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Alright, here's the full John Wick reaction! I had waaaay too much fun with this film! Let me know what you think!

Very Excited to watch part 2 and 3!

Also so sorry these full reactions are slightly behind, I only have my one computer and compressing the files take HOURS in which my mine will scream and lag in the meantime making it incapable of doing anything else


John Wick First Time Watching

First time watching John Wick!



When it comes to revenge movies this is maybe the funnest, though Kill Bill Vol. 1 is up there too. Memento and the original Oldboy are great ones too, but more because of how hard they hit when you really figure out what's going on; like Fight Club

Jay Kawala

@Peter, how about A History of Violence with Vigo Mortensen ? I think it has a bit more going for it IMO

