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In the coastal city of Adderton, the "profession" of "landlord" operates differently than how it may work elsewhere. Landlords are not only expected to provide quality and well maintained homes to the many residents, but to actively protect them from all manner monster, beast, vermin, curse, and occult mischief on their property. The city of Adderton may be a bounty of enchantment, but that doesn't come without its drawbacks of active wild monster attacks and inter-dimensional oddities. On the street of Palms Crossing, the the two leads on either side that manage the neighborhood are retired-Isklen Elf Ceran Lynch and Greater-Demon specializing in "business management" Paulie Cifaretto. While the two might not agree on everything, and are locally known for their routine old man pissing matches with one another, they do ultimately care about the well being of their neighborhood. Well, at least Ceran is minding its wellness, Paulie is more invested in maintaining his "territory." Either way, that's a good enough a bridge as any to come together to thwart any entity that seeks to do their zone harm. Don't worry, they got their respective permits! Ceran is licensed to handle "large threats (wild beasts / giant monsters) " and Paulie is licensed to handle "occult (spirits / curses / demons etc.)" This is a symbiotic relationship because Ceran is terrified of ghosts and handles occult threats poorly, and Paulie is lazy and has no desire to put up with all the cardio involved in wrangling chimera by the dumpsters or clearing out an infestation of chupacabra from someone's yard.

I do not have a name for the gentleman that they're hassling! I have a growing idea of his personality, and what type of problem element he brings to the neighborhood, but I'm feeling flexible. If you have any thoughts feel free to pitch them!


As a little artist aside, thank you for being here this season and supporting me. 💖 Doesn't matter for how much or for how long, I always immensely appreciate it. It's been a consistently rough go of it, and we're still trying our best. It has now been a full year since my partner was laid off and STILL struggling to just CLUTCH something. So you know the drill, still no insurance, still no MS treatment, so of course my body is in shambles. The TL;DR version of why MS is so extra fucking suckass suck, is because if you get sick? While having MS? Your dumbass immune system gets confused and starts attacking your nervous system INSTEAD of the virus/illness. This leads to an absolute gachapon of bullshit, you never know what you're gonna get this time, or for how long! For this go around, my legs have decided to occasionally just suddenly stop functioning, meaning sometimes I can't really walk or it's unreasonably painful for me to do so. Ain't that just the way. So I caught a cold, and that's been the start to my December! Thank you for being patient with me and this absolute dumpster fire of a body I'm doing my best to operate. 🤝




I'll name him Vincent, Vinny for short. Great pic of these guys, Moss! Hope you feel better soon!


How about Gino or Jonesy for a name


Oh man, Vinny / Vincent is SO GOOD for this kinda guy! And I don't have anyone else already bogarting that name in my repertoire, SO VINNY IT IS.


....shit, ya'll good at names. I like Gino a lot. Kinda like the idea of it as a shorthand name of his last name, like Ginovelli. Vinny-Vincent "Gino" Ginovelli sounds like the exact kind of guy to be a problem locally.