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My depression has been decking me pretty hard lately so I hope it's alright I did a little, I dunno what to call it, therapy art? Just simple practice paint / study pieces where I just stare at something and replicate it the best that I can. Just matching hues, following shadows, not really having to think or stress, no plan, just arranging colors and shapes until they're carved out to look semi-correctly. This one was from a scene in the recent Elvis movie because I thought the lighting was pretty tight. 




Oh shit this GLOWS! How amazing! glad to see you making stuff for yourself so we can all just fan over it!


God that means so much to me. ; ; I don't get to do them often because my time is limited and I'm always trying to focus on what people will like, but it does feel really nice to just do little things like this and STILL have people be like -THUMBS UP-


Love the lighting, the glows and sparkles are very nice