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Hahahahaha you think I'm gonna draw a muscle-shredded ab-stubbed Johnny and NOT do an indulgent "after" pic in addition to it? Cooome oooon, YOU KNOW ME.
Gotta get that decadent "bulking season" in, and it's clearly going well!

He is so GOOD for me to draw, I don't know what it is about this style that comes out so fluidly for me. Defo way better mood.




Look. That love handle is criminally great.


Hahaha amazing 😍 I should have expected but still what a nice surprise to wake up to on a Saturday morning

Skinny Brian

I'd kill to see fat Johnny being fed by Samurai Jack! Lol yes I'm one of those guys that ships them. 😆 is that who he's taking the selfies for?


Oh I am SO down to doing more of them! Don't know if you ever caught these, but I did these last year that I am still fond of! https://twitter.com/doomsdaypecsart/status/1556713103127035904?s=20

Ranbir R

The fat art is so hot Johnny should be fatter