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I got a pretty sweet list happening here and I'm dropping my first horror movie for October on here tomorrow :) but in the meantime I really need help deciding between these last few films!! 



Definitely the Shining, then you could see Dr. Sleep if you haven't , is like the sequel


These are all good flicks! I voted Shining just because it’s the most cinematically classic one. Texas Chainsaw is a gritty, creepy film. Shining is an insane psychological thriller, and Friday the 13th is a classic jump scare bloody slasher good time! You should really visit all three eventually. Cheers!


Shining's gonna win, but voted for F13th, cuzz the ENTIRE Friday the 13th series NEEEEEEDS 2 be reacted to.......

Michael Buhl

If you're reacting to Kubrick movies, Dr. Strangelove would be a great one. (Of course, A Clockwork Orange, 2001, and Full Metal Jacket are also great.)


All 3 are must see's, The Shining is the most must see of them though


Dr. Strangelove is one of the funniest films ever made!!!!! And one actor plays 3 different characters really really well!!! Considered one of the best of all time!


The Shining is probably the most historically important movie on the list, and it's a great movie, but for a reaction I think the other two are paced a little better. I like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but it's a game of inches. You can't go wrong with any of these. I take particular joy in the first kill of Friday the 13th.


of the 3 here TCM would be the more entertaining reaction! esp your reactions Riley!! The Shining is a slow burn, but you still can't go wrong with this list.


As a rebuttal, 'The Shining' is the most overrated horror film of all time, and I have NO idea why it would be considered "the most historically important movie" of these 3 choices (outside of its amazing use of Steadicam). One could make that argument for 'TTCM' given the timing of its release, which was years before 'Halloween" in 1978 which was the beginning of the slasher phase that really ushered in the modern horror era. However, 'TTCM's low budget - which ultimately gave it its almost documentary film feel that helped smooth over its flaws - gets overshadowed by Kubrick's big budget that allowed for amazing sets and technical expertise, but ultimately ended in mostly 'style over substance', albeit with some great scenes and visuals that are still fantastic to this day. But, 'The Shining' will win, so go for it. For more options, consider 'The Haunting' (1963) or 'The Haunting of Hill House' series on Netflix (both based on the same novel); 'The Changeling (1980), which is still the most unknown and best haunted house film of all time, IMHO; and I would LOVE to see you react to 'Cabin in the Woods' (2011) which is a fantastic take on the slasher genre mixed with amazingly funny scenes. No matter what you watch, always love your reactions!


I wonder why there is no Evil Dead 2013 reaction on youtube... this was such a good remake. Same for the The Ring 2002. The movies in the poll in all honor, but they feel really dated tbh.