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Yo guys!!! As you know from the newest video on my channel, i've been working like CRAZY getting ready for my gig this weekend with the Hit Points in Minneapolis at VGM Con!!! So as i promised in the video, here's the charts i made for a handful of the tunes. Charts are a cool thing because its like looking at a player's instruction manual of how to play that song. 

You'll notice i didn't use the number system for this; i like doing charts that way for gigs where i'm not sure what key songs will be in; i've played a million gigs where i learn the tune in one key, then show up at a gig and the singer wants it in a different key entirely! Number system is perfect for those scenarios. But since i know the Hit Points play everything in the keys they recorded them in, i chose to use note names here. 

You'll also notice i don't often include "Major" or "minor" with these chord names! At this point, i don't really need it. I know that if a song is in Dm, the "D" will be D MINOR, unless otherwise noted.

Hope you all enjoy this video and the insight about what its like to take on gigs like this! Let me know if you want to see more in the future! 




Interesting! Thanks for sharing. I like the dots for measures idea. What are the diamonds?