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Yo guys!!!

I’ve got a very cool toy heading my way.... my very first 8 string, made by Skervesen!!! My total time playing 8’s is probably less than an hour or two, so I’m really excited to mess with one and see what I can do.

What kind of 8 string content do you all want to see? I’ve already been thinking about a Stuff Meshuggah Does video, a This is Why Your Thumping Sucks video, maybe even a Stuff Animals as Leaders Does! That’s gonna be a tough one hahaha .... anyway, if you all have any ideas or things you wanna see out of Uncle Ben + an 8 string, let me know!!!




Something on thumping/double thumb for sure!


That thing looks so sick! Personally I think you should write the heaviest song you've ever made, and then tell us what scales and, different types of phrasing you can use with such a beast of a different color....you're awesome man I appreciate what you're doin brother