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Hey guys!!! Sink your teeth into this beast over the weekend! This takes the same 16th to sextuplet speed burst concept from WW269 and expands it over a 3 note per string harmonic minor pattern for ultimate frilly shirt fun. Get that metronome out and get busy!!!! 


wankshop 269.5 speed burst supreme sequel

hey loyal patrons!!! here's another variation on the speed burst exercise we talked about on WW269!!! Don't forget to grab the TAB on the patreon page, and all the backing tracks that go along with the original episode, too!!!!



Isn't that girls school by Britney Fox?


Trying to greatly improve my alternate picking speed at 60. Wish Youtube vids were available when I was in my 20s. I think I need Step-Granddad speed though. Great vids man!