As long as they exist he will never stop, he can't even if he wanted to.” 

“Why so…”

She knew that she shouldn't be asking such questions or even attempting to converse with such an entity, but Celestine was curious. Hungry for any information that will free Shirou from his shackles, even if it came from such a source. 

The blonde Beast hummed, taking a last sip of wine before discarding the cup. “Hm?” Her eyes momentarily stared at the balcony, a gleam shining with her eyes before the smirk on her lips grew. “Interesting, he doesn't waste time does he… humu, I'll allow it.” 

Celestine couldn't help but wonder what Draco meant by that cryptic statement. With a confident stride, Draco approached her and extended a hand. “Words can only do so much. Let me show you the truth instead of trying to explain it. Let me reveal just how naive your beliefs are about changing this man with mere words. Take this emperor's hand and I'll guide you onto the correct path.” 

At first, hesitation crept in. Was this a trick, a ploy to deceive her? But if the creature intended to kill her, then it would have done so already… right? Besides, it was offering a way to save Shirou. And for that, she was willing to make a deal with a demon. “Fine.” 

Extending her hand to grasp Draco's, Celestine was led to the balcony. She wanted to question what she wanted to show her here of all places. “Ah!” 

But before she could voice her questions, her vision was assaulted by a blinding flash of light, and the next thing she knew, the sky above transformed into one she had seen before in the past.


“You’re finally awake!!” As soon as he stepped out into the hallway, a certain redhead pounced on him. Moments later, Brynn followed suit, joining the tight embrace as well.



Unfortunately, Archer’s relief was short-lived.  Before he could react, a third person came hurtling toward him at breakneck speed,knocking him to the ground with tremendous force. The impact sent him sprawling, his breath forced from his lungs as he struggled to regain his bearings. He narrowly avoided slamming his head against the unforgiving wall, the force of the collision a testament to its intensity.

"Waah! I thought you would never wake up again! You almost left me, like Mama and Papa did!" cried the third voice. It was like a torrent of emotions flooding out, a mixture of relief and sorrow. The little Tiefling desperately clung to his chest as if fearing he would disappear at any moment. From the unexpected outburst, Archer could only blink in surprise, unsure how to react to the intensity of the girl's response.

"Sorry about that," he managed to voice out, his tone strained as he attempted to soothe the distraught child. "I'm doing okay, really. You can stop crying and getting your snot all over my armor. I just cleaned it."

His little attempt at humor wasn't well received. Instead, it only earned him a glare from Radomira, who cried out even louder. She proceeded to land weak little blows on his chest as punishment, making him flinch. Maia and Brynn both shook their heads in the back, disappointed looks on their faces. What? He was just trying to lighten the mood.

"Uuuuuuu! You don't know how to speak to a lady properly! I was so worried about you, that I couldn't sleep at all!" the young child wailed, her distress evident in every trembling syllable. Archer watched with a mixture of amusement and concern as she not-so-secretly pushed back both Maia and Brynn, her tail whipping anyone who dared to come close. This earned an annoyed reaction from Maia, who responded with a not-so-subtle show of the tongue. Brynn, on the other hand, looked distraught at not being able to approach her mentor.

But he  couldn't help but notice that Radomira had grown a bit since their last encounter. Her frame now reached his lower chest, whereas before she barely reached his waist. Her voice, too, seemed to have matured slightly, though he pushed aside that thought in favor of addressing her immediate concern.

"Alright, alright, no need to cry. I won't say such a thing again," Archer reassured her, his voice gentle as he reached out to offer her a comforting embrace. He noticed how her wings started to flap excitedly anytime he stroked her hair, a sight that made Maiachuckle. Despite the chaos swirling around them, he couldn't deny the warmth that blossomed in his heart at the sight of their concern.


 "What the hell happened to you out there?" Maia finally asked as everyone calmed down, her voice tinged with concern as she approached Archer. "I was in my room resting when I heard the commotion. It sounded like a battle, multiple Knights were sprawled around, bruised and bloodied. I thought that we were dealing with an invasion or something. But when I rushed out, we found you outside the kingdom's gates, lying in a crater with your head resting on another sexy elf’s  thighs for goddess’s sake! What is it with you and elves?!"

Ignoring the last question, Archer exchanged a look with Radomira, silently realizing that the girl most likely hadn’t told Maia  about Draco nor his Reality Marble. Then again, perhaps the girl was more worried about his own well-being than sharing the events of last night with anyone, or maybe she just didn’t care. Either way, he preferred it to be that way.

‘But there was someone else there besides Radomira and Draco,’ he thought, his expression growing serious as he remembered the unexpected presence of Olga. ‘I can understand Radomira acting this way, but Olga? It's weird she remained quiet like that. I would have expected her to share the information with everyone to gain something in return.’

“What about everyone else?” he asked. Maia pondered on his words before answering, “Well not much has happened since yesterday. Prim and Alicia are now overseeing the repairs of the wall, while Luu-Luu for some reason, is held up in her room and hasn't answered any of our questions. But when I tried to get in she would scream at me like a banshee or throw a chair at my face. I think I nearly broke my nose because of her.”

“I see,” Archer responded. For now, things didn't seem as hectic as he would have thought, but he couldn't rest now, unfortunately. Now he was certain that Draco was in a more weakened state than before, dillydallying would grant her time to recover. “I'll need to check up on Claudia for some important matters, where is she?”

“Claudia? I'm literally here.” Maia said with a frown on her face, pouting that he would go look for someone else. “Are you even going to explain to me what happened yesterday?” 

“I was attacked by the very threat I was warning you about and nearly got killed fighting it.” He pointed out, which ended up silencing Maia. “While I do acknowledge your competency, if you were in my place, who would you genuinely seek out for help? Yourself or Claudia?” 

Maia's face reddened as she tried to rebuke but was rendered completely speechless. She turned to Brynn, hoping to get some support from the girl that she had been helping train, but the other redhead was staring intently at a wall, pretending to study something. But Maya knew thatBrynn was just avoiding her pleading gaze. Rubbing her face, she couldn't believe what she was about to say. “When you put it like that, even I would go to Claudia instead of myself… she should be in her office in the building adjacent to the courtyard. Should I be ashamed of myself?” 

“Not really, she's just more mature and experienced with such things.”

The redhead peeked between her fingers at Archer, a suspicious but salacious smirk playing on her lips. “You aren't going to sleep with her and forget about me, right? I'd like to remind you that she is still a married woman… unless you’re looking to invite her into a three—”

Instead of answering her, Emiya turned around and walked away. “Let's go, Radomira… It seems that Maia decided to start drinking early this morning and is talking nonsense. Brynn, making sure to keep her out of trouble until I come back.”

“Yes master!”




Walking down the stairs leading outside, Radomira walked right next to him while mumbling a melody. She had considered asking him to carry her all the way to Claudia’s office but hesitated, recalling that he had just woken up from a battle. 

“Hm?” Archer noticed two people waiting outside, the familiar dark elf along with her subordinate, quietly sipping on a cup of tea. Her violet eyes locked onto him before squinting. 

“You're alive.” She said, unlike the others neither sounding happy nor sad, completely neutral in both tone and appearance. 

“Do I hear disappointment in your tone? Unfortunately, it would have taken more than that to get rid of me.” He retorted. Meanwhile, Radomira went over to the woman, who picked the girl up and gently had her sit on her lap. The latter happily accepted it and started to eat some of the snacks. Chloe having conveniently prepared a glass of juice for her. 

At this point, Archer was starting to wonder if this woman hadn't adopted the Tiefling with the way she treated her. 

“It would have been a waste to see you die so early on without satiating my curiosity about your origin. Yet the longer I get to know you, the more I start to realize how little I've actually uncovered and how big of a monster you truly are… you are the farthest thing from a human. I wouldn't even call you an elf descendant by any sense of the word.”

“I'll take it as a compliment.” Walking next to the table, he brazenly took some of the snacks from Olga's plate, indifferent to her reaction. Not having eaten for more than a day now, it was only normal that his body demanded nutrients. Olga’s frown deepened at his action, not that he cared. “Passable.” 

Now Chloe was the one glaring back at him. 

“Do you even require nourishment?” 

Archer gave the Dark Queen a weird look, “I think I've already mentioned how I'm human on multiple occasions. Despite what you may believe, it doesn't change this fact. So yes, I do still need to eat.” 

“A person who can alter the very fabrics of reality, wielding god-slaying weapons by the thousands and possessing power that not even the strongest of mages should inherit. But despite all of these feats, you still have the audacity to call yourself a human. Then again, I've read texts mentioning how gods have a tendency to act like humans because of boredom.” 

“Oh, I am now a god in your eyes? That's quite a jump from a blessed being to a full-on Divine Spirit.” 

Olga scoffed at his answer, having suspected he wouldn't have answered seriously to begin with. She hesitated, looking at him before turning her gaze away, doing so a couple of times in silence till he sighed. 

“I'm fine, my injuries have healed up.” 

“Why tell me that? I don't really care about your well-being.” 

“If you say so,” he shrugged. This woman, despite her sharp tongue, was hardly honest at times. “What you saw back there wasn't a feat only a god can accomplish. From where I'm from, it's just a feat of magecraft that only certain people can achieve.”

A gleam of interest sparked within her eyes. “Let's say I do believe for a second you are not a god reborn, you must be proud then, being amongst the very best. I would hate to become the opponent of someone considered a powerful mage in your world.”

"Seriously, I'm not a god!" 

"I believe you." Her dry tone matched his, yet she did not believe him one bit.

Emiya had a weird expression on his face when he heard the way she worded that phrase. "For me, it's not really something to be proud of having. I don't particularly go around flaunting my mastery over such a spell… It's no different to a tool. And believe it or not, it's not as powerful or impressive as what you're imagining.”

“I'll have to deny that statement. Having god-slaying armaments present by the thousands whilst altering the environment to your advantage sounds pretty powerful to me. I had to use an artifact throne along with countless spells to put on a shield around my castle, and you've seen how that ended up. What do you call this spell?” 

Emiya didn't give her an answer immediately, taking a few moments to figure out if the information was truly worth sharing or not. “It's Projection. What you saw back there weren't real weapons but rather downgraded copies. Everything else around it was just me pushing this particular spell beyond its limits. Remember how I copied your staff? That's basically it.” It was a crude way to explain his Tracing, but he wasn’t here to give the Dark Queen a history lesson on magecraft. 

“You call those downgraded copies?” Olga looked at him with disbelief written on her face. “You… can you…”

“No, I won't be teaching you Projection Magecraft.” 

“I wasn't going to ask that!” She shouted, her eyes widening as she noticed the smirk on the detestable man's face and realized he was toying with her! “The longer I stay with you the more I start to remember how troublesome humans actually are. Oh well, it makes sense that a god can't teac—”

“Oh, for the love of... I'm not a god! Also, I'm back to being human again? Make up your mind woman. You can’t be so flippant on your deductions.”


‘Deep breathes’. Chanting those words like a mantra, it took all of her willpower to  restrain herself from strangling the man next to her. Unconsciously patting Radomira's head, it was a great source of remedy and comfort for Olga during this tense moment. It would indeed be unwise to attempt to kill the one who agreed to find Mistiora. 

“Archer… can we really defeat a Beast?” She finally asked, wanting to ask him this question from the beginning. Her mind still shuddered at the memories of the battle, the stench of blood and twisted, vile energy surrounding that being made her sick. “I… I don't even think gods have such power. Perhaps the giants did, but they are long gone, you barely managed to survive.” 

For a second time in her life, Olga found herself realizing that there existed monsters in this world that went beyond her understanding. And that in a span of less than a month she encountered two of them. 

“So you finally understand the kind of opponent I'm facing. Outright killing a Beast is impossible, I already told you that. The only solution we have is to destroy the gem she chose as a temporary anchor. If I can destroy that then she won't be able to remain here any longer and be forced to leave.” 

“How do you plan on finding it?”

Archer got up from his seat. “By asking Claudia for her help. She's the only one I found who has absolute control over the forces in this city. More so than Celestine or anyone else, for that matter. If she was leading the search, then there will be minimal pushback.”

“You're forgetting something, the Princess Knights aren't the only ruling bodies in Eostia. The nobility and more importantly, former generals still retain their influence on many aspects. It just so happens that Claudia's father-in-law happens to be one such person who holds most more control over the regular army, while Claudia's influence only encompasses the Knights.” 

Grave Levantine, he had heard about this man in the past. 

“What can you tell me about him?” 

“One thing, never underestimate him, he commanded the army who managed to hold up against my invasion of the Seven Kingdoms before the Princess Knights even existed.”


Claudia found herself buried under a mountain of paperwork in her office, her mind torn between her duties and the desire to spend time with Radomira. Despite the chaos swirling around her, she refused to neglect her responsibilities, determined to tackle the paperwork even in her spare moments. When she tried to have the little girl join, both as a means to keep an eye on the child and to teach her how to read. Radomira, like any other energetic child, had other plans, insisting on keeping a vigilant watch over Archer, much like Maia and her bodyguards stationed in the hallway.

“What a night that was…”

The memory of the previous day's battle flashed through Claudia's mind, her instincts tingling with a sense of danger that swept over her body like a chilling breeze. Without hesitation, she rushed from her room to investigate, following the source of the disturbance until she reached outside. There, she found several Princess Knights, their faces pale with shock or etched with intensity as they tended to the aftermath of what appeared to be a destructive battle.

But it was Radomira lying on the ground that seized her attention, the woman's heart pounding with fear at the sight of the young girl covered in bruises. She hurried to her side, lifting her gently and casting accusatory glances at those around her, suspecting them of harming Radomira. However, the latter quickly reassured her, explaining that she had to save Archer first.

The white-haired man had ended up crashing in an area outsidethe kingdom, destroying several layers of walls and houses.

Confusion swirled in Claudia's mind as she processed the events, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of it all. When she and Radomira ventured outside the city gates, they found Archer unharmed, resting within the crater, his head cradled by a woman bearing a striking resemblance to Celestine. The woman, introducing herself as Serafina, assured them that Archer was healed and in no danger.


As she wrestled with her thoughts on these past events, a familiar voice broke through the silence, drawing her attention to the doorway where an elderly man stood, clad in regal armor. It was none other than Grave, the former general of the army, his stern expression revealing his concern for her well-being.

"You look tired, Claudia," Grave remarked, his voice filled with concern. "You need to take better care of yourself. I can't have both my son and daughter-in-law bedridden because of their duties can I? With last night's assassination attempt upon the Goddess Reborn I understand why you may be distraught, but the danger has been averted through your efforts, so you've earned yourself some rest."

Another matter was the news of this incident. Kaguya managed to fabricate a completely false narrative to feed to those unrelated to the matter. Only the Princess Knights, Archer and a handful of people knew what truly happened. 

Claudia nodded silently, acknowledging the truth in his words as she wrestled with the weight of her responsibilities and the concern for those she cared about.

“Good morning Grave, how is Klaus doing?”

The elderly man's sigh weighed heavily in the air, his sorrow palpable as he spoke. "It's the same as always, I'm afraid. His condition hasn't shown any signs of improvement in the past few days." This was yet another source of stress for Claudia. Initially, there had been a glimmer of hope when her husband began to display small signs of progress—moving his eyes and head, and occasionally showing signs of comprehension. But that progress had plateaued, despite the best efforts of the capital's healers. They had spared no expense in his care, yet there had been no tangible results.

"I understand. I'll go talk to him later," Claudia replied with a heavy heart. Spending time by her husband's side, talking to him about her day, had become a daily ritual. She hoped that even if he couldn't respond, her words would bring him some comfort.

Despite Celestine's offer to help, recent events had prevented her from visiting her husband. Claudia harbored no resentment towards the goddess; she knew her friend had her own burdens to bear and wouldn't break her promise.

Grave shook his head, his expression filled with regret but gave Claudia a sad smile. "My son was truly fortunate to have found such a caring wife like you. It's a shame to see him in this state, deemed unworthy by those outside these walls." Rumors about her husband's condition had begun to spread, transforming him from a respected noble into what many considered a pathetic vegetable. Claudia was determined to find out who had leaked such private information, but her investigations had yielded no results thus far. With each passing day, the situation worsened, and the cruel mockery from outsiders only added to her anguish. Some even suggested that she should consider remarrying—a notion that filled her with both anger and despair.

Preposterous, those people should be ashamed to think of such things. 

"No, I am the one who’s lucky to have been accepted into this family. Without you and Klaus, I wouldn't be the woman I am today," Claudia expressed sincerely as the old man approached her chair. Initially perplexed by his actions, she relaxed as she felt his rough hands on her nape.

"F-Father!?" she addressed him, momentarily forgetting to use his name.

"Grave is just fine, my daughter. And don't mind my actions. I simply want to relieve some of your stress. So forgive me, but this is the only way I know of to help you at the moment," he explained calmly, his hands working wonders on her neck and shoulders. The sensation sent waves of pleasure throughout her body, a massage unlike any she had experienced before, nearly causing her to moan in delight at its effectiveness.

"Yo-you don't need to go to this trouble. I am grateful, but—ah~!" Claudia began, but he interrupted her with gentle insistence by having his fingers apply more force along her spine.

"But nothing. You have the same stubbornness as my wife did when she was alive. I used to do this for her every day before she resumed her duties. Trust me, it works. And you're feeling it, aren't you? Just relax for a moment, and I'll take care of everything." Unbeknownst to Claudia, Grave discreetly retrieved a small vial from his pocket, spreading its contents thinly on his hand before continuing his soothing motions on her neck. With each passing second, she found it increasingly difficult to focus, her face becoming flushed as his gestures grew more and more effective.

“N-No, y-you d-don't need to go this f-far…” the Princess Knight said again, her voice having become weaker as she offered less resistance. 

“Are you really sure you want me to stop, Claudia? Your body is saying otherwise.” 

A heat spread within her body all the way down, the motion of his fingers making her more and more disjointed from reality. Not even reacting when he moved closer to her chest, the piece of armor doing little to stop him from kneading onto her breast as he pinched her n—

“What the hell is going on here?”


Grave froze, his instincts taking over as he jumped back and drew his sword. Only to have a boot push against the pummel of the half-unsheathed blade and force it back within its scabbard. “What!?” 

A large shadow towered over him, red and black armor filling his vision. A man he had never seen before looking back at him with a sharp yet terrifying gaze. 

“You definitely aren't her husband, old man. So I suggest you get your hands off of her.” 



you know that it is impossible for a regular Servant to defeat a Beast; and the Grands can only face them, the rest is a 50/50 possibility, you must integrate other Servants and since the "female lasciviousness" theme is in excess, you could link, even temporarily, with the 7 knight princesses and also the cast of Kuroinu 2


You could also create an Omake about the "heroines" of kuroinu+gaiden+2 as Servants and laugh at how they overestimated themselves; They may be strong by the standard but they barely reach 2 and 3 stars