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Still playing around with this commission, wanna make it RUUUURL nice, which unfortunately makes me hyper critical of myself and stymieing my progress. I was hoping to finish it before Tears of the Kingdom comes out, but it's just not in me to half-ass things and give it anything other than my OCD best; even if that can be a hassle at times. People who kindly commission me deserve the ✨BEST✨ I can offer, and I want to do them proud! So I'm just going to keep hacking away at it until the lovely commissioner goes "dude I really need you to sort your shit and finish this please, I got other stuff going on-"

Also I noticed that ever since Clip Studio made that god awful decision to make Clip REQUIRE an internet connection to be accessible? The program has gotten reeeeal slow, unsure if anyone else has had that struggle. Can't open certain tools or windows without the whole ding dang thing jamming up all delayed like. Really hope they roll back these choices, shit don't need to operate like this just to greed a few more dollars out of user pockets.




Looking good so far! Also by the sound of it, it might be worth getting a cracked copy of 1.0 for CSP, just so it runs smoothly the way you're used to. I've been on an old version of CC for a long while now and it still runs exactly the way I need it to, haha.


God yeah it's such a shame because it used to be such a nice dependable piece of software, but now it's tumbling down hill so fast it's such a bummer. Absolute pity, because they HAVE added some recent features I really like? Like the liquefy tool applying to every layer in a folder? But that's about it.