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So as some of you may have already known: I love Legend of Zelda.
It's been one of my favorite series since I was a wee squidlet, so it's surprising to no one that the new Tears of the Kingdom release got my hyperfixation attribute set to turbo mode. Really had to pry myself away to get back to important tasks like working and being hydrated. I myself am gay for zora stuff, but I get the vibe that Ceran would be super into the Gerudo scene with their rad style and delicious bar beverages.

Except for that wee snag about how Gerudo don't allow men into their town, and despite Ceran's occasional genderqueer flirtations he is indeed very much man.

For context for those not familiar, there is an All Female* (Ganondorf legend notwithstanding)  race in the series known as the Gerudo, who are these desert dwelling amazon types who only allow women into their city. Women are referred to as "vai" and men as "voe," and it is not uncommon for male individuals to disguise themselves via crossdressing in order to sneak in. Ceran, who is very fond of their alcohol and goods, has made some stalwart efforts at obtaining entry. Also likes how breezy and soft the fabric is on his junk. Can you blame him??

God I wish I could draw faster, every time I tell myself something should be a quick drawing it accidentally takes me like, a whole ass day or two days if health be acting ridiculous. ANYWAY, thank you for being really rad and allowing me a nice respite of time off so I could recharge and enjoy this new game proper. Alas, it is now time to play catch-up! Thankfully I have LOTS of ideas I am currently passionate about.
Additionally: Doomsdaypecs version of this will be coming very soon. Also maybe some lewder versions if the stars align right.



Allan Meyer

That's so adorable, fluff in particular


with those tits, who could really tell

Star Ringer

Since Link can change right in front of the guards and be let in, I'm convinced they actually only care about presentation. "Look, we're not JUDGING, it's just... you've gotta wear SOMETHING underneath to keep things from swinging all over the place!"


I absolutely love the idea that Gerudo are not fussy about super-passing specifics as long as you aren't like, strutting about hanging brain in the market square. "Put on this shawl and try to manspread 50% less."