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This isn't much, but it's a wee sketch I started as a warm-up and kinda' hope to finish later because of how charming it ended up being. I know I'm guilty for having MANY MANY WIPs, but ain't that just the way with that good 'ol unmedicated ADHD! My hope is to circle back and finish a lot of these WIPs once I've worked through my owed commissions. It's better to start a variety of things and be able to come back to them when the mood feels right! It's always easier to pop back into something half finished than trying to tackle a blank canvas when the vibes are off.

These three make me very happy. Ceran, Gil, and Kippit— getting themselves some treats on a wintry city night!




Daw, I like the ear hats qwq this is really cute!


Aw, they're so cute just hanging together