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Hey everybody!

Sorry if i've been a little slow on the draw here the last week or so... behind the scenes, my dad just passed away from cancer. We thought there would be more time, but everything changed FAST. Cancer sucks. 

I don't talk about it much, but my dad and i weren't exactly close for the better part of the last 20 years. But in the end, he wanted me to know that he was proud of me, there were no hard feelings, and that he watched all my videos (and that he got a MAJOR kick out of "stepdad speed"). Without my dad, there wouldn't have been those Van Halen 1 and ZZ Top Eliminator records my brother and i used to play when we were kids, so who knows where i would be now if not for those two albums?

Take care of yourselves, do everything you can to stay healthy, and be thankful for close relationships that you have, family or chosen family. You never know the last time you're going to see that person, so always leave things happy. Love y'all! 



New patron here so apologies for the belated post. Ben, I’m deeply sorry about the loss of your father. Its always hard losing a loved one and we will always miss them. Time will help you heal. I lost my Dad a couple years ago after he suffered from early onset Alzheimer’s. I miss him everyday. Sending positive vibes your way.


So sorry, Ben. If ever you're in Grand Rapids, MI, hit me up and let me buy you a few.