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On the rare occasions I ACTUALLY play Ceran in more traditional fantasy settings? I have a special version of him all cooked up! It's very nice having all the wide open creative wiggle room to throw in whatever elements I see fit and seeing what works! Embracing his Isklen culture, this rendition is VERY sea-worthy. 

Ceran is a midaged Isklen warrior who has traveled far from his native isles of Isklendos to free himself of one very peculiar matter: he is haunted by a demonic-orca phantom by the name of Votai, Spirit of Carnal Consumption! For many a millennia, one of the many islands of Isklendos was tasked with binding dangerous sea spirits to mortal forms where their power could be suppressed. However, when the initial host grew cold feet in regards to undergoing the ritual? They instead tricked Ceran into tethering his soul to the beast on their behalf. Votai is a wicked gluttonous entity who is fueled off hedonism, goading its vessel to sin and consume in order to sate its eternal appetite. Maintaining the spirit is no minor task, demanding a delicate balance that few can manage. Indulging its incessant needs in excess can result in it becoming too strong to stay contained, but not sating its urges at all can result in a form of physical corruption that turns the host into a wild monstrous evolution of themselves. Ceran does what he can to maintain a precarious balance while hunting for a way to free himself of this curse, although he doesn't seem to be trying very hard. 

I would have loved to try my hand at some proper depictions of the corrupted monster Ceran, but I had already spent a lot of time fussing with the fun fiddly details of his oceanic armor that I decided to call it a post and get this up! Mayhaps in the future, if there's interest enough. 




This looks so cool! Imagine if you use him for tabletop campaign and he'd be a Hexblade Warlock! It'd be so much fun!

Johnny Gayzmonic

Ooh...I'm tempted to try to stat him out in D&D terms. But I'd agree that if you were doing him in 5e, a Hexblade Warlock sounds like a proper fit.


A good buddy of mine has basically been taking me on a mini campaign so I can learn D&D better, and this design has been so much fun for it. :D


FASCINATING! I've been playing him as some flavor of warrior in the mini campaign my friend has been walking me though, I've always loved the idea of D&D but was never very good at grasping it. This has been a fun & interesting journey to learn and play with!

Johnny Gayzmonic

Since warlocks gain their power from serving a patron spirit or entity, it would seem a natural fit. Hexblades are warrior warlocks whose special abilities revolve around cursing their opponents. However, there is a fan-made 5e supplement centered around weight gain and inflation that has a lot of options around warlocks whose patrons are spirits of hunger, hedonism, and gluttony.