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I'm both deeply excited and EXCRUCIATINGLY TERRIFIED all at once! Could vom RIGHT on the floor! BUT I WON'T, BECAUSE I GOT THIS.
If you have your discord linked to patreon, it should auto-dump you into the server with your tier role! Otherwise, you can request I send you a temp link privately! :D

This is going to be a very chill easy-going space, no pressure, we're gonna have a nice casual hang that will only get occasionally weird. I could not promise no weirdness whatsoever, because it is me doing it, BUT IT'S GONNA BE A GOOD WEIRD. HOPEFULLY. Like a platypus or an eggplant that grows in a way to make it look like it has a bepis. Love that shit.

You'll still be getting patreon posts, but this will provide the added bonus of getting to see more casual drawing, sketches, worldbuilding, resource sharing, etc.! That way I can share more little things & sketches without having to spam your email with patreon notifications! Lurkers are welcome, you are under no obligation to talk, because like, some days, same. Direct discord messages for me will be disabled, but if you need to reach out to me privately you can do so on patreon's private messages! I love talking in groups, but I tend to dislike DMs unless it's important, the excessive notifications make me twitchy.


🐚 Rules - Guidelines 🐚

💿 You must be over the age of 18 to be here. 🔞
Hell, preferably older. Because I don't know how to have conversations with young people anymore, all my references are from like 20 years ago. And my taste is so bad.

💿 Be polite, be considerate, think before you speak, etc.— you know, ✨cool human decency stuff.✨

💿 Respect boundaries. No means no. Don't get weird, don't get pushy, don't take it personally either. Adult space means adult standards!

💿 No inflammatory / controversial topics, nothing that's gonna get folks all worked up, like politics or the news. This is an escapism space, can you just be cool while we all pretend to be wizards and shit?

💿 Keep NSFW to the designated rooms, but keep it as tasteful as you can manage in this particular realm (basically; avoid posting extreme kinks).

💿 The elusive Artist MOS/Nubs is a skittish creature. Likes to interact but on its own terms, and is easily socially exhausted. Less is more when handling the octosquib, give it space, do not smother, observe it from afar as it produces its little squiddlin resources (art). Maintaining a safe non-agitating ecosystem for the Nubs will lead to peak performance, output, and shinier coat!

🪩 ....and please, PLEASE, do not get clingy and want a bunch of attention from me personally, trust me I am NOT your guy for that. I am NOT emotionally available, I'm busy all the dang time, and when I'm NOT busy? I'm gonna do my little hobbies that I enjoy, while I can. I can be a social bumble for a little while in groups, but then I need to vamoose for an introvert-recharge. I mean absolutely no disrespect, it just is what it is; the neurodivergent fucktruck that I am. Tailor expectations!

🪩 I like polite directness, honesty, & asking / answering questions!

📘 I am very detailed orientated, excitable when inspired, and perhaps a bit TL;DR.
📘 Love to casually post/chat, but expect that sometimes I vanish / get distracted and that's just sort of the way it is. LIFE! She is an unpredictable mistress!
📘 I find it preferential to be honest and forthcoming with folks regarding how I operate, as I respect them and do not wish to waste anyone's finite time. I love the same in return!




Excited to join! Where do I find it? 👀


Awesome ! Can send me the link ?