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Hey y’all!

Sunday morning thinking here… I love this idea, but I wanna see what you all think!

My buddy Josh Rivera from sweetwater (the other dude in the Rig Roulette video from last year) hit me up with a cool idea. Rather than a straightforward lesson on how to play a particular song note for note, the concept for this series would be “here’s why every guitar player should learn (insert song title)”. You all know how much I value playing complete songs start to finish; that’s the total body workout for any musician! And I feel like this series would help inspire more people to get away from practicing exercises and get to playing MUSIC!!!

So, for example, let’s say the video was “here’s why every guitarist should learn master of puppets”… I would break the video into segments showing you all the great benefits you can get and things to learn from mastering that song.

-blistering downstroke speed and technique

-using chromaticism in your riffs

-dynamics of palm muted versus open notes

-odd time signatures, like in the verse

-guitar harmonies (like in the prechorus lick)

-arpeggiating open chord shapes (bridge)

-triads and arpeggios (harmony section)

And so on.

There’s no limits to genre or skill level, just ideas for what songs so learn and why we should learn them.

I swear, for every technique I can do, I can tell you the song that showed it to me. Hammer ons? Sweet Home Alabama. Tapping? Satch Boogie. You get the idea. Songs are the best way to learn new things, and I want to share those with everyone’s guitar journey!

Lemme know if you like this idea, and tell me about songs that taught you something valuable that has stuck with you!




I'm brand new. Has our dear Uncle put out the first video in the series yet?


You’re Uncle Ben, and this is why Master of Puppets rules. Your new intro!