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I say round up, but I am not a very good sheep-dog. I'm trying to remember to gather up all the sketches and little pieces I've been sharing on the patreon discord the past couple of weeks to amass them all in one post— alas, I misplace so many. Eventually I'll get a nice little pile cleaned up!

Your regularly scheduled NSFW will be arriving shortly, but for now feel free to peruse some of things I've been doing to try and pull myself out of this funk. Trying to distill body, faces, and expressions into their most primitive shapes, avoiding getting too lost in the itty bitty gritty details as I so often want to do. A fun creative challenge is just designing characters on the fly, no plan, just start drawing and creating and developing a whole-ass person to see what I end up with. It helps to draw inspiration from people I see in everyday life, think about the sorts of folks you see, their little facets, quirks, etc. Been partially considering having harpy-hawk and ram-guy be more Palms Crossing staff.



Allan Meyer

HAAH get that morning cuppa jo… oh what Stygian brew is that


The man likes his coffee with extra void and soul of sinner. It adds an special kick to the morning! As in, him having the energy to kick people off his stoop. 💖

Sibre Collard

Harpy-hawk guy has a cool design, but I think ram guy is more my type!