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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
More Rigatoni & Meatloaf -|- City of Adderton (OC)

These are some good hunky lads and I am so happy to get to draw more of them!!! They're REALLY good at distracting cops so their buds can properly cheese it to safety. Being so familiar with the depths of the city and it's chubby underbelly makes for a fun chase through all the winding alleyways, rickety roofs, cluttered porches, and half broken fences, of which few badge-wearers have the patience to scale.

I love so much when you folks request to see more of the original content characters and settings. No high greater than someone having a genuine interest in your creations, hahaha! Obvs I still like to do the canons, especially when it means someone gets to see their canon-crush kink-dream, but it really warms me to know these beans are enjoyed.

Lastly, apologies for the slowness I've been very under the weather for the past week or so. MS shit, you know how it is. It comes and goes, waxes and wanes in its severity, but I still try to make progress on various WIPs & things every day, even if it can be a smidge slow. Thank you for hanging about and being a real cool patron of the arts. 💖




I'm gonna smack Meatloaf's ass in retaliation


Question is, do the Pigs take the Truffle or will they, for once, be upstanding law enforcer's? 🤔 Cause I Certainly know I would be the former 😜

Allan Meyer

Duuuuudes 🤟 heck yeah love those two HimBros