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 God I'd LOVE to get this done this weekend- let's see if the planets align and I get lucky! No distractions, no local-chaos disruptions (PG&E been assing around with the power so bad), just some solid demon hog.

I've been having a hard time deciding who should be the bottom, but also super fine with it having it be an anon bod that folks can project whomever onto! If time permits, I'd love to do versions of it. Folks love a cum alt.




I'm running out of furniture in my apartment to enthusiastically slam my fists through when I see your WIPs/art 😤🤜🪑 and I mean if Paulie is ever looking for an enthusiastic bottom I know a guy, js 👀💦 but take your time with it, sometimes chaos be chaosin


VERY nice 👀💦💦💦