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Patreon Request / Suggestion!
Naturally I have always had a thing for Prince Sidon, I mean, what's not to love? Giant good-natured fish man! But not gonna' lie, LOVING THE IDEA OF HIM EVEN BIGGER, so I couldn't deny fulfilling this one.
As a little bonus I wrote up a little somethin'-somethin' to pair with it! Nothing fancy, just wanted to lean into the vibe. 👌

The first time Link witnessed the Prince’s abominable appetite he knew he had to test its boundaries.
The zora was excitable, passionate, and more than eager to receive the hylian’s attentive affections. It started simple enough, as it often did, where Link expressed his enthusiasm for cooking and how he hoped to sample a number of Zora’s Domain’s unique selection of ingredients. With great conviction the prince offered to assist, and in response Link nonchalantly floated the thought of having him taste-test each culinary venture he experimented with. It always sounded so innocent enough, a mundane affair with no ulterior motive.

It didn’t take much for the towering zora warrior to start brandishing the effects of this extracurricular activity. It was subtle enough at first, that long elegant bod soon flaring out in soft sumptuous swafts of well-fed flesh, but the escalation was apparent. A budding pot belly of creamy tum was hastily on its way to expanding its splendor, growing round and voluminous, billowing from his thickening widening hips with a grand burgeoning heft that undulated with such motion as he shifted his noble bulk about. And yet? As the plush shapes of his thighs crowded for space in his lap beneath his gut, as his rear challenged his throne’s width through its own overflowing girth? He denied not a single meal the legendary hero presented to him, as if the hylian’s overzealous pampering allowed the man the opportunity to indulge his inner bestial gluttony he so politely downplayed.

It was hardly long at all before the experimental-chef story was no longer necessary. Sidon had grown ravenous for him and his cooking, with Link’s arrival had started being treated as a special intimate occasion— to feed the future king to greatness! Provocative, but private! Clearly a highborn ritual! So they’d meet at the East Reservoir Lake, where Link would be prepping no shortage of sinfully exquisite delicacies, ears awaiting the telltale SPLASH and THUD of the Prince’s portly body beaching itself on the dock-like pier.

Oh he loved to see it.
Link loved seeing the development of his beloved pet prince, having grown so rotund and fat with his innate appetite encouraged and catered to. His once chiseled chin and noble features were now swaddled with a decadent softness, so plush and ample was the way his tubby chins creased as he parted his lips to take another bite of the man’s latest edible offering. A once solid plateau of chest muscle had long since evolved into massive milky tits, swollen and excessive in their sloshing heft that Link couldn’t help but slip his palm beneath one and bounce it admiringly atop his hand, mesmerized by the way the watery motion traveled across his doughy frame. His ass had become this tremendous loveseat— in more ways than one. His cheeks were a pair of pudding-like hills that rose up and swayed with a deliriously decadent jiggle. So immense in its weight that the Prince had to wriggle and struggle, GRUNTING with earnest effort, to heave its enormity onto dry land. Lastly, but certainly not least, was the wobbly wonderland that was the zora’s blatantly blubbery belly. Link was captivated with it, and could not resist the impish urge to tease the man regarding its largeness any time it splayed out before him. How gratifying it was to roll the Prince over as he sawed his teeth into a freshly prepared roast, mashing his hands into its massiveness, watching it sway. Easily his slim fingers vanished into the depths of his flab, squeezing and kneading all that gut with vigor, giving it a well-humored shake as if to gauge the fullness of such a fat factory. Each time the zora would reveal himself with a tempting little whine, a little gasp of startled arousal, as Link pressed his full form into the gelatinous heat of him.

The future King still had plenty of room to grow.




You gave the prince the kind of fat you just wanna sink your face into 😭


THAT'S THE FATTEST FISH I'VE EVER SEEN!!! (...not including Ceran the whale... who's not a fish.... *gulps*)


"Just a small thing" YOU GAVE US A WHOLE ASS FEAST 🥵🥵