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Hey guys! Just checking in with everyone to see what’s been going on. Hope everyone is staying healthy and staying home! Here in Knoxville, it seems like a lot of folks are taking this seriously and keeping to themselves. It’s not fun, but it will at least keep our hospitals from getting overrun, right?

One thing I’ve noticed is that my music listening has been severely impacted! I do most of my listening while I’m driving or working out in the gym, and obviously I’ve not been doing either of those! The other day I checked out the new Satriani album while Kate and I were working out at home, and it had some pretty good stuff. I liked that reggae-ish track towards the end of the album.

How has the lockdown affected your intake of music, and what have you heard lately that you’ve been digging?!



Still stuck on Big Wreck, but recently got into live VanHagar....ridiculously good. Also, live and dangerous-Thin Lizzy. Just 2 legit.......


Sorry - just now getting to this post. The album by Dragged Under (The World is in Your Way) is super hard hitting, but it also hits a great balance between not being too hard or too “soft”. That is, there aren’t any Cookie Monster vocals but they also don’t go over-the-top cheesy pop punk. I love it. Instability is my fav track.