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You might recall a previous image I did featuring a more traditional-fantasy Ceran, pairing him with the spectral companion of an ancient soul-bound orca spirit that seeks to spread its influence. WE'RE GOING BACK, just in time for Mer-May! I'm making it a weird one!

In Isklen culture, the elves recognize the spirits of ancient primordial gods that haunt their seas— some benevolent, some mischievous. Votai is one such entity, but since he falls into the class of being detrimental to the ecosystem with his endless hunger, it is the ritual of the Isklen people to bind volatile spirits to mortal forms. Some consider the act a noble, religious, and responsible sacrifice; to dedicate one's current lifetime to keeping a restless god restrained. Others view it as a miserable curse, as many of the chosen vessels are forced to house them as the spell only functions successfully on specific bloodlines.

I don't always have Ceran be an Isklen Soulbinder. That's more a relatively new occasional thing I like to futz with whenever I feel like doing oceanic monstery things. When he is though? He keeps Votai pretty under wraps with no shortage of enchantments to make his influence less present, but I imagine if he's in a pinch? And they reeeeally need some heavy brute-force to get the gang out of a bind? He'll do a snort of Isklendian silver-sift, and allow Votai a stage 2 corruption access- but ONLY a stage 2. Stage 1 is just some more bestial features, hungers, breathe under water, etc. But stage 2 is where shit gets a little more wild, a little unrestrained, his head isn't all there but he'll wreck shop. Ceran can come back from stage 2. He doesn't feel confident about whatever stage 3 is, but he has no desire to allow Votai all of him.

OH! And the other image is my latest refreshing / edit update of the Ceran base for his character sheet. You know the one, that has been in WIP for years because I keep intimidating myself out of working on it? YEAH THAT ONE! I'm actually opening it up again. I was actual to make adjustments to my current style / perspective / vision for Ceran. Honestly I'm glad I waited, it's small differences, but he's finally looking more HIM.



Shaun Thomasson

I love the design and the ideas behind Votai. It’s so badass. Add into that the Isklen culture surrounding these spirits, and boy howdy I’m in love. I’m a sucker for that sort of world building and there is so much really good story potential in it. And the bestial form is rad as hell, meshing Votai and Ceran in a way that would be utterly terrifying to come across. 11/10. Also, I love the way you’ve designed his tattoos? They look dope.


THANKYOU!!! I'm so thrilled it's enjoyed, it's such immense fun to explore and craft! :D This feedback is always my favorite because it really does encouragement me to keep playing with it, keep sketching ideas, share stuff so people can also play in that same space! Bit by bit, I'll sorting out a nice meaty species race reference sheet. c: AND YES, I really tried to do this thing where it very much is a blend of the two? Not quite a seamless mesh either, not flawless, because neither is willing to full relinquish control, but the elements still form and pull for presence!