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Hey y’all!!!

Sorry I’ve not been as quick to respond to messages this week! I have been up to my eyeballs in brushes, paint, and rollers, trying to get my new studio space ready! I’m so excited… and TIRED!

Did you all know that every video I’ve put up since we moved in late 2019 has been in our living room?! Yup. Everything you see on my channel is one wall of our living room. Tante Kate is gonna looooove not having to deal with my noise ordinances that I have to have for making video, teaching Skype lessons, tracking, editing, and recording podcasts!

So yeah, it’s gonna be great and I’m very excited about it. I’ll hopefully be upgrading some studio gear, too, and I’ll bring y’all along for that!

Thanks for the patience. Got a GREAT practice-oriented video coming out tomorrow with a bunch of backing tracks and stuff, so stay tuned!




Good for you mate. I'va also got loads of painting to do but it is to a garage !!


I think you missed the back of you or just run out of paint? :P