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Hey y’all!

Keeping you up to date on our pack over here…. It really seemed too soon to be getting another pup since we just lost Zhora last month, but poor Turkey really needed a buddy; his entire life so far, he’s never been alone, and it was sad to see him being lonely.

Plus Darla here popped up on the local small breed rescue, and we just had to meet her. She’s 3 years old (they think), some kind of bizarre terrier mix. She was a surrender, then bounced around to a couple homes before we found her. We just got her today, and she’s been doing great so far!

Plus, doesn’t Turkey & Darla sound like a great 70’s country duo???




How's the new pupper getting along in her new home? Are she and Turkey bestest buds now? Running you ragged like a couple toddlers on crack?


Turkey & Darla sounds like something Burt Reynolds would've starred in.