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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
Jeff Johansen -|- Dead by Daylight

Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this aaall to blow over- oh my bad wrong horror IP! Same vibes tho', which is what I'm all about. Love some kinky campiness to my horror!
I have come to the conclusion that I simply do not have the skillset for DBD, but I do love watching other people play it! Love Jeff's whole look, really jives with my style, so congrats Jeff on joining the ranks of fetishized fictional and overfed aging menfolk! Thank you everyone for the feedback on the pool, it did help motivate me to say fuck it and do multiple versions. I enjoyed the softness of his middle so much I had to do one with and without the body hair. Oh to envision a world where he has to worry less about knife wielding twinks and bloodthirsty cosmic horrors, and more about throwing back a few brews with some brutal tunes encouraging some cathartic hedonism. 




The hairy and hairless versions are nice touches <3 Lovely work as usual!


THANK YOU! I always want to be considerate of folks who have different body hair prefs, because while I know I can go either way I like to make sure everyone can get a taste! :D

Sibre Collard

Fat hairy guys are my weakness. 🤤