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This was so much fun but also horrifying in concept!  Who would you rather go up against? Freddy or Jason?? 


The Nightmare on Elm Street Full Reaction

please enjoy! :)



That's quite the thumbnail


It's okay at least your makeup still looks good


The Elm Street series is one of my all time faves!! Freddy, was always my fave 1980s slasher.


The ending is bad because the producer insisted on changing it so there could be sequels. Wes Craven hated it. Nancy lived and comes back in #3. Wes got the idea for the movie after reading two separate articles about teenagers dying in their sleep after terrible nightmares. One of them had coffee pots hidden like Nancy. Eventually he fell asleep and his parents breathed a sigh of relief. He started screaming in his sleep and died.


I think the makers of that big Elm Street documentary tracked down the exact article. The young men dying in their sleep were Laotian refugees who fled a genocidal regime, so it’s no wonder they had nightmares. And it wasn’t just a couple deaths like Craven recalled, but eighteen of them.


I totally forgot that Nancy was watching The Evil Dead on TV in that one scene! It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but in Evil Dead II, Sam Raimi hung Freddy's glove in the storage shed in response.

Nick of Time

It’s a shame we’ll probably never get to see “Freddy vs Jason vs Ash”.