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God I hate that art takes so long to do, I have so many things I wish to create but the arduous slog is so tedious and frustrating- BUT! I suppose that is why art is the way it is. It takes time, it takes patience and understanding, it takes so much learning and drive. We got in a habit of ravenously consuming something in seconds that took terribly long to create, and then immediately crowing for more. I'm guilty of it, we're probably all guilty of it in some vein or another. We just have to remember to not forget ourselves, and to know how to savor, to appreciate.

I sure am waxing on all poetically like for a WIP that started as a fetish piece.

Dirty forbidden fetish elf! Got them peets just OUT and on display like a WHORE. Scandalous!

Anyway this was a WIP from MONTHS back, I got stuck on it, and then circled back recently as I so often do and was refreshed enough to correct the issues that stymied me before.

Still. Feels lacking. I'd like to pair him up with another character in this, Idk. Something extra to spice it up. We'll see once I stop being on the verge of "unfriending" myself. 👌



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