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I had this thought just taking up space in my brain forever. It's nice to finally put it on paper! Cornbread probably has more tattoos than any of my characters and I regret it, because I didn't actually like...draw them separately on their own png and then just warp and liquefy as need be. Instead, I was propelled by whimsy and just drawing as I was going along, as I so often do, only to realize what a pain in the ass he'd be to draw again given this "feature."

But I enjoy the Cornbread, this dopey doofy incubus. Paulie loves all his summons, but some days he loves them a little bit less.




I love me some cornbread.

Allan Meyer

Cornbread, kinda like CAKE


HAHAHAHA I STILL GAVE HIM AN ASS, I COULDN'T HELP IT. I was like "lemme just draw a skinny lad, a real strungly bungus-" and friends were like "we see you tried at least."