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It's so funny when you accidentally fall in infatuated fixation with a character you either never expected to love or didn't have strong opinions on them initially. The Yiga Clan are just these accidentally charming villains, just utter goobers, so much so that it's hard not to enjoy their attempted shenanigans. Especially because Kohga got that absolute pile of ass back there for no reason, luring me in like a cartoon oaf levitating towards a dreamy windowsill pie.

This is one of those pieces where I was really ambitious when I started it, but then the longer it was taking to complete the faster burnout was encroaching. I earnestly absolutely hate that frustrating sensation of being into something, but because it's taking too long to finish you grow to loathe it, particularly if you planned to have it done by X time. I can't really afford to jack around like I did in the past, to put a pause on something and come back to it when I'm feeling more refreshed. Need to get stuff out, need to make "content," as much as I hate referring to art like that. Life is just very exhausting and expensive when it don't need to be. BUT!!! It's done, and sometimes I need to just....you know, headlock my OCD and put stuff out, even if I don't deem it perfect. What's important is OTHER people enjoy it! 
