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Since people are kind enough to support me here, helping us keep the lights on, I feel it is warranted to be transparent about what I'm currently working on and what you're likely to see in the future! I also think it would behoove me to give insight into the depressingly chaotic way in which I work.

Method to the Madness: Despite all the quirky cute memes we might see in the great social media abyss, ADHD sucks. In fact, I would fairly go as far to say that all the disorders I'm trying to juggle aren't particularly fun and far too expensive to medicate or treat. Thus, I have to find methods of working around them to find the most beneficial long term output! What I'll often do is be actively working on multiple files at a time, bouncing from one to the other whenever I feel myself waning or need a break from a piece to refresh my eyes. There's no shortage of already-started WIPs I can jump into, so I'm able to always be managing work, always making progress on at least SOMETHING even if I can't get my focus sorted on a "main affair."

Sometimes I do need a few days of a recharge period, sort stuff out, but I try to always keep something in the rotation so there's fewer post droughts.

Active WIPs in my Hoard:
- 1 commission for a full piece + background featuring Sidon
- 1 commission for a full piece + background featuring a cute draenei OC
- Frank West Pin-up, currently still in sketch stage
- Doomdaypecs styled piece of canon chara Chairman Rose
- Doomsdaypecs styled piece of canon chara Orochimaru
- Doomsdaypecs styled piece of canon chara Radagon
- Couple piece featuring my character Brian the Minotaur + OC Aruk the orc
- YCH poses, ready to post just trying to finish other commissions before opening for these!

There's more, but they're hard to jot down in a quick jaunty explanation title. A lot of them are sketchy-scrawled barely formed thoughts that almost always amount to "Ceran but then he also chonky" or "OCs doing slice of life cute shit."

Suffice to say, I don't think I'll ever run around of neat things to do! I also still have my much bigger list of request-suggestions I often circle back to when I need an X factor to spice things up. Naturally, sometimes kneejerk surprises seep in there through inspo whimsy, but so far this is what's ahead!



as always, take the time you need, just nice to see work from you at all when you're able to :D


Truly I do appreciate being told that and sometimes I need to hear it, lol. I feel that constant sense of guilt when I'm not ALWAYS up on that grind, but I have to accept the shortcoming of my flesh vessel. Ain't that just the way!


For the record, I would much rather u work at a pace that is sustainable for ur disordered mind than having u become burnt out from pushing yourself to work at a breakneck pace … I’ve already been super impressed by how often you’re updating your Patreon, so if this is what you consider “slow” I think it’s more just u being mean to urself and setting unrealistic expectations than anything 🤷🏽‍♂️


But also, I’m FERAL knowing ur gunna do a doomsdaypecs style piece of chairman rose 😤🥵🤤


Thank you for saying this, it's the type of feedback I really need sometimes, lol. I've just wanted really bad to make sure the people kind enough to sub to me are getting their money's worth! So I've been trying to manage whatever I can to keep stuff pumping out, though some days I am quite tired. I wish I could pause time for a little bit to get a break and then catch up, lol. All of you are so worth it.


THAT PASSION IS GOOD TO HEAR! I know I've been going hard, but maaaaan, I am genuinely inspired and motivated by people's happy comments and enjoyment of these things!

Johnny Gayzmonic

Take whatever time you need. We'll be patient. You're well being is more important.