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This is the final release candidate for BPRE 28mm Spearhead. There is a chance we will add a few pages of model photography but this is content complete. If you see any typos or other things that require further expansion, please comment below so we can address them.

The current plan is to send this to the printer on Tuesday, February 4, pending significant modification to the content. Thank you for  your patience while we polished this book with some of our best artwork to date. If you see any selections you would like us to run as a print, feel free to call out the page below.

Josh is already back into work on book 6, we're hoping to have that complete sometime in late April or early May. 



Graham M

p38 under 'Last Stand Activations' - should the first para finish with a full stop instead of a colon? p42 first para - should be 'a contested area' not 'an contested' <- error still present p42 second para - 'structure can be repurposed' not repuprosed <- spelling error p42 under 'Success Criteria' - still missing 'with' in second para. Should read 'end of a Finishing Phase with no opponent units' p44 first para - typo still present. should be 'approaches' p45 under 'Setup' - there should be a space before the bracket - 'Electronic Support Measures (ESM)'. Not 'Measures(ESM)' p45 - first para last word spelling error - should be 'survivability', not 'suvivability' p75 first para - should it say 'individual weapons proficiency' instead of 'weapon proficiency'? p75 first para - should it say 'short and medium range engagements' instead of 'engagement'? p82 under Sarin Attack - para 3 - should it read 'spontaneously drop to the ground' instead of 'spontaneously from to ground'? And I think that's it. Thanks!

Crazy Amos

Page 18-19 "Battle of Jadid Settlement" is duplicated with the SPEAR unit page/pg 10-11