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While I am juggling quite an interesting amount of things at once, I do like to be transparent about what's planned on my plate! Right now, in addition to making progress on owed commissions, here is what I am currently focusing on that I hope to get done in the near future:

- Winner of the pin-up pole: Frank West from Dead Rising!
- Patreon Request: Indiana (the orc character)
- Patreon Request: Paulie (doomsdaypecs addition)

There's also a bunch of other WIPs that I'm doing progress on in between things, but so far that's what is mainly upcoming! Previous poll characters that got substantial votes will be revisited in future polls.

With that said, I would like to hear from people what they'd like to see / see more of! Now is the time to comment with requests, suggestions, or even just general vibes you're feeling. If you're too shy to post it in the comment section, you may DM me directly. I do not mind! :>


Sibre Collard

I'm a pretty one-note kinkster, so I always want to see more WG series. And you're one of the best I've ever seen, so... 😁 Maybe of Paulie, for a change? Or anyone else you're feeling, I'm really not picky!


I know you and berry/art history are friends, it would be neat to see a companion piece or two to some of their fics like the kiba one you did. The Disney princes one sticks out to me. I reread their fics and scroll through your art all the time. Their wg fics and your art honestly made me start writing my own fics lol


Oh this is a big honor to me! Glad to know it does it for you! And hell yeah, can do on all those notes! :D


I LOVE HEARING THAT!!! What fantastic inspo to spread!!! I do enjoy this idea since I love syncing up art and written works, they're perfect companions. I'll defo peruse some of his fics and see which ones I think I can do the best justice!