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About Tiers for Back numbers

  As you see the precaution in my profile, currently, MEGA link URL and data of complete versions are replaced with URLs of those correspond works on my pixiv BOOTH at 23:59 (Japan Time), 20th, the next following month after I post my work. This has been done for the equality with other websites. That is, this URL replacement measure has been done instead of “Backnumber-buyable system” which Patreon doesn’t have.

As I mentioned, Patreon doesn’t have “Backnumber-buyable system”, so it was essential to read the precaution about URL replacement measure and my profile first. But it seems that a few people don’t read the precaution note and some of my supporters asking me about it.

So, I decided to make some tiers of <Backnumber> viewers for the sake of removing as much misunderstanding as I can.

Explanations are as follows, please read them to the end.

I appreciate those supporters who precisely read my profile and the precautions and keep supporting me, but I’d like all my supporters to read to the end.


First, about the problems with URL replacement measure

①It was essential to read and understand the details in my profile and the precautions.

②During a few days (from 21st to the end of the month, when a new complete version is posted), there weren’t any downloadable complete versions.

③URL which should be replaced with is an external website. (pixiv BOOTH)

④Works are posted in Japan time.


There are more small problems, but majorly like these.

▼Next, about the tiers of <Backnumber> viewers.

The support amount will be $23. Compared to $5 for tier<A>, it seems to be a little expensive, but this tier enables you to view and download all works including new and old ones. Also, this support amount doesn’t change from now on regardless the numbers of works and I beg you to understand. (This tier is basically for a new supporter.)

I assume this tier can relieve the problem① “you must read the precautions first.” (Regarding any problems caused by your missing to read the precautions, I can’t do anything with it so please read them precisely.)

THE TIMING that a new work turns into a backnumber (an old work) is after a complete version of the new work is posted. Owing to this, you definitely can view and download a complete version of a latest work regardless any timings you join tier<A>or tier<B>. I suppose this can be a measure for ② and ④.

Also, this measure will be done within Patreon’s system, and have nothing to do with an external link, so ③ will be solved too.

▼  Then, about the problems with making tiers for Backnumber viewers.

  ・Patreon cannot sell anything. Therefore, if you want to purchase a single work an external website (pixiv BOOTH) is the only way to buy it.

・Patreon is a website not for “purchasing” but for “supporting” creator’s activity, so if you stop supporting, you will not be able to view anything. Hence the same as always, you need to download data of works to your computer to preserve them by yourself.

Except for supporters’ individual problems, majorly like these. Patreon can do nothing to do with these problems, and I beg your understanding.


※With these changes, each tier’s explanatory notes will be changed, or revised. Explanations after changes are as follows.


 <A> Latest Work Tier 


・Here, you can view latest works at that time. (If you join <Backnumber> tier, you can view all old works. Works are sold singly in my pixiv BOOTH.)

  > My works will be posted at the end of each month and one work a month as the posting pace. 

I’ll post the sample animation irregularly


Before the start of your support, make sure that you read the precautions in my profile and etc. You are going to be considered as that you have understood the precautions at the time when you started to support.  


<B> Latest Work Tier (Additional Support) 


・This tier is for additional support. Basically the contents is the same as Tier<A>.

・(Possibly long version works or special type of works may be released here but the timing is irregular. So I’d like you to recognize this as just an additional support tier.)


Before the start of your support, make sure that you read the precautions in my profile and etc. You are going to be considered as that you have understood the precautions at the time when you started to support.  


<Backnumber>Latest and Old Work Tier


・You can view all the latest and old works here. (Works are sold singly in my pixiv BOOTH.)


Before the start of your support, make sure that you read the precautions in my profile and etc. You are going to be considered as that you have understood the precautions at the time when you started to support.  



As new tiers are added, I shall upload Tiers and my profile one by one, so please wait for a moment.

Thank you for your patience.

 As for posts of the backnumbers, each of them has a <Backnumber> tag, and it’s convenient for you to look for those posts by tag search on Patreon. 

Although it will be mostly the same as above, I will update the precautions in my profile too, so please check them out as well.

Thank you for reading this to the end. I appreciate your understanding.





Didn't read it all, but it seems like it's only for people who want to download the stuff after it's been taken down so it won't matter to me anyways, i download the video i want after the upload and keep it on my computer ^^