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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
Enji Todoroki - | - Flame Hero Endeavor

Okay so, full disclosure I know absolutely dick-all about My Hero Academia. BUT!!! I recognize zesty bara-bait when I see it. One of those characters I was always vaguely aware of because the amount of quality thirst art that's ended up across my path has been IMMENSE. Now I admit, I tend to prefer knowing a little more about characters before doing art of them just so I can do them justice, to be able to draw them in a way that fits their personality! But when I'm NOT super familiar with a character, and know I don't have the time/interest to research them proper? Fuck it, give the people what they want, and what they sometimes want is some good old fashioned shameless fetishistic indulgence!

I know the request was to draw them as big as possible / as I was physically willing? But I think I need more practice before I can comfortably tackle them HYUUUUUUUUUGE sizes in way that I think looks good in my style. Getting there though!!! PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT, AND ALL THAT JAZZ.




Absolutely perfect!!


You made Enji huge, that's all that matters to me! I also love how you made him rest on rubble to catch his breath and cool off! Gotta love a hefty hero~ ❤