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The final manuscript for BPRE 28mm Spearhead has been submitted to Amazon for review.  We will confirm when the book is cleared for printing and of course, we will order complimentary copies for all backers at the Surveillance tier +. 

NOTE if you choose to opt out of receiving a book, please message us here to confirm you are not interested in a hardcopy of the title.

Spearhead introduced a number of new factions which caused a number of nomenclature changes in both BPRE 28mm Unforgiving Close Combat and BPRE 28mm Phase Line.

This post contains the "FINAL" editions of all three of these books.



James W

Keep my copy for the gamers.

Trevor Marshall

I like hard copies of books: will you be doing a reprint of the first two rulebooks with the updated language?

Jon Chang

They are live on Amazon now but we will not be doing a reprint for Patreon.

Alexandre Loyer

will there be a PDF will all the cards to be printed separately? I own the physical and digital books but it would be nice to have cards with the back identification.

Fernando Rivera

can the index cards be sold separately? if I all ready have the books?

Jon Chang

We sell the Spearhead and Base Game Ops cards separately now on the site. The cost of the Phase Line cards is such that we can't offer them separately as a general rule. We can make exceptions if you contact us directly, but you are looking at the same price as the other decks.