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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
Hanzo Shimada & Cole Cassidy -|- Overwatch

*EDIT: Added a version where the glass wall / doorway is more opaque so you can see Hanzo better!

Had a request for some EXXXTRA b i g Hanzo, and I'm like, fuck it, you know? LET'S GIVE THAT ANOTHER WHIRL! Very wide, very well spoiled by Cassidy's cooking. He doesn't seem sorry.
Admittedly the background-Cassidy was an afterthought, I was just gonna leave it at Hanzo but oooh I like a NARRATIVE! Love a character smugly fattening their partner with their AFFECTION, watching them try to navigate the world with all their new overflowing softness. However, since this Cassidy is such a nice silly drawing, I decided to also post it separately.

That said, I would probably like a wee break from requests involving Hanzo, just because he like...just....god, he has so many fiddly details to keep track of. WHICH IS SAYING SOMETHING, FOR I, THE NUBS, LORD OF DETAILS! Overwatch armor always has so many troubling tech parts I abhor trying to sketch out, I kinda don't want to draw them for a bit unless they're naked / wearing easy clothes / or it's a commission. It all makes for a hard draw and harder to get requests out faster, lol.

Speaking of which, now that it's November I'll be focusing far more on requests and playing catch-up on my to-do list chocked full with so many lovely! I hope you're as excited as I am, and I hope you stay tuned! 💖




Damn, Hanzo looks so shocked that he's wider than the doorway! Cole I'd feeding him well~! Maybe he should also partake more in his cooking, he's got some catching up to do~


And November the 3rd is Hanzo's birthday, almost perfect, but perfect nonetheless


OH DANG IF I WAS SMART AND AWARE I could have posted it on the day of, make it feel EXTRA special! :D Something something, extra layers on the birthday cake, etc etc.