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After many years of expert tier procrastination, I am finally properly making a patreon! Given the roughness of our life / job situation, it is the hope that going full-time as an artist will be of long term benefit! It has been a rough challenging year for us, especially here in the ass-end where my illness really sobered me up to what it can and cannot handle. I'm going to do my best here, and hope this will provide a beneficial avenue for both us financially and for the interests of kind followers who want to see me pump out more art.

Because I am not too thrilled about hiding stuff behind a paywall, full finished pieces will simply be posted here first far in advance, and then posted publicly elsewhere at a much later date. Otherwise, for the most part, patreon will be used to share WIPs, smaller sketches, personally-made resources for use, set up polls, provide access to full resolution pieces, and allow folks to pitch suggestions on concepts about just what they'd like to see more of! Think of it as a big 'ol tip jar that allows you to peak at some goodies and get a say in what happens next!

I'm still in the process of organizing content for this, and deeply appreciate everyone who even gives me and my silly little doodles a passing glance. You've all been such a wonderful presence in my life, and like always, I hope to make it up to you. Sincerely, you are really helping me maintain treatment for my MS and stave off homelessness, so I am being earnest when I say my gratitude is endless for those willing to give.


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