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Got a little cluster of drawings that all individually started as warm-ups, but felt they could do with a little color! Ceran is doing is best at being one of the street leads, but frankly it's too early in the day for half of these people's shenanigans. Just one day, ONE DAY, he'd like to get flavor blasted on his porch without a Hydra attack or tooth fairy infestation demanding he pry himself out of a camping chair. Paulie meanwhile, is....well, just being Paulie. Utterly comfortable with himself when he should not be, not in his lane, giving unsolicited unhelpful advice, double parking his Cadillac....Indiana on the other hand, found a cool new hole full of all SORTS of neat surprises! This drawing I might do further work on, because his mighty hog is looking awfully lonely on the other side of that glory hole, totally unmoisturized and unfondled. A travesty, really!


So actual genuine good news, to update those not in the patreon server- I'M FINALLY GETTING TO LOOK INTO MS TREATMENT OPTIONS AGAIN!!!!

 After a year and a half of being off treatment and the nightmare struggles that came with that, I've been able to see my neurologist again! I had been nervous because I frankly didn't want to go back on copaxone. While it did work splendidly, the three times a week self-adminstered injections are deeply uncomfortable/painful. BUT!!! Studies have been furthered since I was first diagnosed, so now there's other things to consider! After the routine MRI and blood tests, we can find what will work best for me and get back on track. I do thoroughly believe getting back on treatment will bring me back to some much missed normalcy. While things can never return to how they once were, I want to just be me again, to some extent. To feel less held hostage by my body and it's frustrating limitations, but most importantly? The chronic pain. When the pain got to where I could even hold a pen anymore, I knew I had to speak up proper. While actual treatment is a ways off, I got something for the nerve pain that should help me keep truckin'. 👍
Thanks for reading, now let's cross our fingers for good shit to keep happening!




Congrats on the MS. Hoping the best for you as I go feral of Paulie!

Allan Meyer

Horny and educational in one post NICE