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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
This was a great idea, I love POV stuff! Don't know why I don't do these more often!

You and Ceran are on your honeymoon.
You've both been looking forward to this affair for what's felt like forever, mutually mulling over what the pair of you have planned. With a "Marlon's Mass Maker" potion in one hand and the other settled heatedly on your elf's belt buckle, you smile knowingly as he beams back down at you with those lovedrunken eyes so brimming with earnest adoration. Affectionately your fingers ghost along the cobbled grooves of the man's abdomen, not so much out of appreciation for the well manicured muscle but rather out of this knowing anticipation of what's to come.

It takes very little for you two to submerge into the throes of it all, despite his insistence on "taking babysteps" and letting the play of pounds-packing be one of a slow burn. He's always been a man whom plays it coy when it comes to such taboo topics, yet it requires so little, merely the right permission, to have him descend with reckless wanton hedonism. That tight tapered waist that had acted as essentially the insignia of his fitness-fanatic lifestyle was soon melting away into a mound of belly fat like pure butter. The softness sticks to him effortlessly, flourishing and expanding the already ample curves of this midaged elf into ever-distending abundance. What starts as a modest pot of a tum is promptly escalated into a doughy barrel, before it too unfurls into a vast quaking dome of undulating flan that rolls out before you like a vast ocean of corpulence.

At some point you must return to normal life, knowing you may undo your kink crime with a nifty cheat of an elixir in order return to the illusion of normalcy....

...but for now, what's the rush?



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