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Had some requests for more Meatloaf AND more Indiana, and thought to myself "you know, they two would actually be really cool friends." They're both that same level of bro'y goodtime well-meaning mischief, but would love to hang back and take it easy if they had to choose. They both have kinda odd and complicated family lives, so they have that in common!

Although Meat considers Paulie's demon crew to be his proper home now, the family he grew up with were a big dysfunctional bunch from Philadelphia. While most demonfolk summons seldom remember in-depth details about their source-soul's previous lives? Meatloaf's died fairly recently in 2010, and it seems that recycling a soul so soon leaves a lot of imprints from their past life. It probably doesn't help that a lot of Meatloaf's human relatives are still alive, and work none too far away, though he does what he can to avoid crossing paths. Indiana was exiled by his mountain family, and while seemingly a brutal choice it was not without reason. Indi has always had a problem with gambling, and he especially has a problem with knowing when to call it quits! He says he's working on it, but you know, he also took the buy-20-get-20-free sale as a challenge.

Initially this was supposed to just be the crop, but because I have a tendency to fully draw the bodies beyond? I was like fuck it, let Patreon get the full version of tiny extra details that don't matter BUT SEEM TO MATTER TO ME. I was obviously very indecisive on what I wanted to do with this. Part of me just wanted to do some wholesome character lore, but the other part of me knows porn / n00ds does better. So I guess I met myself half way and drew them hanging out in their undies which frankly is still entirely IC. I'm juggling / rotating a lot of WIPs right now, and this one was the one I wasn't closeted to finishing while the mood was manageable. Being an artist is like...being in charge of an endangered animal enclosure where you're responsible for managing all its weird little needs and issues. Except you're the animal. And you have no thumbs and that complicates things.  




The news outlet said paralyzed but maybe... Just maybe... They meant immobilized in which case, Indy get eating 😤

Allan Meyer

Yeaaaaah there’s my himbros.