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Aaah I am so sorry this is taking so long to finish, I'm a bad judge of time estimate. I loathe how long everything takes to do, I really wish I had some magic time-warping ability to work faster! It doesn't help that for two days we had maintenance-folk in and out of our apartment replacing the broken water heater, which meant I couldn't get art done because SHOCKER! All my active WIPs were NSFW as all get-out. NOTHING WAS SAFE.

Hopefully this will be wrapped up reeeal soon! Just need to do the character shading and final touches/extras. Until then, ya'll get an update! Thank you for supporting me and being so patient.




POV you have 1 (one) spare room key and far too many hunks you want to give it to 😦 that background looks fantastic too


Really loving the variety of colors you get to play with from all these juicy skin tones!