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Any time I want to do a warm-up with little saucy selfie-like poses? I can't help but default to Nathan! Now, Nathan doesn't QUITE have a job per se, at least not a super OFFICIAL one that he even needs to get by. As a djinn, all his basic needs are naturally fulfilled by his "fortune magic," however this often leaves him with an excess of spare time (though he'll always claims to be SOOOOO busy). Ever since having been granted his freedom from his bound relic, and getting to find his own identity in the modern world, he's quickly found himself utterly smitten with the dopamine-addiction-machine that is social media. He's an active poster on his numerous accounts & channels, all ranging from various food & travel experiences to the more intimate NSFW thirst-blogs that he skims all his playthings from. One can usually tell when he's feeling frisky because the normally artsy and poised pieces degenerate into steamy bathroom snaps coyly remarking on his latest hair experiment like he's not openly displaying his absolute dashboard of an ass atop the counter like he's serving a Christmas ham.

Anywho, it's nice to try my hand at these between things! Break up the funk a bit, no thoughts, only giant butts. I should probably be forthcoming and admit this is not his default canon ass size, and happened purely because sometimes I can't thwart my inner goblin from smashing the "BIGGER" button. Truth be told, there's just some OCs of mine that where the temptation to play with their weight-slider is a powerful one.



Allan Meyer

Mmmm ham… and cake.


Gonna smack those hams to make sure they're tender~