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Patreon Request / Suggestion!

I love getting these sorts of suggestions where it's like, "do your take of this general concept!" It truly allows me to get creative! :D It'd been a looooooong while since I'd drawn a dwarf proper, so this doubled as good practice to refamiliarize myself with their particular brand of squat anatomy. They're an underrated fantasy race frequently forgotten about by everyone, me included. I don't know how that always happens. It's also tricky trying to sell the image of "dwarf" without leaning into certain cliches too hard.

I have no names for these boyos, so if you folks wanna fling suggestions that's welcomed!

I haven't developed them any, as least not with anything substantial. Party-dwarf seems like a big show goer and a real handful for any bouncer that tries to match him. Garden dwarf is actually deeply intelligent and wise, but because he speaks slowly and with long thoughtful pauses he's misread as being dull. He can seemingly communicate with and influence snails. As I'm typing this I've realized I've basically made a dwarf version of Ceran's son; Enoki. I guess I just have really consistent tastes and like subconsciously revisiting such themes, lol.
